Parish Council Meeting held on 03 September 2013 attended by Cllrs Wright, Addelsee, Featherstone, Ingham, Bowles, Dickens, Ashton and Danby (Chairman).

Also present: Borough Cllrs Dennis and Pickett, County Cllr Ransome and one member of the public.

The member of the public just came along to listen.

Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies

County Cllr Ransome introduced herself to the Parish Council and reported that she was trying to get the Sea Lane pot hole situation sorted out.

The PCSO reported by e-mail incidents for July:

4 thefts – 2 at Main Road, 1 in Sea Lane and 1 in Gowt Bank. Reports of suspicious vehicles need to be reported when seen. 1 incident of anti-social behaviour at Bull Drove; 2 traffic offences at Church Close and at Common Road; 1 incident of suspicious circumstances at Church Close and 3 road traffic collisions – 2 at main Road and 1 at Church Close.

The PCSO reported by e-mail incidents for August:

1 incident of anti-social behaviour at Tooley Lane; 2 thefts – 1 at Wrangle Bank and 1at Bull Drove; 1 concern for safety at Common Road; 2 incidents of suspicious circumstances at Wrangle Bank and at Bull Drove; 1 traffic offence at Main Road and 2 traffic collisions at Main Road

Borough Cllrs Dennis and Pickett had nothing to report.

Approve Minutes of Last Meeting

Notes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 02 July 2013, previously circulated, were approved and signed as minutes.

Declarations Of Interest

Cllr Wright declared an interest in ‘War Memorial’ and signed the book accordingly

Best Kept Village Competition

Wrangle have not reached the final of the Best Kept Village Competition.

Evening Marsh Walk

The Evening Marsh Walk was held on 23 July at Friskney Marsh. A lot of information was given about the marsh as it is very different to the marsh in Wrangle. Cllr Bowles reported that the Wildfowlers were pleased with the event and they will organise it again next year.

Planning Decisions:

B/13/0178 - G H Kime & Co - Application for a new planning permission to replace an extant planning permission (B/10/0116 – outline planning permission for residential development of up to 27 dwellings) in order to extend time limit for implementation at site of G H Kime & Co, Main Road - GRANT

B/12/0219 - Mr & Mrs McDonnell - Erection of a replacement porch at Chridore Cottage, Church End - GRANT

B/013/0229 - Ms C Wilkinson - Erection of a single storey side extension and proposed change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden at Ksoyu-Kinyoki, Greengate - GRANT

Plans Received

B/13/0299 - Mr M Dawson - Erection of a single storey rear extension at Craon, Main Road - SUPPORT

B/13/0306 - Hazel Capital - Erection of ground mounted solar PV array at Lane at

Leverton Ings, Leverton – the following observations were made:

When the solar panels lose their efficiency who will be responsible for removing them and will the soil under them be suitable for farming?

The proposed solar panels are to be sited on land already used for food production.

The site is too big and will become a ‘blot on the landscape’.


Pot holes have been reported for repair at Ivery Lane in the area of the Gold Fen Bank junction; at Wrangle Bank between Ivery Lane and Bull Drove; at Wrangle Bank at the junction of Love Lane; at Common Road in the area of Rout Green Farm and at Judegate with the junction of Mill Lane. Love Lane is breaking up and is in a poor state of repair. The pot holes at Sea Lane have been reported and County Cllr Ransome will look into this matter. Booning is required at Common Road and at Wrangle Bank. A grate on the Main road in the area of the Farm Shop is loose. The passing place in the area of the Farm Shop is being used as a lay-by and there is a lot of litter being left here, this problem should be solved when the Handyman starts work. Trees are overhanging the road at Lockhamgate and at Park Lane. Highways will be contacted to ask if anything can be done to improve visibility for car drivers and bicycle users at the junction of Mill Lane with Sea Lane.

All the above repairs will be reported to Highways.

Please report potholes, street lights that are not working and street lights that are on all day to the Parish Council Clerk on 01205 270352.

Zebra Crossing On A52

An e-mail has been received from LCC suggesting that a survey be carried out at the site where the zebra crossing is required. It was resolved to have the survey in the area of the new bus stops by the recreation field. The survey will be carried out over a 10 hour period and then all the data will be considered against the criteria - the pedestrian flow, vehicle flow, number of injury accident s in the last three years, the speed limit, the average time taken to cross the road and the width of the road - before a decision is made by LCC

Recreation Field

Grant Applications

A new quotation has been received from Monster Play, this is for phase one of the project and includes the play equipment within the fencing (excluding the zip-wire) and the well-being equipment (excluding the table tennis table). Phase two will be the shelter, the hard-standing area and the skate park – following re-consultation. New grant application forms have been completed for LCC and for the Wren.

Other matters:

Consideration was given to installing a bridge over the ditch at the recreation field. One section of the ditch is being used as a crossing point and the hedging plants are continuously being pulled out. Following discussion it was resolved not to do this for safety reasons as anyone using the bridge could run straight onto the A52.

The Football Club have disbanded and are no longer using the facilities at the recreation field.

Obtaining Loan Approval

A loan will only be considered for play equipment as a last resort for funding. If residents in the Parish are to be consulted then full and precise information will be required.

Library in Wrangle

Boston Bulletin

If you wish to receive a monthly copy of Boston Bulletin, all you have to do is send an email with the subject heading “Boston Bulletin to to register to receive Boston Bulletin absolutely FREE and with no obligations. Email addresses will NOT be used for other purposes.

Cockle Alley

LCC have sent documents regarding Cockle Alley. A plan and a letter were placed in the notice board between 10 July 2013 and 21 August 2013 as requested, these were then removed on 26 August, signed where required and returned to LCC.

Memorial Cleaning

A copy of a quotation from William Kent Memorials was given to all Parish Councillors. The total amount for complete refurbishment of the memorial is £5,750.00 plus VAT. It was resolved that further advice is needed about what could be done to improve the War Memorial. Two more quotations will be required to apply for a grant.

Marking the Start of World War I

An e-mail has been circulated to all Parish Councillors with regard to having pots of poppies outside the Church and the Parish Hall. It was resolved to do this and to offer poppy seeds to residents who would like to plant them in their gardens in the spring so that they bloom in July.

Anyone wanting poppy seeds for this event should contact the Clerk to the Parish Council.

Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 01 October 2013 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall – Public Forum from 7.00pm

Wrangle Parish Website: parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/wrangle

If you have a report from a group or organisation, or an event that you would like to be considered for the Parish Council Website please e-mail the details to