Course Expectations 2015-2016

Culinary Arts I

Instructor: Mrs. Fisher

LHS Room 500

Phone: (702) 799-1777 Voice Mail 3500


Website Address:

Course Scope:

This course provides students with an introduction to the principles, chemistry, and techniques of food preparation. The classroom is patterned after industry with emphasis on the standards of food service occupations. Students acquire basic skills in food handling, food and nutritional science, equipment technology, cooking methods, kitchen safety, sanitation procedures, and employability skills.

Course Goals:

Students will be able to:

o  Analyze career pathways and employ industry professional standards

o  Integrate knowledge and skills in sanitation and safety

o  Apply skills in food service, equipment, and production

o  Demonstrate menu planning principles

o  Demonstrate garde manger techniques

o  Select and utilize food products appropriately

o  Demonstrate techniques for stocks/sauces/soups

o  Demonstrate appropriate cooking methods

o  Demonstrate employability skills for career readiness


The following text(s) will be utilized in this course:

v  Foundations of Restaurant Management & Culinary Arts

Student Supplies

Students are expected to have and maintain the following supplies all year:

o  Part of a binder with paper for keeping notes and papers

o  100 page spiral notebook or binder with paper (for portfolio)

o  Pen or pencil

o  Legacy HS Agenda

o  Hair ties, if appropriate & closed toed shoes for lab days

Class Fee

There is a lab fee of $40 per year that is due before September 25th. Students who do not pay the lab fee will not be able to participate in the lab assignments and will be given alternate assignments during lab time.

Tardy Policy

Tardiness is a serious disruption to the educational program. Every student is required to be in his/her seat when the tardy bell rings. With that in mind, the Legacy High School Tardy Policy will be strictly enforced. On the first and second tardy, the student will be warned; on the third tardy, the parent will be contacted; on the fourth tardy, a detention will be assigned; on the fifth and all subsequent tardies, the student will be sent to the deans’ office and placed on a Required Parent Conference.

Grading Policy

·  Grading Scale: 90% - 100% A

80% - 89% B

70% - 79% C

60% - 69% D

Below 60% F

·  Description of Grading Procedures:

Grade Breakdown:

v  Tests 40%

Projects and homework 30%

v  Labs 20%

Daily Participation 10%

Tests 40%

Tests will be given on a quarterly basis. Students will need to take notes throughout the quarter and participate in lab activities to be successful on the tests. There will also be a test review before each test to ensure student success.

Projects and Homework 30%

Culinary Arts is a project based class. Most projects and assignments will be given in class and ample time will be given to complete them. Whatever is not finished in class will be homework. Students should expect to spend less than an 90 minutes of homework per week.

Labs 20%

Students will have many opportunities to practice their culinary art skills in laboratory settings. In order to participate in labs students must follow all lab rules and demonstrate proper and professional behavior in the classroom. Students who do not follow classroom rules will be given an alternative assignment on lab days. Students who are absent will need to make the lab up at home.

Daily Participation 10%

Each day students are expected to find their seat quietly and start on a daily bell ringer which will be counted as daily participation points. The bell ringer must be turned in that day and will not be accepted as late work except for absences. This is a participation based class so if students do not participate in assigned work they will lose their participation points for that day.

• Notebooks and Binders- Students will be expected to have either a notebook or binder for taking and keeping notes and important handouts. In addition, students will need either a 100 page spiral notebook or separate binder for a Culinary Portfolio assignment. The portfolio is a year-long assignment where students will showcase the work they completed in the class. This will also be where students will copy down recipes. Students may choose to complete an e-portfolio and may receive 25 extra credit points.

·  Semester Grades: 45% Quarter 1/3 Grade

45% Quarter 2/4 Grade

10% Semester Examination

·  Standards of Preparation: Students will be expected to turn in all assignments with their first and last name, period and will need to be legible, neat, and free of spelling and grammatical errors to the best of their ability.


Make-up Work, Late Work, and Attendance

·  Make-up procedures:

• After an absence, students will be expected to check the make-up work file cabinet in class. Make-up work will be located on the white board calendar.

• Students must obtain make-up work within three days of an absence, unless other arrangements with the teachers are made.

• Students are responsible for getting/requesting make-up work and scheduling before or after school to make-up tests/quizzes.

·  Late Work:

All projects and homework assignments are expected to be turned in on time. Late work will not be accepted for full credit. For every class day late, students will lose 10% of the value.

·  Hours of Availability:

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
1:25-2:00pm / 6:45-6:55am
1:25-2:00pm / 6:45-6:55am
1:25-2:00pm / 6:45-6:55am
1:25-2:00pm / 6:45-6:55am

Students may schedule an appointment for an earlier or later time per request through e-mail or phone. If my schedule changes from the above posted times, my website will be updated with the schedule conflict.


After the seventh unexcused absence, students will be denied credit and will receive an “F” for the course.

Classroom Behavior Expectations

·  Classroom Behavioral Expectations:

Students are expected to quietly take their assigned seat and start on the bell ringer. Students are expected to be quiet and courteous when teacher is talking or giving a lecture. This is a professional career based class and students are expected to act in a professional manner. Failure to meet behavioral standards will result in time after class, kitchen cleaning assignments, or the loss of a lab. If a student is tardy, they will not be allowed to participate in bell ringer work and a tardy of 30 minutes or more in considered absent.

Classroom Rules:

1.  Prompt. Be on time, enter the classroom quietly. Immediately go to your assigned seat, and being bell ringer.

2.  Prepared. Bring all materials, necessary work, and dress appropriately every day.

3.  Productive. Maximize learning time by staying on task, following directions, and remaining seated unless you have been permission to get up.

4.  Polite. Be nice or neutral to everyone. Swearing, teasing, talking back, and bullying will NOT be tolerated. Respect yourself, your classmates, your teachers, and the classroom. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

5.  Patient. Wait respectfully and calmly for your turn. Do not complain. Listen and stay seated when someone is talking.

NO EATING or DRINKING (except water) on regular class days. (Lab days excluded)

v  Personal Electronic Devices should NOT be used unless otherwise stated.

v  Students may use the restroom as long as it is not in the middle of important classwork time and they have space in their Legacy HS Agenda.

Failure to follow these rules will result in consequences necessary according to teacher and school policy.

Classroom Consequences

1.  Warning

2.  Teacher assigned detention

3.  Parent involvement

4.  Referral to Deans office

Lab Rules

·  Proper Clothing- no open-toed shoes or sandals, no lose or baggy clothing, shoulder length hair pulled back

·  Cleaning- Students will be expected to clean up after themselves. Lab area needs to be completely clean before students can leave the classroom.

·  Accidents- Students will report accidents immediately no matter how trivial it may appear

·  Behavior- Horseplay will not be tolerated (running, practical jokes, wrestling, pushing, snapping towels, etc.). Students are expected to stay in their assigned kitchens and not wander around the room. Immediate lab removal and loss of points will result from misbehavior.

·  Fire- Notify teacher immediately of any fires. Remember stop, drop, roll.

(Students will receive a safety contract that will need to be signed before labs are started)


Students will earn citizenship grades based on their classroom behavior. The following is the citizenship scale:

O= Outstanding- Student has followed all school and classroom rules and has gone above and beyond what’s expected

S=Satisfactory- Student has followed all school and classroom rules

N=Needs Improvement- Student has not followed all or some school and classroom rules and could show improvement

U=Unsatisfactory- Student has not followed all school and classroom rules

Please complete this page, remove from packet and return to school by September 25, 2015.

Acknowledgement of Course Expectations

Culinary Arts I

We have read and discussed the course description and expectations.



Student’s name [last, first] Student’s Signature


Parent Name Parent Signature


Home phone Work/Cell phone

Email Address: ______

Electronic Textbook

If my child’s course has an electronic version of the textbook, that can be accessed at home through the internet, I am giving permission to not check out a text book for this course. I have internet access at home to use the electronic version.

Note: Not all classes offer an electronic version and a textbook will be checked out to the student.

Parent Signature: ______

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