Coleshill Town Band Committee meeting on 8th May 2011
Attendees: Wendy Donnelly, John Hall, Tim Speakman (Chair), Bill Richards (CTC), Tina Speakman, Jo Smith
Apologies: Matt Alder, Sally Wood, Dave Smith
Minutes: / Actions
Correspondence / ALL
Active Media Invoice – advert for TV Times Concert
Request from Simon – via Sally for Fillongley Total Wipe Out to play at the event – not financed and to collect – decision not to participate. / TS to reply
TV Times Concert – arranged
Repton – hire of Repton arranged –contract in the post
Purchase of Packington Lane – meetings with Surveyor and Valuer re Report
Past Months feedback / ALL
Manchester - Very good feedback from the Adjudicators for both CbB’s and CYB – both played very well.
Civic Service – this was very well attended and very pleasing remarks received from June Upton.
MD’s Report / SF
Attendance - good
Nick Fennell, and Matt Ward – to clarify their attendance Jo Smith to contact the parents as Child Welfare Officer of the Band).Olivia Luckman has now resigned.
Planned programme of music for the THEME CONCERT
Completed Further tickets printed for THEME CONCERT
Further posters printed, laminated and posted for THEME CONCERT
CTB & CYB music folders organised ready for THEME CONCERT
Arranged ‘Blue Peter’ for THEME CONCERT (CYB)
Designed, printed and laminated signage for THEME CONCERT
Programme designed and printed for THEME CONCERT
Initial posters for ‘YOUTH BRASS’ designed & printed (for St. Georges Day stall)
Initial posters for ‘FIRE & BRASS’ designed & printed (for St. Georges Day stall)
Initial posters for ‘MAKE MUSIC’ designed & printed (for St. Georges Day stall)
CTB leaflets printed (for St. Georges Day stall)
Liased with Simon Toon re. WHIT FRIDAY performance & marching
Liased with Barry Toon re. WHIT FRIDAY venues & route
Further communications with Mark Wilkinson (Fodens) for CTB workshop
CTB rehearsal schedule issued
Transcribed ‘Little Suite For Brass’ for CYB
Tidied & re-organised CYB music folders
Liased with Peter Elliott to review march ‘Celebration’.
(Peter Elliott to attend CTB rehearsal on 27th May to rehearse march ‘Celebration’).
Have raffle prizes been bought, refreshments checked, front of house arranged
Theme Concert – to play on the floor with two tier staging – to engage with audience more effectively. We need to confirm if we can get in to the Town Hall evening/morning of Theme Concert if possible.
Rehearsals – Focus in rehearsals will be the Theme Concert, Foden’s Workshop and Whit Friday
Foden’s Workshop
A timetable for the day – has this yet been arranged
Whit Friday
Has a timetable for the day yet been arranged? Full band now confirmed. Rehearsal schedule arranged. Coach to be booked.
On Stage to be transcribed for CTB for Whit Friday, Sentinel to be arranged for CYB
Still a problem with talking in the rehearsal – Laminated copy of Guidelines for Rehearsal to be posted on notice board for all to take note.
Li Li – to be contacted to confirm.
CYB Report
Making headway with rehearsals for Theme Concert and other concerts ahead.
Treasurers Report
Deposits to be checked for payment for Fireworks, Staging and Sound.
CTB –Monthly Direct Debits ceased for several players – is there any particular reason – Chairman to contact individuals concerned
Several players in CbB’s have no record of any payments being received at all – Sally to chase payments.
Gift Aid
Changes were made in the budget regarding Gift Aid on Bucket collections – information to be obtained. / JH
CTC Issues / BR
After recent Council Elections there is a vacancy on the Council for anyone living in Coleshill – nominations required, as they can be co-opted onto the Council. First meeting on Wednesday 11th May.
Posters – between 20 and 40 posters had been put in the week prior to the meeting and within 2 days all had been taken down. Maureen had assured Bill that it was not someone from the Council that was doing this.
Grants – no system yet worked out – Possibly a letter of application.
New Mayor is Laurie Henderson- advised that if he requires the band to play he needs to get in touch with dates asap.
June Upton was very keen for us to participate in St. George’s Day Parade. / BR
Next Committee meeting 12/6/11 and immediately after this meeting would be a Fire and Brass Planning Meeting.
Formal Business Issues: / ALL
CYB/CBB Contests – Authorisation slips to be e-mailed for completion and return by Friday / TS
Next Two Months Commitments
Proforma for 1/5/11 required for CTB/CYB
Letter to CYB Parents for this event. / MA
Whit Friday
Coach to be Booked
Theme Concert
Program sorted. Tickets printed.
Half page in the Coleshill Echo
Large boards out – one outside the Polling Station
Front of House volunteers arranged. Raffle Tickets to get
Raffle prizes purchased –dvd player, Simpsons, Black Adder Dvd Set, Match of the Day board game, Coronation Street Prize, Bottle of Wine. Letters were sent to Currys, BBC and Midlands – but no responses received.
Suggestion to the Committee by Sally that we give each playing member of CbB’s free entry – to try and encourage a larger audience.
Fire and Brass
Li Li to be booked again
Toilets to organize – try a local company.
Planning meeting 12/6/11
Ads from 2/7/11 – possibly sending information around to local schools / SF
Glokenspiel/vibrafone – to investigate the cost of hiring for the CTB workshop
Quotes for new Concert Standard Glockenspiel
Quotes for a Gig Bag for a Bass (we own 2No Gig bags?) / TS
Jo S
Web Site
Wendy to give Darrin items to put onto the website i.e. Minutes of Meetings/update engagement list/PayPal for Tickets sales (John to look at this)
Wish list of things we could do?
Minutes to go on/AGM Minutes to go on
Update history of the band, set up a form of communication / WD
Issue Guidelines at Engagements/Rehearsals
Copy to be put on the notice board / TS
Any Other Business
Profile of Assistant MD to be compiled
Meetings still to be completed / SF

Next meeting: 12th June 2011 9.00 am