

1.  What is the dictionary definition of malnutrition?

2.  Read the BBC news article: The World is crossing malnutrition red line report warns. Write a brief report outlying the main finding of the article.


3.  Distinguish between the term malnutrition and undernourishment.

4.  Describe the composition of a balanced diet.

5.  Define the following terms; stunted and wasted.

Figures and Distribution

6.  Describe the global distribution of undernourishment using absolute and relative figures, (use the two pie charts).

7.  Using the world map describe the pattern of global undernourishment.

8.  Describe how malnutrition levels changed from 1990 to 2013 for different regions of the world. Use the information in the table produced by the FOA.

Diagnosing and Associated Diseases / Health Issues

9.  How is acute malnutrition diagnosed?

10.  List and describe the six main diseases show below that are related to malnutrition and undernourishment.

aneamia / beri-beri / scury
kwashiokor / marasmus / xerophthalmia

11.  Which of these diseases are caused by a lack of vitamins and which are caused by a lack of calories and protein intake.

12.  Describe the long-term consequences associated with children that have suffered from malnutrition.

13.  Why do most people that suffer from malnourished die from the effects other diseases?

14.  Explain why people suffering from water borne diseases and HIV/Aids may become undernourished.

15.  Explain why it is important to treat pregnant women who are malnourished.

16.  Conduct further research into malnutrition in childhood and pregnancy contributes to further malnutrition.

Causes of Malnutrition

17.  Explain how malnourishment / undernourishment may be caused by the following;

·  poverty,

·  ignorance,

·  prejudice.

Include the cycle of misery and the words below in the answer.

rapid population growth / high infant mortality rates / high cost of food
lack of access to proteins and vitamins / low income / ill - health
low crop yields / few girls attend school / high cost of health care
many orphans / little access to clean water / little understanding of age appropriate feeding practices
high cost of funerals / Compromises the immune system / inability to work
few savings / women have little access to money / women have poor understanding of basic hygiene
women have a poor understanding of what constitutes a balanced diet / many pregnant women are deprived of rest and food / many pregnant and child rearing women are malnourished

18.  Describe ad explain why malnourishment is a problem in Britain, (include -age, gender and socio and economic group).
