September 2016
Reporting Format
Name of Board/ Group attended:CAMHS Strategic PartnershipDate of meeting:12/10/16
Chair of meeting:Chris Butright
VSF representative: Debbie Winteringham
VSF Rep Contact details
Telephone:01603 431788/07542206481
Main agenda, discussion points and agenda actions:
1)2016/17 Refreshed Local Transformation Plan (LTP) – update (attached)
2)PATHS programme
3)Children & Young People’s IAPT update
Key Issues for the Voluntary and Community Sector:
County councilors and commissioners working together to ensure the council are aware of how ‘health’ works around commissioning. There is potentially another HOSC (Health Overview & Scrutiny Panel) in April, asked for more notice of the meeting this time, to ensure VCS attendance. They should appear on the County Council website, alerts can be set up.
LTP: Refreshed October 16.
Steering group is still meeting monthly. Re-focused in August, had to cancel plans to involve the young people & parents, due to time scales. The rewrite will be completed by the steering group.
Updated plan; 2 sections complete/ 4 work ongoing/2 waiting for implementation. Point 1 have increased their team, NSFT have 11 new eating disorder posts.
Finance sitting in CCG baseline budgets; not ring-fenced. There are regular discussions with NHS England regarding the CCG funding, the CCGs are fully committed.
Future contractual agreements need to be timely. There may be an exemption for the Point 1 contract, this may continue until re-design is complete, this is not guaranteed as there is a strict process to go through before a decision is made.
PATHS: Fourteen Diocese academies have signed up for PATHS this year, federations implementing PATHS across the country.
The social and emotional aspects are being implemented in high school and nurseries. MAP are looking at developing a Programme for high schools.
IAPT course, possibly ASD/IAPT in the new year, potential for post, to be decided. For details about the CYP IAPT programme, and forthcoming training opportunities, click on the following hyperlink -
Actions for The Voluntary & Community Sector (include dates for actions to be completed)
- Set up alerts for HOSC if interested/relevant
- Attend CAMHS Strategy meetings and steering groups to ensure updates/input
Date & Location of next Board/ Group meeting: 10.00am-12.30pm, Thursday 19th January 2017, Orange Room, The Space, Norwich
Date report completed:24/10/16
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