ARTICLEI: Name of the Council
The name of the Council shall be “Harry BowesSchool Council” hereinafter referred to as the “Council”.
The objectives of theCouncil:
A. To enhance student learning through the co-operative efforts ofparents,students,teachers, support staff, administrators and community members.
B. To provide a forumfor communication and liaison among parents, staff, students and community concerning those issues that affect the school and/or students.
C. To create and maintain an environment which is conducive to improving student learning and school effectiveness.
D. To act as an advisory body to the school administration on school-relatedmatters.
The role of the Council is to act as an advisory body andprovide advice to the school principal and where appropriate, to the school board, on any mattersthatthecouncilhas identified as priorities, including, but not limited to:
A. Local school year calendar.
B. School code of student behavior.
C. Local school safety and security procedures. D. Curriculumandprogramgoals and priorities.
E. The responses of the school or school boardto achievement in provincial and board assessment programs.
F. Preparation of the school profile and school plan for continuous improvement. G. Selection of principals.
H. School budget priorities, including capital-improvement plans. I.School-community communication strategies.
J.Methods of reporting to parents and the community. K. Extracurricular activitiesin the school.
L. School based services and community partnerships related to social, health, recreational and nutrition programs.
M.Community use of school facilities.
N. Local co-ordination of services for children and youth
O. Development, implementation and review ofboard policies at the local level. P. Fundraising
ARTICLEIV: Non-Profit Organization
The committee will operate without financial gainfor its members. Any profit to the organization will be used in promoting its purpose. The Council will operate any fundraising activities in accordance with board policy under the guidance of the school administrator.
ARTICLEV: Membership
A. Membership in the Council shall be determined inaccordance with the election procedure outlined in Article VII Herein.
B. Membership is comprised of those persons elected, acclaimed and/or appointed in accordance with Article VII herein.
General (non-Voting) Membership:
C. All parents/guardians ofstudents who attend Harry Bowes Public School, all staff of Harry
Bowes Public School and any community member are welcome.
ARTICLEVI: Composition of Council
A. The maximum number of persons elected, acclaimed or appointed shall be as follows:
Optional Positions:Teaching staff*1
Non-teaching staff*1
Immediate Past Chairs(s)2
Community Representative*2
* These are non-voting positions and do not contribute towards quorum.
B. Terms of Office
Officers shall hold office for a period of oneyear,unlessanofficer resigns or is removed fromcouncil in accordance with Article VI, section C. Officers may run again in successive and subsequent years.
C. Removal
A Council member may be removed fromhis/her position for any of the following reasons:
1) The Council membermisses two meetings without reason deemed valid byChairperson/CoChairs or who has not provided sufficient notice of regret .
2) The Council member is proven to have mismanaged or misappropriated funds controlled by theCouncil.
D. Sub-Committees
The Council may formsub-committees whenever deemed necessary and may appoint chair- persons for such committees. These committees may include general members as per
Article V section C, and will meet as often as business necessitates. Any subcommittee must submit reports and/or recommendations to the Council for FINALAPPROVAL. All sub
committees shall have representationfromtheCouncil either as a member ofthat committee or in an advisory or liaison capacity.
ARTICLEVII: Nominations and Elections
A. Council positionsareelected,acclaimed or appointed.
1) Parents/guardians shall be elected by parents/guardians of students enrolled at
Harry Bowes Public School.
2) Teacher representative(s) shall be elected by members of the teaching staff.
3) Non-teaching staff shall be elected by non-teaching staff assigned to the school.
4) School principal and/or vice-principal shall be designated members.
5) Community representative(s) shall be appointed by the council and shall not hold executive office.
6) Student representative(s)participation shall be at the discretion ofthe principal.
B. Inherence to School Board NP262.
C. Should a council member or executive officer position become vacant during the mandate, the Councilexecutive may appoint or elect anindividual to fill that position.
ARTICLEVIII: Executive Officers
The executive may consist of a parent chairpersonor co-chairpersons (herein referred to as the chair), parent vice-chairperson, treasurer, secretary, community relations officer or co-officers, and immediate past chairs(s).
1. be a parent/guardian of student(s) who attend Harry Bowes Public School;
2. preside over Council meetings or arrange for the co-chairto preside in his/her absence;
3. act as spokesperson andrepresentthe Council or delegate a member to do so when required;
4. prepare a written agenda with the Principal;
5. ensure that all members of the Councilfulfill their responsibilities;
6. have a working knowledge of theCouncil Constitution.
7. prepare and submit the School Council Annual Report to the Board.
The ViceChairshall:
1. be a parent/guardian of student(s) who attend Harry Bowes Public School;
2. preside over Council meetings in the absence of the Chair;
3. act as spokesperson andrepresentthe Council when required;
4. support all members of the Councilinfulfilling their responsibilities;
5. have a working knowledge of theCouncil Constitution.
The Secretary shall:
1. keep accurate minutes, including attendance, of all meetings;
2. distribute copies of the minutes;
3. attend to official correspondence and communications deemed appropriate by the committee;
4. have a working knowledge of theCouncil’s Constitution
The Treasurer shall:
- present a current verbal financial statement at eachCouncil meeting;
- Maintain written financial statements in concert with school Administrative Staff and have them available upon request
2. have a working knowledge of theCouncil Constitution.
E. COMMUNITY RELATIONS OFFICER *may be combined with Secretary role
The Community Relations Officer shall:
1. be responsible for the preparation and distribution of anCouncil newsletter informing the
Council community of the activities and concerns of theCouncil;
2. be responsible for the development and implementation of a communication plan, i.e. newsletter, web page;
3. have a working knowledge of theCouncil Constitution. F. HBSC MEMBERS
The elected,acclaimed and/or appointed Council members are accountable to the constituents they serve and shall:
1. attendallregularlyscheduledCouncil meetings;
2. serve on at least one sub-committee during their termof office;
3. act as a link between theCouncil and the community;
4. encourage the participation ofparents fromall groups and ofother people within the school community;
5. have a working knowledge of theCouncil Constitution.
The immediate Past Chair shall:
1. be acclaimed to the position for a one year term;
2. act as a consultant to theCouncil;
3. provide continuity to theCouncil;
4. have a working knowledge of theCouncil Constitution
A. Meetings will be run in accordanceto Robert’s Rules of Order.
B. Meetings will take place asdetermined by the Principal with councils’ approval on or by the first council meetingof each school year.There will be a minimum of six (6) meetings during the school year. Sub-committees will meet over and above Council meetings, when deemed necessary.
C. Decisions will be made by consensus. If consensus cannot be reached onan issue, the chair shall call for a majority vote ofelected Council members as per Article V section A
& Article V section B.
D. All general members as per Article V sectionC will be encouraged to attend, provide input and/or engage in debate on issues during meetings.
E. Discussion shall be restrictedtotheAgenda.
F. A quorumshall be composed of a minimum of 2/3 Council members, with a majority being parent representatives at all times.
G. Meeting agendas shall be prepared by thecouncil chair and Principal and issued toCouncil
members prior to each meeting.
H. General members may request items be placed on the agenda by contacting the chair via the school office, up to 24 hrs.prior to the scheduled meeting.
I.General members may make presentations to the Council as scheduled on the agenda. The chair will reserve the right to limit the number and length of presentationsanddiscussions at any meeting.
J.The chair may table discussion on an agenda item for a following meeting. K. The last ten (10) minuteswill be opened to the floor.
In the event that a quorum of voting members cannot not be achieved with an in-person meeting, the following option is available to the Council:
a)Electronic Voting. This means teleconferences, electronic mail, transmission of data through computer networks, or any other similar means which provide for reasonable access to voting and ensure the confidentiality and security of the voting process.
Matters requiring a vote may be sent individually to each current voting member and must clearly summarize the proposed action, and require a reply from each director with his or her vote. Only matters that receive unanimous approval may be considered a completed vote. This does not include abstentions. Any non-response is seen as a supporting vote.
If consensus cannot be achieved, the matter will be moved to the next regularly scheduled meeting or an emergency meeting, if appropriate. All responses must be kept for audit and record keeping purposes.
ARTICLEX: Conflictof Interest/ Conflict Resolution
1. Individual Council members, who perceivethemselves or are perceived to be in conflict of interest, must declare their conflict at the earliest opportunity and at the time of the meeting, so the minutes may reflect this declaration.
2. Members who declare conflict of interestshall not deliberate or vote on that particular issue.
3. The Council shall undertake toresolve all internal conflicts within its mandate in a timelymanner.
4. The Council will abide by any conflictresolutionpolicy issued by the Board
ARTICLE XI: Financial Records and Expenditures
Per Board policy, the school Administrative staff shall handle the official recordkeeping of all records and financialmatters related to the Council. All expenditures of up must be approved by the Council. Receipts must be furnished.
ARTICLEXII: Amendments
Any proposed amendment to the constitution or by-laws must be submitted in writing to the chairperson at least two weeks priorto a regular general meeting of theCouncil in order for it to
be put on the agenda. The change must be presented in the formof a motion and passed by a two- thirds (2/3) majority ofthe members present and voting.
As amended, May 12, 2017.
at the General Meeting ofthe HarryBowes School Council on >, 2008.
Chair, Harry Bowes School Council, on behalfof the Harry Bowes Community and Council