College of Dentistry

TEAMS/USPS Exempt and Non-Exempt

Hire Checklist

Position #: ______Annual Salary: ______

Name of Hire: ______UFID: ______

Hire Date: ______Pay Plan: ______

Contact Name: ______Contact #: ______

Dept. / Dean’s / N/A /

Required Steps and Forms

UFCD Request to Fill

**Dean’s signature/approval required prior to offer or posting**

Disclosure of relatives employed at UFCD (NepotismLetter)
**Dean’s signature/approval required prior to offer**
Education Verification
(Completed by HR recruiter; contact 352-392-2477)
Experience Verification (Conduct reference checks, verifying at least the minimum requirements of position)
If Hiring a Foreign National: Complete Foreign National Tax Information Form and other documents from the UF Checklist TEAMS – hire will not go through GatorStart, all paperwork must be filled out and attached to ePAF.
Background Check Request Form for all hires
Date cleared: ______
Complete Interview Steps in GatorJobs
Contact CHR office prior to making job offer
Letter of offer for time-limited or regular exempt/non-exempt
Health Assessment/HAMS requirement – attach to ePAF once cleared.
Date cleared: ______(clearance one day prior to start date)
HIPAA Release Form
(Employee completes and takes to HAMS appointment)
Patient Contact Form
Contact with Human Blood Form
(Bloodborne Pathogen Training)
Animal Contact Form
(Renewal exam every three years)
Selective Service Verification (for males between the ages of 18-26 years)
Copy of required license, CPR certification, typing test or other position requirements
Copy of driver’s license and Social Security card and other acceptable I-9 documents
Disclosure of Outside Activities Form
Notice of Appointment
ePAF initiated in PeopleSoft (Must enter within three days of hire date to meet E-Verify requirements). Attach first page of loyalty oath, I-9 documents, SS card, Driver’s License, offer letter, background check results, NOA, and emergency contact forms. Once ePAF approved at level 1, email sent to new employee to complete all hiring paperwork.
GatorStart – In I-9 Management, for those hires that do not qualify for GatorStart, a new I-9 will need to be created. For those that go through GatorStart, please complete section 2 of the I-9 in I-9 Management, within 3 days of hire date.
Link employee’s “Network Managed By” field to correct Department ID in UF Directory
Set up GatorLink Account This will need to be done prior to requesting email account.
(N/A only if UF transfer)
Contact Information Systems to set-up Dental Outlook email account and email distribution lists (DN-Staff, DN-Everyone, etc.) follow the directions: How do I obtain an e-mail account?
Set up office area and/or lab space prior to employee’s arrival and order name plate and business cards