Tallapoosa County Public Schools


Grade 9Reading and Language Arts

These content standards are what the Alabama State Board of Education has identified as what students should know and be able to do at the end of the grade level. Therefore, teaching these standards to mastery is the goal for each classroom in Alabama. Additional related content (the bulleted items) is to be taught to students in order to support previous teaching or to lay a foundation for future content to be mastered.

Grading Period / Readingand Literature Standards / AHSGE or Activities
1st 9 weeks / 1. Identify genre, tone, and plot in short stories, drama, and poetry and identify organizational structure in essays.
  • Reading predominantly world literature
2. Compare the use rhythm, rhyme scheme, tone, and plotin various literary selections, cultures, and genres.
  • Interpret symbolism and other figurative language
  • Recognize foreshadowing
  • Make inferences about characters and their motives
  • Determine effectiveness of diction/word choice
  • Recognize use of analogy
3. Recognize tone and propaganda in textual reading materials.
  • Organize steps of a process and other sequences
  • Identify organizational structure
  • Recognizefallacies in logic
  • Follow complex written directions
5. Identify persuasive strategies, including propaganda, in world literature selections.
6. Determine word meaning in functional, textural, and literary selections using word analysis and context clues.
  • Identify the etymology of words
/ III-2 6 items
III-26 items
III-36 items
II-26 items
II-36 items
III-36 items
II-46 items
I-26 items
IV-36 items
III-16 items
I-36 items
II-46 items
IV-16 items


Grade 9 Language Arts and Reading

Grading Period / Language Arts Standards / AHSGE or Activities
1st 9 weeks / Writing and Language
7. Write in narrative, expository, and persuasive modes using figurative language and imagery when effective and appropriate.
  • Use an abbreviated writing process to write an essay in timed and untimed situations
  • Use verbals to increase sentence complexity
  • Use a variety of organizational patterns in multi-paragraph writings
  • Develop an effective voice suitable for audience and purpose
  • Use a variety of sentence patterns
  • Use active and passive voice
8. Critique paragraphs for logical progression of sentences.
9. Identify factors that influence the development of language.
10. Use commas with appositives and direct quotations, colons to introduce lists, semicolons with a series of elements separated by commas, and punctuation for a divided quotation.
11.Identify correct use of parallel words; incorrect verb tense shifts within sentences; correct number and tense in verb forms, including regular and irregular verbs; and correct forms of compound nouns, including singular, plural, and possessive forms.
  • Identify correct parallelism in phrases and clauses
  • Identify verb tense shifts within paragraphs
  • Recognize subject-verb agreement with indefinite pronouns
  • Use parallel structure with verbals
12.Apply the correct use of subject-verb agreement with collective nouns; with compound subjects, including those joined by or with the second element as singular or plural; and with the subjunctive mood. / Compose a variety of writing attending to the compositional elements – purpose, audience, content, and organization
II-15 items
III-15 items
I-7 5 items
Grade 10 writing assessment
V-110 items
Relate historical events to literature and language development
IV-25 items
III-25 items
I-55 items
I-25 items
I-15 items
III-2 5 items
I-55 items
I-35 items
III-25 items
I-35 items


Grade 9 Language Arts and Reading

Grading Period / Reading and LiteratureStandards / AHSGE or Activities
2nd 9 weeks / 1. Identify genre, tone, and plot in short stories, drama, and poetry and identify organizational structure in essays.
  • Reading predominantly world literature
2. Compare the use rhythm, rhyme scheme, tone, and plotin various literary selections, cultures, and genres.
  • Interpret symbolism and other figurative language
  • Recognize foreshadowing
  • Make inferences about characters and their motives
  • Determine effectiveness of diction/word choice
  • Recognize use of analogy
3. Recognize tone and propaganda in textual reading materials.
  • Organize steps of a process and other sequences
  • Identify organizational structure
  • Recognize fallacies in logic
  • Follow complex written directions
5. Identify persuasive strategies, including propaganda, in world literature selections.
6. Determine word meaning in world literature selections using word analysis and context clues.
  • Identify the etymology of words
/ III-2 6 items
III-26 items
III-36 items
II-26 items
II-36 items
III-36 items
II-46 items
I-26 items
IV-36 items
III-16 items
I-36 items
II-46 items
IV-16 items


Grade 9 Language Arts and Reading

Grading Period / Language Arts Standards / AHSGE or Activities
2nd 9 weeks / Writing and Language
7. Write in narrative, expository, and persuasive modes using figurative language and imagery when effective and appropriate.
  • Use an abbreviated writing process to write an essay in timed and untimed situations
  • Use verbals to increase sentence complexity
  • Use a variety of organizational patterns in multi-paragraph writings
  • Develop an effective voice suitable for audience and purpose
  • Use a variety of sentence patterns
  • Use active and passive voice
10. Use commas with appositives and direct quotations, colons to introduce lists, semicolons with a series of elements separated by commas, and punctuation for a divided quotation.
11.Identify correct use of parallel words; incorrect verb tense shifts within sentences; correct number and tense in verb forms, including regular and irregular verbs; and correct forms of compound nouns, including singular, plural, and possessive forms.
  • Identify correct parallelism in phrases and clauses
  • Identify verb tense shifts within paragraphs
  • Recognize subject-verb agreement with indefinite pronouns
  • Use parallel structure with verbals
12.Apply the correct use of subject-verb agreement with collective nouns; with compound subjects, including those joined by or with the second element as singular or plural; and with the subjunctive mood. / Compose a variety of writing attending to the compositional elements – purpose, audience, content, and organization
II-15 items
III-15 items
I-7 5 items
Grade 10 writing assessment
IV-25 items
III-25 items
I-55 items
I-25 items
I-15 items
III-2 5 items
I-55 items
I-35 items
III-25 items
I-35 items


Grade 9 Language Arts and Reading

Grading Period / Reading and LiteratureStandards / AHSGE or Activities
3rd9 weeks / 1. Identify genre, tone, and plot in short stories, drama, and poetry and identify organizational structure in essays.
  • Reading predominantly world literature
2. Compare the use rhythm, rhyme scheme, tone, and plotin various literary selections, cultures, and genres.
  • Interpret symbolism and other figurative language
  • Recognize foreshadowing
  • Make inferences about characters and their motives
  • Determine effectiveness of diction/word choice
  • Recognize use of analogy
3. Recognize tone and propaganda in textual reading materials.
  • Organize steps of a process and other sequences
  • Identify organizational structure
  • Recognize fallacies in logic
  • Follow complex written directions
4. Identify literary components that contribute to authors’ styles.
5. Identify persuasive strategies, including propaganda, in world literature selections.
6. Determine word meaning in world literature selections using word analysis and context clues.
  • Identify the etymology of words
/ III-2 6 items
III-26 items
III-36 items
II-26 items
II-36 items
III-36 items
II-46 items
I-26 items
IV-36 items
III-16 items
I-36 items
II-46 items
IV-16 items


Grade 9 Language Arts and Reading

Grading Period / Language Arts Standards / AHSGE or Activities
3rd9 weeks / Writing and Language
7. Write in narrative, expository, and persuasive modes using figurative language and imagery when effective and appropriate.
  • Use an abbreviated writing process to write an essay in timed and untimed situations
  • Use verbals to increase sentence complexity
  • Use a variety of organizational patterns in multi-paragraph writings
  • Develop an effective voice suitable for audience and purpose
  • Use a variety of sentence patterns
  • Use active and passive voice
8. Critique paragraphs for logical progression of sentences.
9. Identify factors that influence the development of language.
10. Use commas with appositives and direct quotations, colons to introduce lists, semicolons with a series of elements separated by commas, and punctuation for a divided quotation.
11.Identify correct use of parallel words; incorrect verb tense shifts within sentences; correct number and tense in verb forms, including regular and irregular verbs; and correct forms of compound nouns, including singular, plural, and possessive forms.
  • Identify correct parallelism in phrases and clauses
  • Identify verb tense shifts within paragraphs
  • Recognize subject-verb agreement with indefinite pronouns
  • Use parallel structure with verbals
  1. Apply the correct use of subject-verb agreement with collective nouns; with compound subjects, including those joined by or with the second element as singular or plural; and with the subjunctive mood.
Research and Inquiry
13. Demonstrate paraphrasing, quoting, and summarizing of primary and secondary sources and various methods of note taking.
14. Use the research process to locate, select, retrieve, evaluate, and organize information to support a thesis on a nonliterary topic.
  • Follow a style format to standardize the presentation of information
Examples:Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), Turabian
  • Manage information by using available technology
  • Use paraphrasing and documentation of sources to avoid plagiarism
/ Compose a variety of writing attending to the compositional elements – purpose, audience, content, and organization
II-15 items
III-15 items
I-7 5 items
Grade 10 writing assessment
V-110 items
Relate historical events to literature and language development
IV-25 items
III-25 items
I-55 items
I-25 items
I-15 items
III-2 5 items
I-55 items
I-35 items
III-25 items
I-35 items
Conduct a research project demonstrating competence with the research process and appropriate use of and citations for sources and information


Grade 9 Language Arts and Reading

Grading Period / Readingand Literature Standards / AHSGE or Activities
4th 9 weeks / 1. Identify genre, tone, and plot in short stories, drama, and poetry and identify organizational structure in essays.
  • Reading predominantly world literature
2. Compare the use rhythm, rhyme scheme, tone, and plotin various literary selections, cultures, and genres.
  • Interpret symbolism and other figurative language
  • Recognize foreshadowing
  • Make inferences about characters and their motives
  • Determine effectiveness of diction/word choice
  • Recognize use of analogy
3. Recognize tone and propaganda in textual reading materials.
  • Organize steps of a process and other sequences
  • Identify organizational structure
  • Recognize fallacies in logic
  • Follow complex written directions
4. Identify literary components that contribute to authors’ styles.
5. Identify persuasive strategies, including propaganda, in world literature selections.
6. Determine word meaning in world literature selections using word analysis and context clues.
  • Identify the etymology of words
/ III-2 6 items
III-26 items
III-36 items
II-26 items
II-36 items
III-36 items
II-46 items
I-26 items
IV-36 items
III-16 items
I-36 items
II-46 items
IV-16 items


Grade 9 Language Arts and Reading

Grading Period / Language Arts Standards / AHSGE or Activities
4th 9 weeks
Do this throughout the year. / Writing and Language
7. Write in narrative, expository, and persuasive modes using figurative language and imagery when effective and appropriate.
  • Use an abbreviated writing process to write an essay in timed and untimed situations
  • Use verbals to increase sentence complexity
  • Use a variety of patterns to organize information in multi-paragraph writings
  • Develop an effective voice suitable for audience and purpose
  • Use a variety of sentence patterns
  • Use active and passive voice
8. Critique paragraphs for logical progression of sentences.
10. Use commas with appositives and direct quotations, colons to introduce lists, semicolons with a series of elements separated by commas, and punctuation for a divided quotation.
11.Identify correct use of parallel words; incorrect verb tense shifts within sentences; correct number and tense in verb forms, including regular and irregular verbs; and correct forms of compound nouns, including singular, plural, and possessive forms.
  • Identify correct parallelism in phrases and clauses
  • Identify verb tense shifts within paragraphs
  • Recognize subject-verb agreement with indefinite pronouns
  • Use parallel structure with verbals
12.Apply the correct use of subject-verb agreement with collective nouns when verb forms depend on the rest of the sentence; with compound subjects, including those joined by or with the second element as singular or plural; and with the subjunctive mood.
Research and Inquiry
13. Demonstrate paraphrasing, quoting, and summarizing of primary and secondary sources and various methods of note taking.
14. Use the research process to locate, select, retrieve, evaluate, and organize information to support a thesis on a nonliterary topic.
  • Follow a style format to standardize the presentation of information
Examples:Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), Turabian
  • Manage information by using available technology
  • Use paraphrasing and documentation of sources to avoid plagiarism
Oral and Visual Communication
15. Identify persuasive strategies in oral and visual presentations.
  • Identifying types of propaganda
16. Evaluate a speech for use of presentation skills, including use of visual aids.
  • Applying oral presentation skills in formal and informal situations
17. Use supporting details to present a position and to respond to an argument / Compose a variety of writing attending to the compositional elements – purpose, audience, content, and organization
II-15 items
III-15 items
I-7 5 items
Grade 10 writing assessment
V-110 items
IV-25 items
III-25 items
I-55 items
I-25 items
I-15 items
III-2 5 items
I-55 items
I-35 items
III-25 items
I-35 items
Conduct a research project demonstrating competence with the research process and appropriate use of and citations for sources and information
Present information to both small and large groups.
Demonstrate a good sense of audience and purpose; usse appropriate language for the occasion