Emmaus Youth Association Sports Drafts Policy
Effective January 1, 2013
The Procedure for forming all recreation (not travel) teams will follow these guidelines:
- The roster from the previous season will be the base of the team.
- Players will stay on the roster of the team they played on in the previous season and will stay on that teams roster for the duration of their playing years or until the team would dissolve because of lack of players.
- All players who enter the A program will be placed into the “pool” and placed on a team with equal age appropriate players ( as close as possible)
- All new registrants for the program or players that teams were dissolved will be broken down into age appropriate categories referred to as the “pool”. These names will be chosen as a closed ballot and separated according to age.
- A count of players by age will be categorized.
- Players the were on the “fall” ball roster are not automatically guaranteed to play on that team in spring unless they were on that roster the previous spring then they would continue to move up with the team.
- Starting with the team with the lowest count of players; the coordinator/ coach will draw a name from the pool to even out the teams as close as possible.
For example: A-Ball ages 9-10
Team # 1 Team # 2 Team # 3
Jake age 9 John age 9 Joe age 9
Jeff 9 Jerry 9 Jeff 9
Bill 10 Bob 10 Brian 10
Matt 10 Mike 9 Will 10
Eric 9 Al 9 Fred 10
Team #2 would have first pick in the draft due to the fact that they only have one 10 year old. They will then pick another 10 year out of the pool to create a team with an equal amount of 10 year olds if there are no 10 year olds to choose from they still have first pick of a 9 year old. This pattern would continue until all names are pulled from the pool and placed on teams in an even fashion.
- EYA will honor children of coaches to be placed on the same team.
- EYA will honor siblings to be placed on the same team.
- EYA will nothonor transportation issues to be placed on the same team.
(Previous participants have taken advantage of this situation)
11. EYA will not guarantee request for specific teams or coaches. Each request will be handled on a case by case basis.
12. EYA will notguarantee that all requests will be honored.