Accounting Authority Nomination and Acceptance of Nomination Form

Nomination closure 24 July 2017


Note to Nominator:

Please note that the nomination and acceptance of nomination form must be accompanied with a covering letter on an official letterhead from the nominator’s organisation, a one-page motivation letter, a copy of the nominating organisation’s Constitution and/or Articles of Association and member list.

I, (Full name and Surname) ______

in my capacity as ______

of (name of organization in full) ______

hereby nominate(Ms. / Mr.) ______

to be appointed as a member to the EWSETA Accounting Authority.

The candidate meets the selection criteria for representatives of the Accounting Authority and has knowledge of and skills and expertise in the following: -

1)Application of corporate governance and ethics

2)Skills development legislation and the NSDS III

3)The SETA’s responsibility in respect to service delivery

4)The PFMA and Financial management

5)The Sector and/or Constituency represented by the Member

6)The strategic leadership role of the Accounting Authority

7)Education, training, skills development and human resources development, and

8)Quality assurance of learning provision

1. / Details of Nominating Organisation
1.1 / Name of organisation or body that is making the nomination
1.2 / Postal Address
1.3 / Physical address
1.4 / Contact number(s) / Landline
Direct line
Fax number
Email address
Website address:
1.5 / Sub-sectors
(Full Scope of Coverage is available on the Criteria for Nominations document) / Sub- sector / Tick
  • Electricity

  • Renewable Energy

  • Oil and Gas

  • Nuclear

  • Collection, purification and distribution of water

  • Waste and sewage services

  • Refuse and sanitation services

1.6 / Constituency /
  • Organised Labour

  • Organised Employers

  • Government

  • Recognised Professional Body

  • Bargaining Council with jurisdiction in the sector

  • Sector-specific Community Organisation

1.7 / Organisation registration and/or reference number
1.8 / Number of employees/employers represented by the nominating body/organisation (membership numbers that can be verified)
1.9 / Number of years the body/organisation has been in existence
1.10 / Does the body/organisation participate in any bargaining forums on behalf of its members? / Yes (if yes please specify)
1.11 / Name of person nominating the candidate
1.12 / Position of person nominating the candidate
2. Nominee Details
2.1 / Name of nominee
2.2 / Gender of nominee
2.3 / Identification number
2.4 / Name of organisation of nominee
2.5 / Designation of nominee
2.6 / Physical Address of nominee
2.7 / Postal Address of nominee
2.8 / Contact details of nominee / Landline
Direct line
Fax number
Email address
Website address:

I declare that I am authorised to nominate the abovementioned candidate for consideration by the Minister of Higher Education and Training to be appointed to serve on EWSETA’s Accounting Authority.

Signature: ______Date: ______

(Signature of Nominator)


Note to Nominee:

Please note that a current Curriculum Vitae, certified copy of ID and certified copies of qualifications must be submitted together with the nomination and acceptance of nomination form.

I, (Full name and Surname) ______

in my capacity as ______

of (name of organization in full) ______

hereby accept the nomination for my name to be presented to the Minister of Higher Education and Training for consideration to be appointed to serve on EWSETA’s Accounting Authority.

Signature: ______Date: ______

(Signature of Nominee)