Capital Projects Overview

FMTrack for Capital Projects : Table of Contents


Using the Business System......

How to Log On......

Revealing Required Fields......

Moving Around the Screen......

How to Use Drop Down Arrows......

How to Use Hot Keys......

Projects Overview......

How to Find a Project......

The Projects Detail Screen......

How to Fill the Projects Screen (the Detail Tab)......

How to Establish a Project (M) Number......

Miscellaneous Screen......

Current Budget Screen......

Current Budget Default View......

Current Budget Detailed View......

Show To Level View......

Show Chg Ord View......

How the Budget Sheet Adds Your Numbers......

How to open Work Orders from within the Current Budget sheet......

How to open Contracts from within the Current Budget sheet......

Edit Budgets Screen......

Exporting Budget data to Microsoft Excel......

Funding Screen......

Contracts Screen......

WOs & POs Screen......

Time Screen......

Informal Encumbrances Screen......

General Ledger Expense screen......

Budget Totals screen......

Current Schedule Screen......

Edit Schedules Screen......

Using Microsoft Project with Schedule......

Documents Screen......

Data Entry......

How to Enter the Budget......

How to Enter Funding......

How to Enter Informal Encumbrances......

How to Delete an Encumbrance......

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms......

Page 1

Capital Projects Overview

Page 1

Capital Projects Overview


The tracking system for UCSF Capital Projects & Facilities Managementis used for recording all departmentalbusiness functions. Capital Projects utilizes this system for all phases of a project, from the initial project startup and funding, through the bid process and construction, and finally to the financial closeout. All phases of a project are recorded in this system. This manual will take you through the process of understanding the various screens you’ll be working with to enter and view pertinent information.

Using the Business System

How to Log On

In order to gain entry to FMTrack you must have been assigned a User ID and Password.

Users have different levels of access assigned to them. Only the System Administrator may give you an account and password.

Warning: if you leave your computer without exiting FMTrack, you are still logged in. This means anyone may sit down and enter data in your name. For security reasons, it is very important to exit FMTrack or lock your desktop before leaving your area.

Locate the FMTrack icon in your Windowsmenuand select it

Figure 1 -Your Login ID and Password are entered here

Type in your Login ID

Type in your Password

Click the OK button
The following menu will appear:

The Main Menu for all activities on the business system

A Standard Windows Interface

The business system adheres to the “standard” Microsoft Windows interface. This means you may click buttons and use the keyboard via “hot keys”.

The usage of the mouse, Tab and Enter keys are consistent with all Microsoft Windows applications.

Click on the Projects button and the Projectswindow appear

Key Term: Field -The data which goes into ONE line (or box) in your data entry screen (see above: Title, Description are two fields)

Key Term: Required Field -a field which data must be entered

Revealing Required Fields

Tapping the CTRL-R keys will display the required fields on any screen. Try it! Notice that certain fields’ backgrounds turn yellow. These are required fields. Try it a second time. The yellow fields go back to normal background color.

Moving Around the Screen

Move to various fields using the mouse.

If keyboard movement is preferable, try tapping the tab key.

Try using Shift-Tab key combination to move backwards on the screen

How to Use Drop Down Arrows

Any field with a drop down list arrow to its right can be searched.

a)Click on the Bldg Field drop down arrow.

b)Select a building from the list.

c)Go to the Dept: drop down arrow.

d)Select a department

e)Tap Esc to clear the screen

Note: tapping the Esc key will undo all unsaved data in a record.

How to Use Hot Keys

As with all Windows programs, a button with an underlined letter means it is a hot key.

Holding down the Alt key, keeping it depressed and tapping the underlined letter will have the same effect as clicking the button with the mouse.

Hold the Alt key down, keep it depressed. Tap the Ckey. The window closes.

Projects Overview

This guide will teach you how to find a Project in the system, and locate common aspects of your project, including the budget, work orders, requisitions, contracts, and time cards.

Click on the button

At this point, you can begin to review your projects.

New data for a major project is first entered into the Projects screen

How to Find a Project

The top section of the screen is where you look up your projects. You can retrieve any major project in the system by entering the Project Number in the Goto Project: field and then tapping the enter key.

Type “M2425” in the Goto Project field. Tap the enter key.

If you do not know the exact project number, you can look up a project by entering the first digits of the Project ID that you do know and then the asterisk key (*).

Type M24* in the Goto Project field. Tap the enter key.

The resulting drop down list will reveal all Project IDs that begin with M24. Tap the Esc key or reselect M2425.

If you do not know the project number, you can look up a project by a portion of its title name. Just wrap the search with an asterisk key (*) on both sides of the search word.

Type *MSB* in the With Titlefield. Tap the enter key.

The resulting drop down list will reveal all Project IDs that start with the title MSB.

The Projects Detail Screen

This screen provides the basic data of your Project, such as the Project Manager, the Account number, the Architect, Contractor, etc. The data in these fields can be edited as the Project progresses.

There are also other details available through the various tabs on this screen. You are currently in the Detail tab. Other tabs on the Projects screen are Miscellaneous, Totals, Funding, Contracts, WOs & POs, Time, Directory, Documents, Current Budget, Current Schedule, Inf Encumb, GL Expense, Edit Budgets, and Edit Schedules.

Notice the buttons on the lower right hand side of the window; Sts History, BudgetNotes, andNotes. The Sts History shows the status history for this project. This cannot be edited. Budget Notes are memos regarding the project budget. Notes is an additional field to record notes about the history, funding, etc. of a project. All three of these buttons are viewable in all screens within Projects.

How to Fill the Projects Screen (the Detail Tab)

This is this first screen you will need to fill for every project.

Tap the Ctrl + R Keys to reveal required fields. The fields highlighted in yellow are required fields. Your major project cannot be saved until you have entered data into these fields.

The required fields are:

  • Project ID
  • Title
  • Project Manager
  • Building
  • ASF / GSF
  • Client / Phone / Dept
  • Active / Class / Status / Phase / OOPS Sts / Fund Cls

The following is a description of all the fields in the order they are entered, yellow highlights indicate required field:

a)Project ID The Project identification number is usually assigned by the Director of Capital Projects and is not typically entered in by the assigned project manager

b)Group Used when multiple projects assigned to an umbrella group number

c)Account Plant account number in general ledger

d)Title The title of the project is usually formatted in the following syntax: Bldg/floor/room/requesting department name/scope of work

e)ProjectMgr Select the Project Manager name from drop-down list or input initials

f)File No Archive file number

g)Arch Contract Enter the contract number and the name of the contracted architect is automatically selected

h)Const Contract Enter the contract number and the name of the construction contractor is automatically selected

i)Bldg Mgr Select the name of the Building manager from the drop-down menu

j)Planner Select the name of the Planner from Campus Planning from the drop-down menu

k)Inspector Select the name of the Inspector from the drop-down menu

l)Bldg. Select the Building ID from the drop-down menu

m)Floor. Select the Floor level from the drop-down menu

n)Room. Select the Room number from the drop-down menu.

o)ASF (assignable square footage). If you do not know this, enter “0”

p)GSF (gross square footage of project). If you do not know this, enter “0”

q)DSA Division of the State Architect plan review application number assigned by state

r)Projected Budget Enter projected budget here

s)Construction Budget Enter Construction Budget here

t)Lowest Bid Enter lowest bid here

u)ClientName Enter the client name

v)Client Dept Select the department code from the drop-down menu

w)Contact Name Enter contact for project

x)Contact Department Select Contact’s department from the drop-down menu

y)PPG Status (Project Planning Guide). Select status of PPG from drop-down menu.

z)Class Select class (type) of space from drop-down menu. If you do not know, enter “?”

aa)OOPSSts (Office of the President Status). Select OOP status from drop-down menu

bb) Fund Cls (Fund class) Select fund class from drop-down menu. If you do not know the appropriate code, enter “?”

cc)Status Select status of project from drop-down menu

dd)PhaseSelect construction schedule phase from drop-down menu

ee)Type Select the type of project from the drop-down menu

ff)Financial Sts (Financial Status). Select the financial status of project from drop-down menu

gg)Reconciled by This field is used by members of the Finance team

hh)Reconciled date This field is used by members of the Finance team

On your initial project entry you will often ignore fields that are not required because you do not have all available information. During the course of a project, after the Architect and Contractor have been selected, and you have discovered the PPG status, etc., you can return to this screen to enter the data. You will also return frequently to the Other tab to update the project’s status.

How to Establish a Project (M) Number

The creation of an M Number for a project adheres to specific criteria. The current tracking system was established in 1972 and uses the following syntax: Mxxxx. Let’s use a real project number, M2425,and let’s break it down

M – All projects start with M, which stands for Major Projects

2 – The first number represents the last number of the fiscal year, in this case, 2002

4 – This number represents the number of times a fiscal year has been throughthe cycle; a cycle is defined as one decade. We use the fiscal year as the first numeric value but that presents a problem as that number is repeated every ten years. To work around this constraint, we use the second number to represent the current cycle. The first fiscal year cycle value was in 1972 and is represented by “1.” Subsequent values are:




25 – This number represents the number of projects in a year. “25” is the 25th project entered into the system. 01 would represent the first, 12 the twelfth, etc.

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Capital Projects Overview

Let’s review the other screens

MiscellaneousScreen (Project status)

Click on the Miscellaneoustab

Miscellaneous Screen

Here you will find general data regarding your project such as the construction start date, general project description, updated status, problems encountered, etc.

Current Budget Screen

Click on the Current Budget tab

Current Budget screen

This screen shows detailed information about a project budget. There are four views available in the Current Budget Screen. The default view is displayed above.

Current Budget Default View

This default view worksheet is broken down into six columns:

  1. Lvl, The Major & Sub categories in which all projects are broken down
  2. Description: Describes the Level
  3. Reference: The WO ID or Contract ID connected to the given level (linked)
  4. Funded: Amount project is funded
  5. Commitments: Funds that have been “used” so far (combination of funds spent, funds allocated to be spent, and funds committed but not yet finalized)
  6. Remaining: Budget dollars still available and unspent

Click on the Full Details button

Current Budget Detailed View

The detailed view worksheet is broken down into eight columns:

  1. Lvl, The Major & Sub categories in which all projects are broken down
  2. Description: Describes the Level
  3. Reference: The WO ID or Contract ID connected to the given level (linked)
  4. Funded: Amount project is funded
  5. Encumbrances - funds formally committed toward a Contract or Work Order that have not been paid
  6. Informal Encumbrances - anticipated expenses toward a Contract or Purchase order
  7. Expenditures - funds spent (invoiced and paid for)
  8. Remaining: Budget dollars still available and unspent

Return to the default view by clicking on the Full Details button. This will deselect the Current Budget Detailed view and bring back the default view.

Click on the Show To Level button

Enter in “1”

Show To Level View

When working with different levels it alters the number of subcategories that are displayed. You can choose from four views numbered 0 – 3.

  1. The default view. It shows all categories and subcategories
  2. This view shows only the primary (root) categories
  3. This view shows primary categories and secondary categories (e.g. 1, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 2a, 2b, etc)
  4. This view shows the primary, secondary, and tertiary categories (e.g. 1. 1a. 1aa. 1ab, 1ac, 2, 2a, 2b, 2ba, 2bc, etc).

Click on the Show Chg Ord button

Show Chg Ord View

This view shows any change orders associated with a project.

How the Budget Sheet Adds Your Numbers

The project is broken down into levels. Each level represents a major category (such as 1- CONSTRUCTION, 2- EXTERNAL UTILITIES, etc.). The sublevels are represented by the number plus a letter.

The following table illustrates how the tables function.

Lvl / Description / Reference / Funded / Commitments / Remaining
1 / CONSTRUCTION / $1,524,580 / $1,332,875 / $191,705.31
1a / General Construction / $1,256,280 / $1,208,811 / $47,469.20
Parc Services Inc. / B16296 / $0 / $53,001 / $0.00
Parc Services Inc. / B16388 / $0 / $56,890 / $0.00
Stonhard / B17414 / $0 / $17,640 / $0.00
PSP Construction / SL0131 / $0 / $1,081,280 / $0.00
1b / Facilities Management Construction (Breakdown on next page / $99,800 / $92,904 / $6,896.11
1ba / Fire Alarm / $30,000 / $16,200 / $13,800.00
LARC Office Renovation - FA Group / PC3985 MAIN / $0 / $16,200 / $0.00
1bb / Shutdowns/Investigations / $7,000 / $30,928 / ($23,928.34)
MSB AT 3RD & 4TH FL OFFICE RENOV / PC2466 MAIN / $0 / $18,685 / $0.00
Emergency Response / PC6359 MAIN / $0 / $153 / $0.00
PSSRB - A.T. Elevator Modification / PC8040 MAIN / $0 / $9,000 / $0.00
Shutdowns - MSB 3rd & 4th Floor / PC8679 MAIN / $0 / $3,090 / $0.00
MSBANIMALTOWER 3RD & 4TH FL / PC9901 MAIN / $0 / $0 / $0.00
1bc / Keying / $3,000 / $9,704 / ($6,703.74)
Keying/Security - MSB LARC Offices / PE1796 MAIN / $0 / $9,704 / $0.00
1bd / Signage / $3,000 / $4,743 / ($1,742.69)
SIGNAGE / M2425 SUB1BD / $0 / $3,125 / $0.00
MSB A/T 3RD & 4TH FLR / PE1483 MAIN / $0 / $500 / $0.00
Req R57083 to Boardman Print Center Inc. / $0 / $1,117 / $0.00
1be / Custodial / $0 / $0 / $0.00
1bf / Other/Building Permit & Exploratory Survey / $56,800 / $31,329 / $25,470.88
FEE ARCHIVE SUPPORT / PC6821 MAIN / $0 / $2,313 / $0.00
PERMIT FEES / PC6823 MAIN / $0 / $26,704 / $0.00
FEE FOR COORIDOR ELEV DAMAGE / PC8063 MAIN / $0 / $2,313 / $0.00

The totals roll up. To clarify this, we will take the overall category number one (1), Construction, and analyze the data.

Line 1: the amount $1,524,580represents the grand total for the entire level number 1 (construction) All sublevels (such as 1a, 1b, 1ba, 1bc, etc.) are included. Please note, in this example not all of the Line 1 sublevels are displayed.

Adding up numbers in a Budget Sheet

Lvl / Description / Reference / Funded / Commitments / Remaining
1 / CONSTRUCTION / $1,524,580 / $1,332,875 / $191,705.31
1a / General Construction / $1,256,280 / $1,208,811 / $47,469.20
Parc Services Inc. / B16296 / $0 / $53,001 / $0.00
Parc Services Inc. / B16388 / $0 / $56,890 / $0.00
Stonhard / B17414 / $0 / $17,640 / $0.00
PSP Construction / SL0131 / $0 / $1,081,280 / $0.00
1b / Facilities Management Construction (Breakdown on next page / $99,800 / $92,904 / $6,896.11
1ba / Fire Alarm / $30,000 / $16,200 / $13,800.00
LARC Office Renovation - FA Group / PC3985 MAIN / $0 / $16,200 / $0.00
1bb / Shutdowns/Investigations / $7,000 / $30,928 / ($23,928.34)
MSB AT 3RD & 4TH FL OFFICE RENOV / PC2466 MAIN / $0 / $18,685 / $0.00
Emergency Response / PC6359 MAIN / $0 / $153 / $0.00
PSSRB - A.T. Elevator Modification / PC8040 MAIN / $0 / $9,000 / $0.00
Shutdowns - MSB 3rd & 4th Floor / PC8679 MAIN / $0 / $3,090 / $0.00
MSBANIMALTOWER 3RD & 4TH FL / PC9901 MAIN / $0 / $0 / $0.00
1bc / Keying / $3,000 / $9,704 / ($6,703.74)
Keying/Security - MSB LARC Offices / PE1796 MAIN / $0 / $9,704 / $0.00
1bd / Signage / $3,000 / $4,743 / ($1,742.69)
SIGNAGE / M2425 SUB1BD / $0 / $3,125 / $0.00
MSB A/T 3RD & 4TH FLR / PE1483 MAIN / $0 / $500 / $0.00
Req R57083 to Boardman Print Center Inc. / $0 / $1,117 / $0.00
1be / Custodial / $0 / $0 / $0.00
1bf / Other/Building Permit & Exploratory Survey / $56,800 / $31,329 / $25,470.88
FEE ARCHIVE SUPPORT / PC6821 MAIN / $0 / $2,313 / $0.00
PERMIT FEES / PC6823 MAIN / $0 / $26,704 / $0.00
FEE FOR COORIDOR ELEV DAMAGE / PC8063 MAIN / $0 / $2,313 / $0.00

Line 1b:$99,800 represents the total for the entire sublevel 1b.

How to open Work Orders from within the Current Budget sheet

Here is an example of a linked field or “jumping point” that will take you directly to related data. All Work Orders connected to the project are located in linked fields. Work Orders can be opened directly from the budget screen by double clicking on the WO ID located in the Reference column.

Double click on the first WO ID referenced

Lvl / Description / Reference / Funded / Commitments / Remaining
1 / CONSTRUCTION / $1,524,580.00 / $1,332,875 / $191,705.31
1a / General Construction / $1,256,280.00 / $1,208,811 / $47,469.20
Parc Services Inc. / B16296 / $0.00 / $53,001 / $0.00
Parc Services Inc. / B16388 / $0.00 / $56,890 / $0.00
Stonhard / B17414 / $0.00 / $17,640 / $0.00
PSP Construction / SL0131 / $0.00 / $1,081,280 / $0.00
1b / Facilities Management Construction (Breakdown on next page / $99,800.00 / $92,904 / $6,896.11
1ba / Fire Alarm / $30,000.00 / $16,200 / $13,800.00
LARC Office Renovation - FA Group / PC3985 MAIN / $0.00 / $16,200 / $0.00