Minutes of the Celbridge Area Committee Meeting held at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 10th September, 2004 in the Council Chamber, St. Mary’s, Naas as adopted.

Members Present:Councillor K. Ridge (Cathaoirleach), Councillor K. Byrne, and Councillor G. Conway.

Also Present:Mr. A.C. Talbot, Meetings Administrator, Corporate Affairs, Ms. Patricia Penny, Maynooth Area Office, and Ms. T. Ludden, Corporate Affairs.


It was decided to defer the appointment to the Local Traveller Consultative Committee until October. The members requested that the item be left on the Agenda.


Minutes were proposed by Councillor Conway and seconded by Councillor Byrne.

Resolved: The minutes of 16th July, 2004 were adopted.


The Meetings Administrator circulated previous Minutes and Progress Report.

Lodge Park Straffan – repairs to footpath outside Sean Donovan’s house

The members requested a report for the October meeting as several trees have now died.

Taking in charge of Elm Park, Castletown and Abbey Farm estates

Cllr. Byrne requested that this item be listed on the Agenda for the October meeting. A.C. Talbot to request an update from Planning Section.

Matt Dempsey turning bay – rubbish dumping and anti-social behaviour

Planning Section to report for October.

Hazelhatch Residents Association and Wheatfield Residents Association.

The members requested that copies of replies be made available for the October meeting. Councillor Byrne requested that copies be made available directly to him in advance of the October meeting.

Disabled Parking Spaces.

A report was read to the members. The members requested precise dates for completion of work for the October meeting.

Killenlea Residents

A report was read to the members. The report was noted.

Part VIII - Barberstown Cross/ Straffan Road

The members requested details together with the relevant report for the October monthly meeting.

“Caution Deaf Children at Play”

Patricia Penny, Roads Section is to advise Councillor Ridge on whether signs are now available.

Traffic Lights Celbridge

Councillor Ridge requested further clarification on this issue. It was requested that the traffic lights be removed immediately and that hoods were not acceptable and should not be put in place. The members requested an update on this issue for the October meeting.

Public Transport Providers

A report was read to the committee. The members noted the report. It was agreed that representatives from the Gardai, Iarnrod Eireann and Dublin Bus be invited to meet the committee.

Pruning of Trees in Straffan Graveyard

A report was read to the committee. The members noted the report.


A deputation from Ballymakealy Residents’ Association attended the meeting and submitted petitions and a letter from the Gardai in respect of illegally parked travellers at Ballymakealy and the subsequent security of the site.

Concerns were raised about securing of the site. The issue of site ownership was also raised. A.C. Talbot advised the members that the issue was in the process of being resolved.

Councillor Conway thanked the residents for attending the meeting and expressed surprise at the confusion which arose out of resolving the matter. The members stated that they hoped the matter would be resolved immediately, and requested that boulders would be placed on site allowing no further incursions.


“That the Council provide a written report, including a time-scale, in relation to any proposed development of the area zoned for traveller accommodation in the Celbridge developmental plan.”

A.C. Talbot reported to the committee that as the zoned land was still private property, no timescale could be given at present. The Cathaoirleach requested an update regarding the suitability of the designated site and voiced her concerns that with the development of two substantial housing estates and a new road extremely close to the location of the original proposed site perhaps it was no longer suitable.

Councillor Byrne suggested that an alternative site might be found on the Celbridge to Maynooth Road, at the old Motorway depot where the portacabins were still in place.

Action: The members requested a list of proposed halting sites in the Kildare North Area.


When will the traffic calming measures on the Shackleton Road, Celbridge, for which €30,000 has been allocated, be installed?

A.C. Talbot informed the meeting that the works would take place in 2004 within a budget of €30,000.


Has the vehicle/pedestrian count regarding the proposed installation of pedestrian lights at English Row, Celbridge taken place yet?

A.C. Talbot informed the meeting that a count had been scheduled for September when schools have returned. Details should be available for the October meeting.


What is the current status of the main street, Celbridge improvement works where undergrounding of overhead wires was to be carried out, and also new public lighting and trees and street furniture were also provided?

A.C. Talbot informed the meeting that the proposed works would cost €500,000 and that no funding was available. He stated that the matter could be considered as part of the prioritisation of the development contribution scheme. Councillor Byrne commented that ducting was already in place for cables. Councillor Conway asked if raising a loan to complete the works might be the way forward which could be paid back out of future development levies.

Councillor Ridge asked Mr. Talbot what the procedure was for raising a loan. A.C. Talbot replied that approval of the full council was required. He also advised that there were limits as to what may be borrowed as all loans have to be repaid. A.C. Talbot will put the question to the Planning Section regarding urban renewal works and look for a report.


What is the current position on providing signage at Hazelhatch Bridge and Balscott, and also providing traffic calming on this very dangerous stretch of road which is being used as a rat run between Newcastle and Leixlip?

A.C. Talbot informed the meeting that the Area Engineer has contacted the traffic department of South Dublin County Council with a view to ensuring a co-ordinated approach regarding the provision of additional signage and lining at Hazelhatch Bridge.

The report also stated that no funding was available for traffic calming at Balscott. The members were further informed that it was not council policy to provide such facilities in rural areas. Any limited funding available would be mainly directed to locale in the vicinity of schools.


“That the Council liaise with the E.S.B. in relation to the completion of its works at English Row namely the immediate removal of the old timber lamp-post in the middle of the foot-path”.

A.C. Talbot informed the meeting that the Area Engineer had been in contact with the E.S.B. and had requested them to remove the pole. Councillor Ridge congratulated the Roads Section on having completed the job.


“That the Council provide a public light between Beatty Park and Whitethorn walk through which is being used by youths for anti-social behaviour.”

A.C. Talbot reported to the meeting that the Area Engineer would get a costing from the E.S.B. The matter could be considered as part of the discretionary public lighting allocation for 2005. Councillor Conway suggested that future County Development plans should not develop any more walkways as anti-social behaviour tended to occur there.


“That the council replace the E.S.B. poles in the Dara Court Estate which are rusting at the base particularly pole numbers 1-7 and pole 26 and also replace pole number 14 which is ready to fall.”

A.C. Talbot informed the meeting that the estimated cost of the proposed works was €6,000 and that it would be necessary to identify funding. Councillor Byrne requested that Roads Section deal with the fallen pole as soon as possible. Councillor Ridge requested that Kildare County Council and the E.S.B. deal with the issue regarding Health & Safety.

Action: Roads Section to make the area safe.


“That the Council upgrade the public lighting system on the Ardclough Road and in particular the stretch between the Grove Housing Estate and Temple Manor Housing Estate.”

A.C. Talbot reported that the Area Engineer would get a costing from the E.S.B. The matter could be considered as part of the discretionary public lighting allocation for 2005. Councillor Byrne stated that it was a very dangerous road, with a path only 2’ wide and that funding was essential.


“That the work carried out on the green in Ardclough be reviewed as there are a number of concerns regarding value for money and quality of work.”

The initial costing was €4,000. The members stated that funding for the work was increased to €10,000 in May and queried the amount of work done. Members requested that this item be placed on the Agenda for the October meeting.


“That bollards be placed on the roads and interchange to prevent further incursions.”

A.C. Talbot informed the meeting that substantial works were carried out in recent weeks at the Celbridge Interchange. Councillor Conway suggested that it be extended downwards to Celbridge. Councillor Conway further stated wide margins were an attraction to incursions. She said that there should be planning to prevent encampments on open spaces. A.C. Talbot to request Roads Section to look at the item and see if it is achievable.


“That the road and footpaths in Oakley Park, Celbridge be repaired and resurfaced.”

A.C. Talbot informed the meeting that no funding was available for improvements at this location. However, it has been possible to allocate some monies toward footpath strengthening at this location in 2004.

Councillor Conway requested clarification on the meaning of “strengthening of footpaths” for the October meeting.


“When do the Council propose to pipe in the Toni River which runs through a portion of the Dara Court Estate for approximately 70 yards and is now in a dangerous state for the residents?

A.C. Talbot informed the members that there was no funding for piping the Toni River. A.C. Talbot is to contact the relevant department and obtain a detailed report for the next meeting.


What is the number of social and affordable housing units available or expected to be available in Straffan and Celbridge over the coming months?

A.C. Talbot briefed the members. Councillor Conway requests further clarification on the number of Part V houses completed to date for the October meeting.

A.C. Talbot to contact Housing Section for details of what Part V Social and Affordable Housing units are going to be available for Celbridge and Straffan area. The report should contain a breakdown of each estate and the number of houses for the October meeting.


“That the Council block off the old North Kildare Educate Together site at Ballymakealy, to prevent recurring traveller encampments at this location.”

A.C. Talbot informed the members that Respond! Housing Association will shortly take possession of the site in question to facilitate the construction of the integrated social housing development planned for Ballymakealy. The report also noted that complaints in relation to the present encampment at this location are also being investigated by the Gardai.

Councillor Conway stated that Respond! Housing Association advised that they will carry out the work if Kildare County Council provides funding and secure the site.

Resolved: That immediate action should be taken to secure the site.


Has the report requested in respect of Library structures been completed?

A.C. Talbot informed the members that a report is in the course of preparation but is still some way away from completion approximately 2-3 months.


Celbridge improvement works

Councillor Conway questioned why the Shaffrey Report recommendations were not fully implemented in the Celbridge improvement works. A.C. Talbot to obtain report for next meeting.

Celbridge Interchange

Councillor Conway requested a report for the October meeting giving detailed costings over the last six years of the amount spent on Celbridge, Straffan and Ardclough on cleanups, high court costs, and legal fees in relation to illegal encampments.

Delayed replies to Councillors’ questions

Councillor Conway requested that relevant staff attend future meetings to answer supplementary questions regarding Planning, Housing, and Engineering etc. A.C. Talbot said the point would be recorded.

Councillor Ridge was of the opinion that it would be appropriate for officials to attend the meetings to answer questions. It would then be possible to obtain fuller answers and the members could report back to their communities with a more detailed response. A.C. Talbot advised the members that he would take it up with the Departments concerned.

Thornhill Meadows

The members stated that the green area in Thornhill Meadows had been excavated but that the repairs were not of an acceptable standard. A.C. Talbot stated that he would request the Water Services section to repair work and report to the members for the October meeting.

The meeting then concluded.

Celbridge Area Minutes 10th September, 2004