Board of Directors Meeting of the Downtown Wheaton Association
October 12, 2016
Called to order: 8:00am
Attendees: Donna Hesik, Paul Rodriguez, Tonya Parravano, Richard Card, Rick Erickson, Diane Moore, Jodie Schillinger, Jim Kozik, Ron Diener, Jim Mathieson, Beverly Fishleigh, Lindsay Jirasek, Pam Bozonelos, Mike Benard, Kerry O’Brian and Paula Barrington,
Downtown Wheaton Association8:00am
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
108 East Wesley Street, Wheaton, IL
Meeting Adjourned: / Call to Order
President Donna Hesik called the meeting to order.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the Septemberboard meeting were reviewed. RD motioned to approve the minutes and seconded by RC. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
RD presented the financial report for the month of September. RD noted that the numbers are in line with the budget to date. He noted that ad sales for the holiday issue of Living Wheaton were not as expected and that a decision would be made on Thursday as to the size and what format would work best going forward. JM motioned to approve the report. DO seconded the motion. Motion passed.
New Business
Old Business
City Report/ Economic Development Committee Report -Jim Kozik
JK presented a parking plan to the board that addressed the issue of providing employee parking in the north side garage and surrounding downtown while also freeing up space for customer parking in the garage. The plan calls for converting 3 and 4 hour parking the garage to ‘customer only’ parking while allowing for a limited number of spaces on the top deck to be employee parking for $1 per day (with a pay box installed). Selected blocks surrounding Downtown Wheaton would also have free space designated for 6 hour parking for employees (to accommodate part time employees). LJ asked if the meters on the south side of the downtown area could be changed to allow for more than 2 hour parking. She noted that customers require more than two hours to eat and shop. JK stated that such a change was possible.
Members of the board noted that the wording ‘customer only’ parking was confusing to the customers (who questioned if they fell into this designation) and this should also be addressed. JM stated that he thought this parking plan was a step in the right direction and would like to see it established before the winter season. MB suggested that a joint parking information campaign should be conducted by the city, DWA, chamber and the park district. Officer RB stated that all new businesses should be given a parking information packet to share with their employees. JM noted that the DWA should point out to the city that the $40,000 supplemental funding will also help to promote parking availability in the downtown area.
JK stated that the parking plan would be presented to the Planning Commission on October 24th. Next step: The DWA needs to call a meeting to discuss parking communication. RE suggested that the DWA also explore a parking app for the promotion. JK noted that long term plans also call for electronic signage that will tell customers how many spaces are available in the garage. DM noted that the area by Toms-Price should be also be considered. JK stated that the city was also looking at that area.
The issue of homeless people sleeping in the parking garage also needs to be addressed. JK suggested inviting the Wheaton police chief to the next board meeting to discuss this matter.
JK noted that the space by Mile Long Records had been leased to a pet store operation. Miroballi Shoes, The Sipping Muse and Naperville Running Company were moving forward with their respective buildouts. County Farm Bagels is expected to open soon and Andrew’s Garden is planning to open their new location by the end of next week.
Wheaton Chamber of Commerce –Kerry O’Brien
KO noted that the Chamber had purchased new tables and chairs for the board room.
The Chamber will be hosting a members only coffee with Congressman Peter Roskam the following week. The event is open to the first 20 members. The Chamber is also hosting its annual fashion show this week and Leanne Tampier will be the new president of the chamber.
Wheaton Park District- Mike Benard
MB stated that the Park Board had approved moving forward with the installation of two ice skating rinks at the Athletic Center Park. There will not be ice skate rental available at the rinks, but the Park District has approached John’s Shoes on South Main about offering this service. Parking will be available in the Athletic Center lots and along the street. On weekends, the parking lot of DuPage Medical will also be available along with the garage. MB reported that he is working on a special public art project for the community in 2017. Park Board elections will be coming up soon for three positions. A comprehensive survey of park services will be ready for release in the very near future. DH asked if the museum could be outlined with holiday lights to complement what décor will be in Adams Park.
RE suggested that a special promotional spot lights be set up at the skating rink to announce the opening.
Events Committee- Dick O’Gorman
DO explained that Witches of Wheaton had been canceled due to only 14 tickets being sold. He remined the board that the Chili Cook Off was set for November 5th and that 150 tickets have been sold on line so far.
Marketing Committee – Donna Hesik
DH stated that an effort to encourage the merchants to outline their windows with holiday lights would greatly enhance the holiday décor in the downtown. DH stated that bids for decorating Adams Park were coming in and that the city contractor was also being asked to bid on the project. The plan is to decorate the fountain, the trees around the fountain and the walkway leading to the fountain.
The holiday issue of Living Wheaton Magazine is progressing, but that more advertising support is needed by the merchants and the board of directors. DH stressed that there was great value to advertising in the magazine that would be reaching 25,000 households and an additional 2000 readers with the press over-run. Everyone was encouraged to at least consider a ‘door’ ad for $250.
DM stated that the DWA should also put together with the City of Wheaton a ‘shop local’ campaign and promote the economic impact that patronizing local businesses has on the community.
Additional Business / Adjournment
No additional business. JK motioned to adjourn and DO seconded. Meeting adjourned.