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Pergunta nº: 593 /Question nº: 593

Título: /Title: Pulp and Paper and Beards.

Por: / By: Alex Lavoie and Douglas Higgins


Questão: /Question:

Dear Dr. Foelkel,

As an avid fan of yours, we recently saw you in the list of the RISI power list of top 50 most powerful people in the Pulp and Paper Industry in Pulp and Paper International. Congratulations on your feat! As dedicated pulp and paper enthusiasts (I recently read your Eucalyptus book front to back), we were very interested in hearing more about your work. We are working on a new industrial model for European Carbon Emissions and are including pulp and paper in the model to see what effect the EU ETS will have on the sector. We would love to hear your insights on this subject!

Also, we were quite intrigued by the intricate beard that you are currently styling. I am trying to grow a little facial hair myself and am trying to get some advice on the best way to grow; similar to pulp and paper, it seems like you are truly a master of the art of beard growing. I am particularly interested in the lower right half of your this missing on purpose, as a stylistic thing? If so, we certainly find it inspiring and am anxious to emulate your style.

We can’t wait to hear from you about pulp and paper and beards. Thanks so much.


Alex Lavoie and Douglas Higgins


Resposta por Celso Foelkel: / Answer by Celso Foelkel:

Dear Alex, thanks very much for your nice comments and for reading my publications. It is always great to discover new friends in this great World of Paper.

Regarding Carbon Sinking, I'm intending to write a mini-article in the Eucalyptus Newsletter, late 2009. In case you may suggest some topics to cover, feel free to send your suggestions.

Unfortunately I cannot help you too much with regard to my beard style. In reality, I'm obliged to use itin such way due to several surgeries I had in the left side of the face about 35 years ago due to a very aggressive cancer. Anyhow, it is very good to me to hear someone liking the style, however, I do not recommend the way I had to go in the direction of. Curiously, it is the second nice comment I've justreceived, theother from another friend of mine, who said this style resembles the Italian hero Garibaldi. Well, it is definitively a new world. I hope you may succeed in getting some hair in your face and you may enjoy what comes out.

Thanks again for your very nice comments about being my fan and for my nomination to the RISI Power List.

Best Regards and also do Douglas

Celso Foelkel


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