ON 10 JUNE 2015 AT 19H30
PRESENT:As per Attendance register
APOLOGIES:As per attendance register
IN ATTENDANCE:Anne Brown (Secretary)
The Chairman welcomed all present to the meeting. The apologies were noted.
The Chairman, reported back that whilst CKN was ‘quiet’ with only 7 incidents in the year to end May, the increased crime stats received from the CPF / Sector meetings were not good. He further advised that most burglaries were taking place between midnight and early morning, whilst one was asleep. . Although the Chairman was continuously advising residents not to leave their vehicles on the pavements, vehicle theft was on the increase. He requested that residents report drug activities, in and around CKN, as there had been incidents which had been resolved in CKN. To make children aware and for their safety, a Captain Crime Stop sticker or magnet with all the emergency numbers will be issued.
The Chairman thanked everyone involved in the “Fun Day”. Although not as well attended as the previous gathering, it was a good day. A donation to F.O.R.A was given.
The Chairman also thanked all the residents who assisted with the near flooding of a resident’s home due to the burst water pipe. It was heart warming to see such community spirit.
The change over to Dowry was going well. The CKN patrolling cars are to have dash cams installed. Dowry will not accept new members if they do not join CKN. It was noted that members’ fees were normally increased at this time of the year, however it was decided that this would not take place at the moment, as Dowry’s contract and their fees were assumed to be fixed until January 2016. A bonus donation would be requested from residents to be issued to the CKN Dowry patrollers at the end of the year.
Cynthia, thanked Dowry for their assistant and the notes which they left when patrolling. Cum Laude also reported good service by the patrolling cars.
The Chairman said that the change of authorised signatories had taken place, due to the resignation of Magda, the past Treasurer. CKN’s new Treasurer Johann is to produce a budget for the yearly expenses. The bank account branch is to be moved to Clearwater (previously White River).
An increase in membership is needed, as this assisted in keeping a low membership fee. It was noted that the membership fee of R250pm was negotiable as no one would be turned away, should they for what so ever reason, battle to pay.
The clean up of the membership database is to be undertaken by Jenny and John. New members are to receive a copy of the CKN Brochure.
The existing method of recruiting patrollers is no longer working. New formats are to be investigated and implemented.
Vagrants had been found sleeping against the Hendrik Potgieter fence and they had been removed.
There were approx. 40 members. The domestics / gardeners who are not on the Whatsapp group, are receiving messages via their cell phones. Domestic workers are to be told to phone for assistance if they are uncertain of deliveries or people at the gate.
It was noted that Frik and his helper were cleaning in and around CKN.
The entrance cameras are to be cleaned and serviced.
Another social event was proposed, such as Spring Day. Ideas such as music, children’s competition were debated.
Jenny who maintained the website at a minimum cost advised that there lots of hits, as well as many new visitors .
The Chairman reported that traffic calming issues such as speed bumps were mired in red tape and would cost in the region of R 18 000 per bump. However Jim Fouche / Constantia Dr has been approved and work is expected to start in the near future, but on what ..robots or circle ?
The Chairman thanked the attendees and declared the meeting closed.
The date of the next meeting to be advised.