Astronomy 1100

Spring 2016Lab Schedule – Richmond

Version 4

Week of / Experiment (Subject to change)
4-Jan-16 / No Lab
11-Jan-16 / #1 Measurement (including #1a, but not #1b)
18-Jan-16 / #2 Light – Refraction and Reflection
25-Jan-16 / #3 Refracting & Reflecting Telescopes
1-Feb-16 / #7 Spectroscopy AND Field Trip (H.R. MacMillan Space Centre Wednesday, Feb 3)
8-Feb-16 / #8 Inverse Square Law
15-Feb-16 / #4 Astrophotography I – Observations of the Moon* (no regular lab)
22-Feb-16 / No Lab - Reading Break
29-Feb-16 / #5 Astrophotography II – Analysis** (if #4 done ),
otherwise #11 Gravity & Kepler’s Laws
7-Mar-16 / Make up for Field Trip - #1b Density***
14-Mar-16 / #4 Astrophotography I – Observations of the Moon* (if not already done)
21-Mar-16 / No Lab - Good Friday (Mar 25)
28-Mar-16 / #5 Astrophotography II – Analysis** (if not already done & if #4 done),
#9Hubble Redshift
4-Apr-16 / #10 Moons of Jupiter **** – Make-up lab for Experiment #4 (if required)
11-Apr-16 / Monday is the last day of classes

* This experiment requires a clear night sky, i.e., it is weather dependent. It will run on the first clear night from Feb 15-19 and March 14-18, or not at all. Each day, the weather will be examined by the instructor for suitability. You will sign up for as many days as possible, but the lab will only run ONCE, at most. Announcements will be made on

** Although Experiment #5 is related to #4, students who did not do #4 are still able and required to do #5 if it runs.

*** Students who attend the field trip are not required to do this lab.

**** Students who have already done Experiment #4 are not required to do this lab.