This template should be used by an Association Level Official to request a Letter of Recommendation for an upgrade to the National Level of certification. In the appropriate blanks, fill in your name and the one discipline for which you are requesting an upgrade.


Dear , Date

I am applying for an upgrade to the "National Level" of certification in the:

event, and I am requesting a Letter of Recommendation from you in this regard.

In accordance with the guidelines of the USATF National Officials Committee, certification at the National Level is designed for officials who are ready to serve as Chief Judges within their Association and to take on more responsibility outside of their Association. The Letter of Recommendation I am requesting from you is an important component of evaluating me for an upgrade by the Georgia Association Officials Committee.

The letter must come from an active National Level official, or Master Level official with whom, or for whom I have officiated in the requested upgrade discipline. The letter must specifically describe your observations of me working in the requested upgrade discipline and should attest to my ability to perform all the duties associated with officiating the upgrade discipline.

Your evaluation must also include your assessment of my ability to serve as a Chief Judge at the Association level in the requested upgrade discipline. Your evaluation of my qualifications and performance should be based on your observations in the role as the Chief Judge or as a fellow crew member with me in a particular event. Additionally, your observations of my qualifications and performance may be furnished as an Officials Coordinator or Referee at a meet, as long as you can personally attest to my ability to perform all the duties associated with the requested upgrade discipline and to perform those duties as a Chief Judge in the discipline.

The following form is provided to assist you in evaluating the necessary performance elements. Upon completion, please send the completed evaluation form to the Certification Chair of the USATF Georgia Association Officials Committee by e-mail to: or by U.S. mail to:

Phillip Ozell

1930 Windham Park NE

Atlanta, GA 30324

Thank you,


Applicant’s Printed Name


Evaluation to Upgrade to the National Level of Certification

To the Officials Committee, USATF Georgia Association,

This is a Letter of Recommendation for for an Upgrade to the National Level of Certification in the discipline.

A. Identification Information for the Evaluator.

Evaluator’s Name USATF Association

Telephone Number E-Mail

Current Certification level Master National Other:

Current Certification level in the applicant's requested upgrade discipline Master National


B. List up to three meets at which you officiated with/supervised the applicant in the requested upgrade discipline and briefly describe your opportunities to evaluate the performance of the applicant in the discipline.

Name and location of Meet Dates Event Your Duties Applicant’s Duties

Basis of Evaluation:

C. Assessment of the Applicant:

1. Is the applicant able to perform all the duties associated with the requested upgrade discipline?

Yes No Unable to judge

Please describe the abilities or limitations of the applicant:

2. Is the applicant capable of serving as a Chief Judge of the discipline at an Association level meet?

Yes No Unable to judge

Please describe the abilities or limitations of the applicant:

3. Please provide any other comments you would like to have the Officials Committee consider while evaluating this upgrade request.

Signature Date

Please e-mail your completed evaluation form to the Certification Chair of the USATF Georgia Association Officials Committee to: or by U.S. mail to:

Phillip Ozell

1930 Windham Park NE

Atlanta, GA 30324

Revised September 2015