Donald R. Fox

In a kidding manner, many years ago I used the word facetious in response to an equally joking brother-in-law. He responded in a laughing manner, what is that word? His sister, my wife, Shirley and I explained what facetious was. He responded, “I never heard of that word." He liked the sound of the word and its meaning. He would use it just about every time we met, always a joking.

Many folks in their everyday talking, especially around close friends enjoy, to the point of, a love of joking. I have a knack of setting myself up so others, in a joking manner, can kid me. With that said, we all must be very careful not to treat a serious matter with humor. Lacking respect, in an inappropriate time, can cause injured feelings, therefore, a negative, hurtful facetious remark. Such lack of respect for serious matters is a sign of poor upbringing.

Many of us have given up viewing so-called sitcom's television shows and movies in general. They have become very crude and full of unkind, off-color facetious remarks and played out of unseemly carnal conduct. This too is a sign of improper upbringing or a sign of no respect for past traditional behavior. There are no restrictions and an in-your-face disregard for decency. Decency is an unknown trait in the current show business. Sadly, the general public laughs and indorses these unrespectable facetious and crude characteristics.

Others and I have pondered the great and fast changes in our national and worldwide behavior. Our comportment as pertains to ethical conduct has drastically changed in a comparatively short period of time. Within my lifetime, universal codes of conduct have changed from overall acceptable to blatantly crude. I believe the gain toward coarse standards is due in part to the doctrines of humanism, secularization, acceptance of worldliness by way of the promotion of worldly movies/TV and the like. To cap it off, there is great ignorance among the masses of God-given standards that at one time were acceptable to all civilized societies.


“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15 KJV)

“Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.” (Ecclesiastes 7:29 KJV)

“O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.” (Jeremiah 10:23 KJV)

“If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 13:15 KJV)

NOTE: For an essay on a similar subject see “CRUDNESS."

grappig, snaaksطَريف، فَكِه шеговит vtipný, směšný anstrengt morsomscherzhaftφαιδρόςburlón naljaks öeldudوابسته به شوخی بیجا leikillinenfacétieuxמִתלוֹצֵץ हंसाने वाले, विनोद प्रिय, मजाकिया šaljiv, duhovit tréfás main-main gamansamurfacetoおどけた진지하지않은juokaujamas, juokingas, sąmojingas jocīgs; zobgalīgs berselorohschertsendanstrengtmorsom; ironiskdowcipnybrincalhão/faceto, engraçadinho (comoo Redondo!) glumeţшутливый (nevhodne) vtipný, veselý šaljiv šaljiv skämtsam, lustigทำเป็นเล่นโดยไม่ดูกาลเทศะalaycı滑稽的веселий; жартівливий مزاق hay bông lơn滑稽的

grappig, snaaksطَريف، فَكِه шеговит vtipný, směšný anstrengt morsomscherzhaftφαιδρόςburlón naljaks öeldudوابسته به شوخی بیجا leikillinenfacétieuxמִתלוֹצֵץ हंसाने वाले, विनोद प्रिय, मजाकिया šaljiv, duhovit tréfás main-main gamansamurfacetoおどけた진지하지않은juokaujamas, juokingas, sąmojingas jocīgs; zobgalīgs berselorohschertsendanstrengtmorsom; ironiskdowcipnybrincalhão/faceto, engraçadinho (comoo Redondo!) glumeţшутливый (nevhodne) vtipný, veselý šaljiv šaljiv skämtsam, lustigทำเป็นเล่นโดยไม่ดูกาลเทศะalaycı滑稽的веселий; жартівливий مزاق hay bông lơn滑稽的