1.  Who helped Atticus guard Tom at the jailhouse?

2.  Who said “Well, it’d sort of be like shooting a mockingbird, wouldn’t it”?

3.  Who sewed Jem’s pants?

4.  Who said, “I think I’m beginning to understand why Boo Radley stayed shut up in his house all of the time…it’s because he wants to stay inside.”?

5.  Who is Arthur’s brother?

6.  Whose fault was it that Scout could read?

7.  Who said “He ain’t company, he’s just a Cunningham.”

8.  Who said, “Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.”

9.  How does Jem said he lost his pants?

10.  Whose picture ended up in the Montgomery Adviser (newspaper)?

11.  Who saved Scout and Jem from an attack?

12.  Who is the nosiest gossipy neighbor?

13.  Jem cut the tops off of whose camellia bushes?

14.  Who was rumored to have poisoned pecans in his yard?

15.  Who did Tom Robinson work for?

16.  Who took Scout and Jem to her church?

17.  Who is Jean Louise Finch?

18.  Who said, “Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.

19.  Who lied about being raped?

20.  What did the kids find in the tree (knothole)?

21.  What happened to the tree after they went back to leave a thank you note?

22.  Jem broke his (body part)?

23.  Who lost her home to a fire?

24.  Who said “I’m gonna be a new kind of clown, I’m gonna stand in the middle of the ring and laugh at the folks.”?

25.  Who was Scout’s first grade teacher?

26.  Who cried over the guilty verdict?

27.  The story takes place during what historical event?

28.  What is Maycomb’s “usual disease”

29.  What did Scout and Jem receive for Christmas?

30.  What era followed the Stock Market Crash of 1929?

31.  Who said “See what you’ve done? Hasn’t snowed in Maycomb since Appomattox. It’s bad children like you that makes the seasons change.“?

32.  How many women were on Tom Robinson’s jury?

33.  Who gave Helen Robinson a job?

34.  Who punished Scout for cursing?

35.  Why did Scout beat up Walter?

36.  Who criticized the way Scout was raised?

37.  Who poured syrup all over his food?

38.  Why did Scout get in trouble one the first day of school?

39.  Who said “Let the Dead Bury the Dead.”?

40.  Who said “Don’t say hey to me you ugly girl!”

41.  Who has a crippled arm from a cotton gin accident?

42.  Who is the sheriff of Maycomb County?

43.  Who is Scout’s “fiancé?”

44.  Who said “With him, life was routine; without him, life was unbearable.”

45.  Who said “It’s all right to be soft-hearted, you’re an easy man, but you have a daughter to think of. A daughter who’s growing up” ?

46.  Who pretends to be “drunk” but really drinks Coke?

47.  Who is a morphine addict?

48.  Who is called “Ol’ One Shot?”

49.  Who writes left handed?

50.  Who said, “I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks.”