The Bettina and Erwin Pearl New York Bearing Witness™

Summer Institute for Catholic School Educators


JULY 28 –31, 2014

2014 Application

“Every teacher who participates in this program, I am confident, will bring back to his/her school a wealth of insight and will, as well, be ready to help deepen the friendship that continues to grow between Catholics and Jews everywhere, one that has been particularly radiant here in the archdiocese for years.”

–Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York


Join Catholic school educators from across the tri-state area for theBearing Witness™ Summer Institute, a four-day experience designed to help bring the lessons of the Holocaust, anti-Semitism, and modern-day prejudices to your students and school communities.

Bearing Witness™, embodying Catholic-Jewish dialogue, is an initiative of the Anti-Defamation League in partnership with the Archdiocese of New York and the Museum of Jewish Heritage.

Bearing Witness™ will be held at Manhattan College, an independent Roman Catholic college in New York, with special site visits to the Museum of Jewish Heritage and a local synagogue.

Session topics include History of Anti-Semitism; Holocaust Survivor Testimony; Jewish Practices and Beliefs; the Catholic Church and the Holocaust; Future of Catholic-Jewish Relations; Anti-Semitism After the Holocaust; Nostra Aetate and Jewish Responses; Anti-Bias Education; and Implementing the Lessons of Bearing Witness.

Bearing Witness™ is endorsed by:

  • National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA)
  • United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).


Catholic school educators of Religion, Theology, Social Studies and English at the middle and high school level as well as those involved in Parish Faith Formation and Youth Ministry are encouraged to apply to Bearing Witness™. Teachers of other subject areas will be considered but must demonstrate how they will integrate the material covered into the content of their courses.

No prior experience teaching about the Holocaust or anti-Semitism is required.

Participants are expected to:

  • Attend theentire four-day conference Monday, July 28throughThursday,July 31, 2014.
  • Submit a “best lesson” six months following Bearing Witness™that shows how information learned during the Institute has been integrated in theirclassroom.


Conference costs are minimal.

  • Participants are expected to cover their own local transportation to conference sites, including Manhattan College, in New York City.
  • Registration fee: $50.

Payment Instructions: Checks should be made out to the Anti-Defamation League. Checks can be mailed to Sara Aharon at the ADL address below, or simply delivered on-site during the conference’s first day:Monday July 28, 2014.


Online Form (recommended):

By Email:

Fax: (212) 599-6988


Sara Aharon

New York Regional Office

Anti-Defamation League

605 Third Avenue

New York, New York 10158


The Bettina and Erwin Pearl New York Bearing Witness™

Summer Institute for Catholic School Educators


July 28- July 31, 2014

2014 Application

Please print or type the following information.

Name: ______

Home Information

Street: ______City, State, Zip: ______

Home Phone: ______Home Fax: ______

Cell Phone: ______Home E-Mail: ______

School Information

School Name: ______

Street: ______City, State, Zip: ______

School Phone: ______School Fax: ______

School E-Mail: ______

What grade level do you teach? ______

Position: ______

Do you currently teach about the Holocaust? ______

If yes, in what subject? ______For how many years? ______

Do you currently teach about anti-Semitism? ______

If yes, in what subject? ______For how many years? ______

Do you currently teach about Judaism? ______

If yes, in what subject? ______For how many years? ______

How did you hear about theBearing Witness™ Summer Institute? ______

Please answer the following questions. Briefly describe.

1. Describe your interest in the Holocaust and/or history of anti-Semitism.


2. List any Holocaust education or relevant workshops that you have attended or units that you teach on this subject (note: previous experience is not required).


3. Describe how you currently integrate the Holocaust into your curriculum.



Please include your resume as a file attachment.