Personal Finance

Instructor Information

Instructor / Email / Office Location & Hours
Bonnie Wasberg / / FACS room 7:20-4:00

General Information

OE Code 090101 Course Code 76

COURSE TIME: One Semester –1/2 Semester Credit – 67.5 Hours Class Time

OE Code 090101 Course Code 37

COURSE TIME: One Semester –1/2 Semester Credit – 67.5 Hours Class Time

DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on basic personal finance skills that are relevant to the lives of teens, and young adults to lay a solid foundation for financial independence and future financial decisions.

OBJECTIVE: The student will understand responsible earning, money management, spending, investing, insurance, savings, and borrowing.

I.  Money Management

a.  Explore how spending, saving and values impact your finances

b.  Set financial goals that re specific and measurable

c.  Apply strategies to be mindful about spending decisions

d.  Create a spending plan to reach your goals

e.  Figure out ways to maintain a positive cash flow

II.  Borrowing

a.  Weigh the benefits and risks of borrowing

b.  Compare the costs and terms of borrowing options

c.  Start the journey to establish a good credit rating

d.  Explore the rights and responsibilities of borrowers and lenders

e.  Protect yourself from identify fraud

III.  Earning Power

a.  Explore the payoffs of investing in yourself

b.  Measure the value of employee benefits

c.  Assess factors that impact personal tax liability and take-home pay

d.  Start down the path to achieving your lifestyle and financial goals

e.  Prepare to deal with life and work changes

IV.  Investing

a.  Explore how saving and investing can be used to build wealth

b.  Explore how investing works

c.  Explore the risks and reward of several types of investments

d.  Outline strategies to achieve investing goals

e.  Outline a long-range investment game plan

V.  Financial Services

a.  Explain how services are used to handle business transactions

b.  Select banking tools and technology to handle personal business transactions

c.  Protect your personal account information

d.  Select a financial service provider

e.  Demonstrate how to manage spending and banking transactions

VI.  Insurance

a.  Justify reasons to be insured

b.  Investigate how insurance works

c.  Choose insurance for specific needs and situations

d.  Compare auto insurance options

e.  Plan ahead to minimize insurance cost and costs of unexpected events

VII.  Foods and Budgeting

a.  Apply basic budget concepts of nutritional food plans

b.  Demonstrate utilization of healthy foods in microwave

c.  Evaluate nutrition principles and preparation techniques and specialized dietary plans such as fast foods

d.  Demonstrate transferable and employability skills in school, community and workplace settings

CAREER COMPONENT: Match an education program with career interests, Identify potential job or career options that match your financial goals and desired lifestyle.

ASSESSMENT: Testing, Written Measures, Oral Measures, Simulated Activities, Presentations, Performance, Observation and Self Evaluation

SPECIAL PROJECTS: Create a spending plan, use a checking account, Career Speakers

Course Description:

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of how to manage their finances through goal setting, budgeting, and consumer awareness. Students will gain basic skills in financial management.

Course Goals:

Students will be able to:

·  Establish financial goals; make a financial plan considering budgeting and asset building to meet those goals; and determine ways to track the success of the plan.

·  Establish financial goals; make a financial plan considering budgeting and asset building to meet those goals; and determine ways to track the success of the plan.

·  Evaluate the benefits and costs of credit; and explain how these attributes can affect one's ability to borrow, rent, get a job and achieve other financial goals.

Units of Study:

Unit 1: Thinking Economically

Unit 2: Planning and Tracking

Unit 3: Earning Income

Unit 4: Paying Taxes

Unit 5: Budgeting

Unit 6: Saving

Unit 7: Spending

Unit 8: Investing

Unit 9: Borrowing

Unit 10: Protecting


Grades will be based on assignments, quizzes and tests. The Lakeview Student Handbook Grading Policy will be followed.

96% and above A

94-95% A-

92-93% B+

89-91% B

87-88% B-

85-86% C+

82-84% C

80-81 C-

78-79 D+

72-77 D

70-71 D-

69 below F

Expectations and Goals

FACS Classroom Success

Follow Directions

~Be on time

~Bring all supplies daily

~Contribute to the lesson/pay attention

Attendance is required

~Be present physically and mentally

~Ask for makeup work

~Poor attendance=poor understanding

Choose your attitude

~Be respectful

~Be patient with the needs of others

~Be positive and pay attention to detail

Strive for success

~Give 100%

~Take charge of your own education

~Set your class goals


Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain class notes from another student and assignments from the instructor.

Make-up Policy

Excused Absences (per school policy) will be allowed to make up work. For every one day missed, two days are allowed for makeup work. Absences determined by Attendance Office. Student will take the test if in attendance on test day. If test day is missed (excused absence) student must make up the test the next returning day. A different test will be given.

Any unexcused/truancy absence will result in a zero grade for any assignment, quiz or test missed. Late work will only be taken under special circumstances.

I will not pursue you about your missed work; you must stop in the office and get a make-up slip and check the “While you Were Gone” tray to get any missed assignments or notes.

Extra credit may be available on a case-by-case basis, but all missing assignments must be in before any extra credit will be given. If you have surpassed the time periled for late work, you will still have to complete the assignment before completing extra credit. Students should not expect to earn extra credit immediately before mid-term or the end of the quarter. It is not a replacement for daily work.

Academic Honesty/Plagiarism

Work assigned to students must be completed in an honest manner. In cases where copying assignments from one another student is identified, both students will receive a zero on the assignment as well as be referred for disciplinary action.


You are expected to be in your desk with the required materials when class starts. Be prompt! Detention will be assigned for tardiness. You should have enough time to go to the bathroom or get a drink between classes. Please take care of these things before coming to class. If you are not in your assigned seat when I take attendance, you will be counted tardy.

Leaving the Classroom

Students will be issued passes by Mrs. Wasberg. You may use the passes to go to the office, restroom, and locker. If you have passes left over at the end of each quarter you will receive extra credit. Please use them wisely. Mrs. Wasberg will dismiss you at the end of class, not the bell.

Classroom Behavior

We are all in this classroom to achieve one common goal…to learn. Bring a positive attitude to class. There will be no negative or disrespectful comments allowed.


Listen when someone else is speaking. If you want to speak, raise your hand and wait your turn. If you cannot be quiet during lecture, movies, work time, you will be asked to leave the room and/or given detention. When we work in groups, please use appropriate voice levels. Swearing is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Racial, ethnic, sexual or homophobic insults are NOT ACCEPTABLE. Any comments that hurt or insult others are NOT ACCEPTABLE. If you choose to use this type of language, you will be asked to leave the room immediately and go directly to the secondary office.

Physical Respect

Respect one another’s space and the classroom. This means you should not touch one another in any way, or write on tables or damage any classroom property. Use the garbage can, not the floor, for trash. Please do not throw items at the garbage can or recycling bin, but walk to it to dispose of the item at an appropriate time. During presentations or demonstrations by the teacher, please stay attentive and do not walk around.

Respect to fellow class members (and their individuality), the instructor and yourself. Translation, I will treat you with respect, and I expect the same. Be an Active Listener and group participant. Class will be conducted in a manner that reflects professional foodservice industry, such as: punctual attendance, prior preparation, and the procedure of turning off cell phones and other similar devices when not in use. Unethical Behavior and academic dishonesty (cheating) will not be tolerated and may result in course failure (see student handbook). Teacher’s role is to help you be successful in this class, but your success in this class will hinge largely on self-discipline and the quality and quantity of effort you apply. The Student Handbook and Student Conduct clearly defines the district’s expectation of student behavior, consequences, and due process. Although my expectations are stated above, the district’s rules will come to bear when they are applicable and must therefore, be considered a part of this syllabus. Most importantly, it is a pleasure to teach your class! Come prepared to learn and have fun!


Mrs. Stephanie Lundberg Mrs. LeaAnne Bot Kris Campion

7-8 Language Arts FACS Teacher FACS Teacher

Lakeview School Minneota School Marshall School

I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for Mrs. Wasberg’s FACS class and am willing to carry them out through the 2015-2016 school year.

Please turn this form in by Friday, August 28th.

Student’s name:______

Class and Period______

Student’s signature:______

Parent’s signature:______