The Episcopal Diocese of Virginia

Letter of Agreement between

______Church, in ______, Virginia (“the Church”) and ______,Interim Rector (“the Interim Rector”)

The Vestry and the Interim Rector will work together to help the Churchfulfill its continuing purpose: to help each other experience and worship God, to share openly the Good News of Jesus Christ, and to respond in love to the needs of others.

It shall be the Interim Rector’s task to lead the parish in fulfilling this purpose through exercising a priestly role of blessing and absolving in God’s name; faithful administration; and, by fulfilling a role as pastor, priest, and friend to all those whose lives the Church touches.

The Vestry accepts its responsibility to lead the people of the Church in exercising their lay ministries as God calls them, and in supporting and enabling the ministry of our Interim Rector with their time, talent and treasure.

Preamble for Specific Interim Goals

Goals of the Interim Ministry period: The Interim Rector shall work closely with the Wardens, Vestry, staff, and other parish leaders toward the major goal which is to prepare the congregation for the coming of the next rector. The primary work is summarized as follows:

1)Help the congregation deal with any present feelings or residual issues from theprevious years or the recent rector's departure.

2)Deal with internal conflicts, when present, and help heal any divisions within thecongregation.

3)Help the Vestry and lay leaders bring about such change, if needed, to align parish lifeand administration which continues to affirm the values of the parish and meets thegenerally accepted standards in the Diocese.

Other goals of the interim period at the Church shall include the nationally recognized five developmental tasks during the interim period in supporting a healthy congregational life:

1)Assisting the congregation in dealing with its recent history.

2)Seeking and discovering an identity for the future with a new rector.

3)Continuing to affirm the present leadership while including new emerging leaders.

4)Strengthening the relationship with the Diocese.

5)As the interim period draws to a close, committing itself to a new future of mutual ministry with the new rector.

Section A – General Duties

The Church agrees to employ the Interim Rector. In this capacity, he/she will perform functions normally undertaken by a rector, on a full-time basis. Working with the Vestry and other lay leaders, the Interim Rector will assist in the management and direction of the transition period during his/her tenure at the Church. In addition, the Interim Rector will share in the management of the church office and will provide general direction to the staff.

Section B – Tenure

This letter of agreement will become effective on ______, ____ and terminate one week after the new rector has reported for duty at _____ Church but no earlier than ______. If a new rector has not been selected by that date, this agreement will continue on a month-to-month basis, with either party having the right to terminate the agreement with thirty (30) days written notice. There should be a period of two (2) to six (6) weeks between when the Interim Rector concludes his/her ministry and the next rector begins his/hers to prepare the Church for welcoming the next rector.

Section C – Times of Work and Leave

1)The Interim Rector’s work includes not only activities directed to the parish and its wellbeing, but also labors on behalf of the Diocese and community. The Interim Rector’s scheduled work week is ten (10) to twelve (12) blocks, where a block is defined as morning, afternoon or evening, and under normal circumstances The Interim Rector will work no more than two blocks per day. In general, no more than three evenings per week are expected. This shall include Sunday activities. The Interim Rector is expected to preserve at least one continuous twenty-four hour period each week for personal and family use.

2)The Interim Rector will have the following periods or leave at full compensation:

a)National holidays, at the discretion of The Interim Rector, to be taken so as not to interfere with worship for major occasions.

i)The Interim Rector may, at his/her discretion, schedule those holidays so that the holiday leave taken will not interfere with worship.

b)Annual Vacation at the rate of four (4) weeks which shall include five (5) Sundays. Vacation time does not accrue, and must be used in the year it is earned.

i)It is expressly understood that any unearned leave used will be deducted from final compensation due should this contract terminate before ______, and that any unused accrued leave will be compensated for at the time of termination of the contract.

c)Up to two calendar weeks continuing education leave each year.

d)The Interim Rector may engage in non-parish activities up to a total of 14 days per year, which shall not be counted against any leave time.

e)It is understood the Interim Rector may be absent from his/her duties in the case of personal illness, or illness or death of an immediate family member up to a maximum of twenty days during this one year contract.

3)Should the contract extend beyond one year, an additional prorated amount of leave will be allocated for each additional month of service.

Section D – Compensation

1)The Interim Rector's compensation shall be based on an annual cash salary of $______, payable in installments consistent with the Church’s payroll cycle, to be reviewed and adjusted annually in light of the current Diocesan minimum clergy salary standard. Upon the Interim Rector's request and with proper documentation, the Vestry will designate a portion of the total cash salary as "Housing Allowance" under the Federal Internal Revenue Code.

2)The Interim Rector shall be provided housing or a housing allowance. Should the parish provide housing, utilities shall be contracted for and paid directly by the Vestry, and expenses for repair, remodeling, and major appliances shall be paid by the Vestry in accordance to an annual plan and budget mutually agreed to by the Interim Rector and Vestry.

3)The Vestry shall pay the following benefits:

a.)Church Pension Fund Assessment on the sum of the Interim Rector’s total annual cash salary (including SECA, Housing, and Utilities Allowance)

b.)Health and Dental Insurance

c.)Group Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance.

d.)Workers’ Compensation Insurance.

4)One half of the social security contribution shall be paid per year to the Interim Rector as a salary supplement.

5)Said compensation and benefits to be designated as follows:

a)Salary (cash salary, housing/utilities, and social security contribution) $______

b)Life and Medical Insurance $______

c)Pension $______

d)Total Compensation and Benefits $______per year

Section E – Expenses

The Vestry shall pay the following expenses incurred by the Interim Rector in fulfilling the duties of office:

1)Normal local travel expenses will be reimbursed at the current IRS rates up to $______annually for use of the Interim Rector’s privately owned vehicle (excluding one round trip per day between home and the Church)

2)The normal expenses of performing the Interim Rector’s duties, such as internet access, mobile telephone, postage, office equipment, supplies, and administrative support services.

Section F – Personnel Actions

The Interim Rector will be responsible for day-to-day operation of the church office and staff. Required personnel actions will be undertaken by the Senior Warden based uponrecommendations of the Interim Rector.

Section G – Supplementary Compensation

The Interim Rector shall not charge fees for performing any rites of the Church (for example, baptisms, marriages, funerals) for members of this parish. The Interim Rector may, however, receive income from other sources, such as:

  • Sacramental services on behalf of persons not in any way related to this parish.
  • Fees and honoraria for professional services performed on personal time for groups unrelated to this parish, or for sermons, books or articles published outside the parish.

Section H – Discretionary Fund

In accordance with the canons of the General Convention, and under the guidelines of the Manual of Business Methods, a Discretionary Fund is to be established, funded with the balance in the previous rector’s discretionary fund and with future contributions made in the same manner as the previous discretionary fund.

Section I – Other

The Interim Rector and the Church understand that the Interim Rector will not be a candidate for the position of the next rector, vicar or priest-in-charge of the Church, in accordance with diocesan policy.

The Vestry considers it very important that the Interim Rector attendsand presides at each monthly Vestry meeting and any planned retreats.

Section J – Mutual Ministry Reviews

The Vestry and Interim Rector agree to work closely together and to support each other by prayer, word, and example to achieve these goals. They will also provide time for mutual ministry review(s) when they shall discuss and mutually review the total ministry of the parish on a regular basis in order to intentionally:

1)Provide them each an opportunity to assess how well they are fulfilling their responsibilities toeach other and to the ministry they share.

2)Determine progress on the specific interim ministry goals and adjust or change them as needed.

3)Recognize, affirm, and celebrate the parishioners’ shared ministry by including the congregationin the education and ongoing evaluation of these goals.

4)Isolate areas of conflict or disappointment which have not received adequate attention and whichmay be adversely affecting mutual ministry.

5)Clarify expectation of all parties to help put any future conflicts in manageable form.

6)Plan healthy closure for the interim ministry and prepare for the coming of the next vicar/rector/priest-in-charge.

If desirable a mutually agreed upon third party may be engaged to facilitate any steps in the Mutual Ministry Review process.

We are fully confident that differences of opinion, if any, can be resolved through open discussion and prayer. We mutually agree to identify any such differences at the earliest opportunity and work towards a satisfactory solution.

Interim RectorDate

Senior WardenDate


Template Revised March 14, 2016

Letter of Agreement for an Interim Rector

The Diocese of Virginia