Controlled Drugs Destruction Request Form (DRF)
Please complete all sectionsDate:
Contact Name and Position:
Contact email address:
Address :
Phone Number :
T28 Exemption with the Environment Agency
Please note: The Environment Agency carried out a review of their waste exemptions, which resulted in a new set of exemptions that came into force on 6th April 2010. This resulted in the need for premises which stock Controlled Drugs (CDs) to register a T28 exemption with the Environment Agency to enable them to destroy and denature CD stock at the premises in accordance with the requirements. Schedule 2 CD stock can only be destroyed in the presence of an authorised witness and premises must register a T28 exemption with the Environment Agency before a PCT authorised witness will attend to witness destruction of Schedule 2 CD stock. The T28 exemption must be registered with the Environment Agency and registration may be completed online ( All waste exemptions are subject to a 3 year registration period after which they need to be renewed. The T28 exemption should be available for viewing on the visit.
T28 exemption reference details:
Issue Date :
Expiry Date:
Is the Controlled Drug/s which requires destruction stock Schedule 2 CDs? / Yes / No
Please note: There is no requirement currently that patient -returned Schedule 2 CDs be destroyed in the presence of an authorised witness. PCT authorised witnesses will not attend to witness the destruction of any patient-returned CDs. Patient-returned CDs are those that have been prescribed for patients in the hospital or community which are no longer needed and may be returned to a doctor or pharmacist for destruction. Destruction of patient returned CDs should be witnessed (preferably by a registered healthcare professional) and a record maintained of the destruction. It is also good practice for both the person denaturing and the person witnessing to sign that this has taken place.
For GP Practices only:
Are the obsolete / expired CDs central stock which has always been stored in the central CD cupboard? / Yes / No
Are the obsolete / expired CDs GP bag stock which has always been stored in a GP bag? / Yes / No
Are the obsolete / expired CDs GP bag stock which has been returned to the central CD cupboard?
If “Yes” – the GP’s register, bag and central register will be required at the time of visit. / Yes / No
Details of Controlled drugs requiring destruction:
Drug Name / Strength / Form (i.e. tablets / vials) / Batch Number / Expiry Date / Quantity of vials/ tablets
Please state the number of denaturing kits available :
Please confirm that the CD stock requiring destruction has been segregated from active stock and clearly marked as expired/obsolete stock: / Yes / No
Please confirm that running balances in the CD register are correct: / Yes / No
Important information
Please note NHS Cumbria authorised witnesses will only WITNESS the destruction of Controlled Drug/s, and the denaturing of the product will need to be carried out by a suitably trained member of staff within your organisation.
The completed form should be returned by email to
or fax to 01228 603632