September 18, 2013
7:00 p.m. Town Hall
The New Palestine Town Council met on Wednesday September 18, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the New Palestine Town Hall. Larry Jonas called the meeting to order. Clint Bledsoe and Jan Jarson attended.
Jan Jarson made the motion to recess the town council meeting and open the public hearing for the 2014 budget. Clint Bledsoe seconded and the motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
Pres. Larry Jonas called for comments. No public comments. Clint Bledsoe made the motion to close the public hearing and reconvene the town council meeting.
Minutes- Jan Jarson made the motion to approve the minutes of August 21, 2013. Clint Bledsoe seconded and the motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays..
MS-4- Town Manager Dave Book presented a Waiver INR040070 to the Town Council. The audit he attended last month stated the outfall definition had changed. Due to this the outfalls within town limits changed. The waiver is to request IDEM to remove the Town from MS-4. The Town Council by general consensus gave Dave Book approval to send the Waiver.
GEM ROAD SIDEWALK-Town Manager Dave Book and Pres. Larry Jonas met with Schneider representative Michael Krosschell to look at the sidewalk site. The finalized bids for construction should be ready for the 10-16-13 town meeting.
STREET PAINTED LINES- Town Manager Dave Book reported the lines had been painted earlier than expected on town streets Bittner, 400 S. and Gem.
LEAF REMOVAL-Clint Bledsoe made the motion to approve $493.00 per container with CGS for fall leaf disposal in town. Jan Jarson seconded and the motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays. It was agreed that Clerk Becky Hilligoss will contact CGS when the containers are needed.
SUPPLEMENTAL CODE ORDINANCE #901813- Jan Jarson made the motion to read by title only Supplemental Code Ordinance #091813. Clint Bledsoe seconded and the motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays. Jan Jarson made the motion to adopt on first reading Supplemental Code Ordinance #091813. Clint Bledsoe seconded and the motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays. Clint Bledsoe made the motion to suspend the rules and pass Supplemental Code Ordinance #091813. Jan Jarson seconded and the motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
TRANSFER APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION #091813-Clerk-Treasurer Becky Hilligoss read Transfer Appropriation Resolution #091813. Clint Bledsoe made the motion to approve Transfer Appropriation Resolution #091813. Jan Jarson seconded and the motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
ZONE CODE MAP CORRECTIONS- Town Manager Dave Book presented corrections for Zone Codes on the current zone map per the ordinances on file. When the annexation is done they will be corrected on the zone map for the town. The Town Council by general consensus gave approval for the code corrections.
INDIANA MAIN STREET -Town Manager Dave Book asked for a town council member to attend an Indiana Main Street meeting with other interested persons for the forming of the 501C organization. The organization must not be connected with the current Beautification Committee under the New Palestine Chamber. The meeting is 9-19 at 1pm at the town hall.
SEWER REQUEST-Sewer Manager Dave Book reported the Rickers gas station had requested sewer service from the town.
MARSHAL REPORT-Town Marshal Bob Ehle reported that the Hancock County Emergency Service had contacted him on the need for a new CAD system to be able to communicate with surrounding counties and because of the age of the system. The emergency service will need about $650,000 and they would like around $14,000 from New Palestine with an annual user fee of $4,000. They are looking at possibly 2015 for this change.
HEDC –A letter was presented from the Hancock Economic Development Council representative Skip Kuker requesting $1,000.00 be granted for 2014 budget. The town council had budgeted $1,000.00 for 2014 to the HEDC. They will be notified.
LIGHTED SIGNS in TOWN-Town resident, Jake Gumberts, requested that the town council look at the town ordinances for size and brightness of lighted signs. He travels and noticed many new bright signs that are distracting to drivers. The council took his information and asked Planning Commissioner Jim Robinson to look into the matter for further consideration.
RIGHT OF WAY - REQUEST VACATE- Dale Darrah, a town resident also with property at 40 W. Mill St. on which he requests the town to vacate the Birch St. right of way from Mill St. to the railroad. The owner on the east side of the property uses the right of way as a driveway. Town Manager Dave Book will look into what and how this can be done
CLAIMS – The Council signed claims 13406 through 13477
The meeting was then adjourned by motion from Jan Jarson and Clint Bledsoe with second. The motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays.
Larry Jonas
Jan Jarson
______Clint Bledsoe