NSW RACI Organic One Day Symposium 2010
McKinnon Building (Bld 67), University of Wollongong,
Wednesday1st December
Plenary Speaker: Prof.Chaozhong Li (Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, China)
Call for Papers and Posters
Abstracts (single page) for either 20 minute oral or poster presentations (see template attached) should be sent to Prof. Stephen Pyne: by Monday 25th October 2010.
The program commences at 9.30 am and finishes at 5.00 pm.
Further enquires about the conference directed to or
Registration FormKeep for tax purposes
RACI New South Wales Branch ABN: 69 030 287 244 In Reg Number: A0040386
Title: ______Name:______
Mailing Address:______
Phone: ______
Email: ______
Presentation Type: Poster Oral Presentation Participant
Registration Fee (Includes lunch and refreshments)
Please check one box: $60 (RACI member) $70 (Non-member)
$30 (RACI student member) $35 (Student non-member)
Those presenting Oral Presentations – will not be charged conference fees
Prices shown are for registration up to 10th November 2010. After this date,registration costs are $5.50 extra.
Payment Type: Visa MasterCard
Card Number : ______Expiry
Name: ______Signature:
Cheque (send via post) Cheque payable to: RACI NSW (Organic Chemistry Group)
Return Registration forms via fax (02 9385 6141)or email () or post (RACI, New South Wales Branch, School of Chemistry, UNSW, SYDNEY, 2052)
McKinnon Building, Wollongong University
Wednesday, 1st December 2010
Template for Submission of Abstract
Please type in the following information in addition to providing the abstract according to the template on the next page.
Presenting Author’s Name:
Presenting Author’s Email Address:
Is the presenting Author a student? Yes / No (please delete the incorrect answer)
I prefer to give a poster / oral presentation (please delete the option which does not apply).
Poster board size: 1.2 m (W) x 1.5 m (H)
Email to: by Monday 25th October 2010.
type title of your presentation here
First author with first name then last name1,(affiliations numbered as superscripts with asterix for first author*, Second author first name them last name, etc, all centred
1Department of xxx, yyy University, City, State (eg NSW), postcode, all centred. Note country if not Australia
*Email address of first author, centred
Text body should be typed here. Paragraphs should be separate by one full line using two paragraph returns (enter).
eg Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Diagrams (preferably ChemDraw or Isis/Draw may be inserted and their use is encouraged to make the abstract as informative as possible.
References can be used and reference details should be noted in standard journal format. If references are referred to in the text body please use superscript numbers.
The total document should fit on one page with2 cm margins top and bottom, 2.75 cm left and 2.5 cm right, and should be right justified