Department of Community and Economic Development Interoffice Memo

To:Eric Evans, President of Council

From:Carol Stoneback, Grants Coordinator

Re:Resolution Request for DCNR Grant


On behalf of the Department of Community and Economic Development, I request Council consideration of the attached resolution authorizing the Director of Community and Economic Development to apply for a 2012 DCNR Grant related to the next phase of the Greenway which is the Saucon Park Connection. The grant application submission date is April 4, 2012.

This Phase improvements will provide a pedestrian connection from the South Bethlehem Greenway to the northern portion of SauconPark. This portion of the park consists of active ball fields and is cut off from the southern portion of the park by Saucon Creek and the elevated rail bed. The prior planned phase (Phase 4) of the Greenway provides connection into the southern portion of the park but there is currently no safe pedestrian connection between the two portions of the park.This Phase improvements will complete the goal of a safe pedestrian connection between the Southside and both portions of SauconPark. In addition to the trail improvement the final design and construction will address the current washout in this area that has created a +10’ gully along the northern rail bed embankment – left unaddressed this area of washout could compromise the planned Phase 4 trail improvements.

cc: Mayor Callahan

D. Reichard

M. Sivak

D. Heller


DATE: March 15, 2012

Carol Stoneback

Grants Coordinator


DCNR-2012-C2P2-16 / Application Information (*Indicates required information)
Applicant Legal Name:* City of Bethlehem / Web Application ID:*
Project Title:* Greenway-Saucon Park Connection
WHEREAS, the City of Bethlehem
(“Applicant”) desires to undertake the following project
Greenway-Saucon Park Connection; and
(Project Title)
WHEREAS, the applicant desires to receive from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (“Department”) a grant for the purpose of carrying out this project; and
WHEREAS, the application package includes a document entitled “Terms and Conditions of Grant” and a document entitled "Grant AgreementSignature Page"; and
WHEREAS, the applicant understands that the contents of the document entitled "Terms and Conditions of Grant," including appendices referred to therein, will become the terms and conditions of a Grant Agreement between the applicant and the Department if the applicant is awarded a grant; and
NOW THEREFORE, it is resolved that:
1.The "Grant AgreementSignature Page"may be signed on behalf of the applicant by the Official who, at the time of signing, has TITLE of
Director of Community and Economic Development.
2.If this Official signed the "Grant AgreementSignature Page"prior to the passage of this Resolution, this grant of authority applies retroactively to the date of signing.
3.If the applicant is awarded a grant, the "Grant AgreementSignature Page", signed by the above Official, will become the applicant/grantee’s executed signature page for the Grant Agreement, and the applicant/grantee will be bound by the Grant Agreement.
4.Any amendment to the Grant Agreement may be signed on behalf of the grantee by the Official who, at the time of signing of the amendment, has the TITLE specified in paragraph 1 and the grantee will be bound by the amendment.
I hereby certify that this Resolution was adopted by the
(identify the governing body of the applicant, e.g. city council, borough council, board of supervisors, board of directors)
of the applicant this day of , .
Secretary (Signature of the Secretary of the governing body)
Project Number: