Yorkshire Ridings Maths Hub: Reasoning Project 2016/2017
After a successful pilot last year, we are pleased to announce the details for this year’s Yorkshire Ridings Maths Hub Reasoning project.
During thefirst three work group sessions,Ambassadors enhance their own skills in teaching for reasoning and collaboratively develop sets of materials for classroom use. They will then recruit colleagues in their own department or cluster of schools.
Ambassadors then meet with their local group andintroduce the materials and teaching approaches. These are then usedwith classes over a three month period.Ambassadors will provide a supporting role during this period and may well become involved in either face to face or email discussion with the teachers in their group.
The local group then meets again after the teachers have used these approachesto discuss the materials and to review the impact that they have had.
Finally the Ambassadors all get together to review the full programme and consider next steps.
Date / Activity11 October 2016
HGS / Work group - Session 1
1:30 – 3:30 / Introduction to project. Start to explore common understanding of ‘reasoning’. Agree essential principles (eg as in
Gap task: research / explore teacher strategies that support each of the reasoning steps. Consider teacher behaviours that encourage reasoning.
7 December 2016
HGS / Work group - Session 2
1:30 – 3:30 / Share developed materials and report back on their use. Review successes and difficulties in introducing these approaches. Further discussion of Pedagogy for Reasoning as issues are explored. Discuss pivotal place of reasoning in the maths curriculum – challenge to devise reasoning activity for topics that appear inaccessible.
Feedback from gap task. Compile collective handbook of teacher behaviours / strategies matched to each step of reasoning.
Gap task: Develop materials / activities and use strategies in classroom.
6 February 2017
HGS / Work group - Session 3
1:30 – 3:30 / Review & Improve a PD package using work group’s materials, for participants to present in their own schools / clusters. Consider what makes effective PD. What are the principal messages on Reasoning that need to be addressed during the training. What difficulties might be encountered? How might they be resolved?
Ambassadors continue to develop own skills in teaching for reasoning.
February - March 2017 / Ambassadors recruit teachers / schools in their departments / clusters and fix training sessions
March 2017 / School based training session 1: / Led by ambassadors in their own settings, following PD package produced during workgroup sessions
March - May 2017 / In school development / Teachers develop reasoning with their own classes and review with peers (lesson study), with ongoing remote or face to face support from ambassadors. Teachers maintain professional learning logs. Baseline and final pupil assessments made (to treatment and control groups).
May 2017 / School-based training session 2 / Ambassadors meet with teachers. Review impact of project. Consider pre- and post-test data. Gather ideas for improving the materials.
8 June 2017
HGS / Work group - session 4
1:30 – 3:30 / Share successes and difficulties, review impact of programme
The Maths Hub will make a payment to ambassadors’ schoolson successful completion of the project, as a contribution towardsstaff cover and other incidental expenses. (c£500)
If you wish to become an Ambassador on this project would you please complete and return the attached form to
Thank you for your interest; we look forward to working with you on this project.
Yorkshire Ridings Maths Hub
Developing Reasoning Group
I wish to join the Developing Reasoning group as an Ambassador. I am able to attend allwork group meetingsand will then recruit and lead a group of local teachers in working with the resources provided as outlined in this letter.
email address:
Contact phone number: