CampEagle Cove Reunion

AUGUST 10-12, 2007

We are on, and here is some more information about our


Where:Inlet, NY

When:Friday, August 10, 2007


Sunday, August 12, 2007

What:CampEagle Cove Reunion

Including:Color War


Enchanted Forest

Friday Night Services

Bug Juice

Other Activities




We have rooms available, and a very limited number of spots for others.

If you want to join us, then, please send an email ASAP to


Be sure to put the words Eagle Cove in the subject line.

We have a handful of rooms still available. Once we run out of rooms, we will start a waiting list, so please be sure to respond to emails you get confirming attendance.

As many people know, LynnUniversitymoved its program from the Adirondacks to Connecticut, so the Camp property was sold. Thus, we cannot predict what our access to it will be limited. Nonetheless, we have a terrific program ready for everyone to enjoy.

Some have expressed concern that certain youthful indiscretions prevent them from returning to Herkimer and HamiltonCounties—not to worry. All the shirts that Ro---- stole during the last few days of camp have long been forgotten by their victims. That unfortunate incident leading to the police inspecting the cabin more closely than the camp nurse is long in the past!

Our program begins on the next page.

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Friday, August 10, 2007

Campers arrive!!!

Kickoff Cookout at Holl's Inn (South Shore Road) 5:30 p.m.

◊Woolen Uniforms in the Summer Sun "Eagle Cove Little League Stadium" BallPark Hot Dogs

◊Uncle Bello"Its a beauty" Hamburgers

◊Mark “Rito” and Judy Alderman Condiments

◊David Fuhrer Buns (had to be someone!)

◊DanaShorePotato Salad

◊Richard Levinson Cole Slaw

◊Suzanne and Braham Goldstein Pickles

◊Alex, Victor and Steven “Melon” Reiner Watermelon

◊Jodie & Greg Altman Bug Juice

◊Steven and Barry Goldstein Lemonade

◊Richard “Ricky” and Robert “Bobby” Barren Iced Tea

Cash bar is available.

Eagle Cove Friday Night Services

at Holl's Inn (South Shore Road) 6:30 p.m.

We have found a booklet with the services used from at least as early as 1968--God is in his holy temple, Earthly thoughts be silent now…… We hope that Neil Siegel will lead the Mourner's Kadish when we remember the members of our Camp family who are no longer with us, including Uncle Bello and Uncle Jim Hermon, about whom we will have some special remarks.

Eagle Cove Friday Night All CampActivity

Our hosts at Holl's Inn will have some after-services goodies for us, and the bar will be available---and, this time it’ll be OK to have been drinking before the all camp activity---Will it be the Alphabet Game? The Song Fest? Vegas Night?

Taps is at 9:30, and curfew for counselors is midnight.

Saturday, August 11, 2003

Reveille won't sound! A continental breakfast and Eagle Cove style box lunch (not quite one slice of bologna with an eighth of a squirt of mustard, but possibly close) are available on Saturday at Holl’s Inn, or feel free to go out on your own. Some participants want to revisit special locations--Enchanted Forest, AdirondackMuseum, Bello's Mountain etc. For others, we will also have activities during Saturday.

Take time to visit the stores and shops in Inlet and Old Forge. Many of you remember being chased out of Mary’s Gift Shop—the store is still there (and from the looks of things, so is some of the merchandise!!)

Old Forge has joined the modern world, with the addition of a Pizza Hut Express although LATE BREAKING NEWS IS THAT THE MCDONALDS WILL NOT BE OPEN THIS SUMMER! The Adirondack’s Most General Store, claiming to be the largest department store in the North Country remains open, and also remains ready to charge an arm and a leg!

Of course, Inlet still boasts the best cleanest cabin reward—Northern Lights.

Apache Relay (location to be announced) 4:00 p.m.

If there's an apache relay, then Color War must have broken.

Winning Color War captains get drunk at the Trail House/Red Dog.

Aunt Fern and Uncle Sherm Woldman Cocktails

at Holl's Inn(South Shore Road) 6:15 p.m.

(Cash Bar)

(Junior Counselors and CIT's from 6:15 to 6:20; senior counselors 6:20-whenever)

Final Banquet at Holl's Inn(South Shore Road) 6:45 p.m.

◊Richard, Bruce and Leslie Mink Relish Tray

◊Eric Meyer Sweedish Meatballs

◊Aunt Pearl Signature Fresh Baked Rolls

◊Marc Sosne Creamy Dairy-Fresh Butter

◊Brian Van Meter Chopped Salad

◊Steve “Elbow” Lebow’s Prime Rib of Beef (a/k/a ROAST BEAST)

◊Arnie Epstein’s Delightful Boneless Breast of Chicken

◊Peter Lovenheim’s Medley of Seasonal Vegetables

◊Susan, David and Samuel "Sammy" Wolf Baked Potatoes

◊Jodie & Greg Altman Bug Juice

◊Joe Paul Iced Tea

◊David GREEN & Joel and Marla WHITE traditional EC Cake

◊Mark & David Lasky Coffee

◊Steven, Jeffrey and Stephanie Rubens’ Ice Cold Milk (half a glass, just like at camp)

◊Ian Zaffino Red and White Adirondack Wine

As with every other final banquet held during the half-century of camping at Eagle Cove, we will have the finest awards ceremony during the banquet.

Our Master of Ceremonies will be an OUTSTANDING EAGLE COVE PERSONALITY. Our Camper of the Year will lead the prayer. And, if Brian Levy is at the reunion, he will play taps on his trumpet, we hope!!!!

The girls of Cabin 21 (and in the '80, of Cabin 16) will lead us in the alma mater. No swaying during the alma mater!!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Last Day of Camp! Be sure trunks are tightly closed. Plastic bags are available for wet clothes. Also twine. Be on your post. Camp is not over until the last camper is safe at home in bed.

We have a leisurely farewell breakfast buffet from 9:00-10:30 a.m. at Holl's Inn. The menu features:

◊Natalye Stein (Alter) Orange Juice

◊Dave and Jon Horn Tomato Juice

◊Sue and Bob Sundell French Toast

◊Todd Levine Maple Syrup

◊Jeff and Karen Goodman Whipped Butter

◊Leah Sherlitz Bagels

◊Chris Biehn Philadelphia Cream Cheese

◊Nancy Licker Fresh California Lettuce

◊Shoel and Evan Kerzner Tomatoes

◊Jack and Jeremy (not JERRY) Levinson Scrambled Eggs with Salami

◊Uncle Gordie and Aunt Mary Alhart’s Cereal and Oatmeal

◊Elaine and Larry Katzman Ice Cold Milk

◊Cary Greenburg Coffee

◊Marc Badain Hot Tea

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Directions to Inlet:

(Remember, WATCH YOUR SPEED when driving through the mountain towns--the speed limit in Inlet, in particular, is very strictly enforced. The limit is 25 mph in some spots.)

From Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse-- Take the Thruway (I-90) East to Exit 31, Utica. Take Route 12 North. In Poland, Route 28 and Route 12 join together--stay north on 12/28. At Alder Creek, about 20+ miles north of the Thruway, bear right and take Route 28 North. Within a mile after the curve, you should see the ForestportElementary School on your left and cross an overpass. Follow Route 28 North about another 40 miles to Inlet.

From New York City-- Take the Thruway (I-87) to Exit 24, the Northway (still I-87). Take the Northway to Exit 23 (Warrensburg/Diamond Point/Route 9). Turn left at the end of the exit ramp, and turn right onto Route 9 at the gas stations, just under half a mile from the end of the ramp. Follow Route 9 through Warrensburg until the turnoff (to the left) for Route 28. This turn is poorly marked--it is a little more than 4 miles from the exit ramp off I-87, and there is a motel to the right when you make the left turn. At this point, you are about 65-70 miles from Inlet.

Follow Route 28 to the intersection with Route 8, staying on Route 28; continue to IndianLake on Route 28; about 11 miles from IndianLake, at BlueMountainLake, turn left to remain on Route 28. Stay on 28 for about another 26 miles to Inlet.

From South Florida– Take Southwest Airlines (or some other airline) to Albany or Syracuse and drive from there.

From The Glenmore Hotel --Hop in the back of Fio’s truck and hang on tight during the ride down Big Moose Road.

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Everyone will go home with souvenirs,

special mementoes and memories


reflections and reminiscences


some of the most special days of our lives

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Lodging and Activities

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All lodging arrangements are made through the reunion for Holl’sInn. Please do not call the hotel directly because they will tell you that they are sold out.

At Holl’sInn, our room rate, including all activities and friday cookout, after services treat, saturday breakfast, the final banquet and sunday’s brunch, is $279 per person, double occupancy

ACTIVITIES ONLY--this includes any activities you participate in and the Friday cookout, After Services Treat, Saturday Breakfast, the Final Banquet and Sunday’s brunch: $149.00. Children are $30.00

If you will be a single occupant to a room--deduct $75 from the total double occupancy price. Additional persons in a room are $99 each.

We have blocked all the rooms at Holl’sInn, and to reserve one of those rooms, email .


We have rooms available, and a very limited number of spots for others.



JULY 1, 2007.


Do you remember sewing name tags into your Fruit of the Looms (or watching mom do it?) Do you remember the incredible list of clothing to bring to camp—enough underwear to last a college freshman a year! A bathrobe to use on your way to and from the beach!

Here are some suggestions of what to bring:

  1. BEACH TOWEL – You may want to get wet during the reunion. This is the Adirondack Mountains, not midtown Manhattan, so don’t expect beach towels in the rooms. As you walk away from the Lake, you’ll hear, “Dry off his hair!” being shouted from the office’s back porch.
  1. BATHING SUIT – For the same reason that you might want a beach towel.
  1. BANQUET CLOTHES – For men, a jacket is not required, but you can wear one if you’d like. A lot of people plan to wear casual pants (khaki’s or slacks, but not jeans) and a long sleeve shirt and/or sweater. For women, the sorts of dresses that you used to wear to the banquet are not necessary, but, wear them if you’d like. Because a man is writing this, not too much more can be said about women’s clothes, except, please try to avoid jeans. Business casual seems to be a good rule for both men and women.
  1. FRIDAY NIGHT SERVICES – Please do not feel the need to be as formal as we were at camp. We’ll be coming from a cookout, and I can’t imagine anything less “camp” than wearing dress-up clothes to munch a hot dog (“It’s a Beauty”). Long pants are probably better because Adirondack evenings begin to get chilly, but casual attire is fine.
  1. EVENINGS – For those who know only the six week camp season, you may not have experienced a good August chill. Some nights the temperature drops very low, so, please, bring a jacket.
  1. MONEY – ATM’s are available in Inlet (nota 24 hour ATM) and Old Forge. Many establishments (including Holl’s Inn) do not accept credit cards.
  1. BASEBALL MITT – In case a game breaks out.
  1. CAMP PICTURES – Portraits by Murray the Photographer.
  1. FLASHLIGHT – In case you’re out in the dark.
  1. INSECT REPELLANT – They call it the Black Fly Capital of the World for a reason, and the 1970’s style DDT fogging truck that used to roll through camp will be gone. Also, the bugs have gotten bigger.

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A note on the modern world………Many of you have heard the story of a head counselor (Ron Margray, whose name I may not be spelling correctly) asking Bello for a couple of lamps for his cabin. “Lamps! Lamps??” Bello exclaimed in his trademark baritone.

“Yes, Bello, lamps.”

“Whaddya need with kerosene lamps?”

“Bello, it is 1980.”

The Adirondacks have come along in the three and one-half decades that I have been going there, but certain conveniences are absent. PLEASE EXPECT THE FOLLOWING:

  1. You will NOT have cell phone service. Spotty coverage exists in Old Forge and in the downtown part of Inlet, but cell service is not reliable. Likewise, your Blackberry and other PDA’s won’t work or won’t work well.
  1. You will NOT have internet access. That internet is a big city thing, not an Inlet thing. Although one or two internet café’s exist (meaning a computer with an internet hookup) in our area, do not expect the internet to be available to you at Holl’s Inn (where there is no internet access) or most other places.
  1. Spa-like Water Pressure and Estate Size Rooms are not the norm in Inlet, so do NOT expect the accommodations to be like the Four Seasons or even the Hyatt. Expect clean, comfortable RUSTIC rooms which means that you may find a bug has flown through a screen or window. These bugs’ ancestors flew into Eagle Cove cabins with reckless abandon for over “forty-tree” years.
  1. Swim Test are NOT required.