Göteborg-Majorna OK and
Frölunda OL invite toWorld Cup, Swedish Cup andOpen CountyChampionships in Biathlon Orienteering
June 29th to 30th 2013
/Common information:The competition is a part of Swedish Cup and World Cup.From this year we also offer a special Junior Cup. The competition is also open for participants without club. They will occasionally be members of a club “Biathlon Orienteering Sweden”.(Insurance reasons).
Competition centre:Örgryte skjutbanor (ShootingRange), old road 40 (close to GAIS football club). Showed from road 40 Delsjömotet (Exit number 71).
The competition:Classic (Saturday):Location orienteering, shooting prone, orienteering, shooting standing and finish.
Sprint (Sunday):Orienteering, prone shooting, orienteering, standing shooting and finish. (Penalty loops if necessary)
Maps:Skatås (2012).Scale1:10 000 for all classes in the classic competition.5 m equidistance.Sprint and location orienteering will be held in scale 1:7500.
Terrain:Strongly hilly with a lot of details. Good runability. The competition will take place in an open leisure area with several roads and paths.
Control system:Sport-Ident will be used. Please indicate each competitor’s Sport-Ident number at registration. Sport-Ident may be rented from the organizer at 20 SEK per day. Lost Sport-Ident card will be claimed at 300 SEK
Weapon and am.:The caliber 5,6 (.22Long) rifles will be used. Only international standard .22 long (cal 5,6 mm) may be used. Weapons and ammunition should be brought by the participants. It will be possible to rent a weapon if indicated in advance.
Course lengths:Classic: Location orienteering3 km. Freeorienteering according to the rules. See PM.
Classes:MW 14, MW 16, MW 20,MW 21, MW 40 and MW 50. MW 14 will have an easier location orienteering and will perform shooting prone twice against the big target.MW 16 will perform shooting prone twice against the small target.
Entry fees:Classic competition:170 SEK, Youths100 SEK.
Sprint competition: 150 SEK, Youths 100 SEK.
Sighting shooting:In competition centre against paper targetsSaturday10.00-11.30,Sunday kl 09.00 – 10.00
First start:Saturday 12.00 (way to start, distances in PM). Söndag kl 10.00.
Parking:In competition centre.
Showers:GAIS football club on Sunday, Saturday in your accommodation.
Services:A small cafeteria in competition centre. Lunchpackages (pastasallad with bread and drink (50 SEK) will be served if registrated. Coffee, tea and cakes will be sold.
Entry:June 17th 2013 at the latest, in Eventor:
(preferred) or . Late entry until 20.00 June 25th 2013 to an increase of 50 % entry fee.See entry form below!
Swedish participants will get an invoice afterwards. Foreignrunners pay cash or in advance to account Bankgiro 5851-0488 or Plusgiro 693187-7.
You may also use:
IBAN SE36 8000 0810 5998 3470 8480
Lodging: vandrarhem Göteborg on Google.
Dinner and lunches:Se entry form. Price 150 SEK and lunches 50SEK each day. See PM for location.Please notice special food!
PM and startinglist: (click theBiathlon orienteering logo) or
Informations:Competition secretaryor Bo Holmberg +46 31/843040 (evenings) or + 46 70-593 55 56.
Pricegiving:After the dinner on Saturday and in competition centre on Sunday.
Organisation:Competition leader:Bo Holmberg
Competition secretary:Jonas Jerlin, +46768-591589
Shooting leader:Martin Ahlqvist
Course directors:
Location orienteeringPer Kjellander
Free Orienteering classicJens Kaminsky
Free orienteering sprintJens Kaminsky
Contactperson: ………………………………………….. E-mail: ………………………
Telephone: …………………………..
Classic distance and sprint:
Name / Competion class / Sport-Ident Card/want to rent / Sharing weapon with/wish to hire weaponEntry dinner and lunch at competition centre
Name / Special food / Dinner Saturday 150 SEK / Lunch Saturday 50 SEK / Lunch Sunday 50SEK