Volunteer Information

Thank you for your interest in a volunteer position with the Berri Barmera Council.

The Council values and encourages the involvement of volunteers within all appropriate activities, programs and services and is seeking to establish a list of persons interested in volunteering their time within the Tourism and Libraryareas.

The Application Process

Please ensure you completeall sections of the following application form as this will collect general information about your details and additional information for the role you are applying for. All application forms and personal details will be held centrally and kept confidential.

Once completed, either post the form marked “Private and Confidential” to the Human Resources and Risk Manager, Berri Barmera Council,
PO Box 229, Berri SA 5343 or drop in to the Berri Barmera Council, 19 Wilson Street, Berri.

All applications will be formally acknowledged. Volunteers will be selected in a non-discriminatory manner in line with Council’s policies and procedures, taking into account the person’s ability and suitability to perform the duties of the volunteer role, as well as any site or program specific requirements. Unsuccessful applications will be formally notified.

Prior to any appointment, applicants will have an informal interview with the volunteer supervisor of the program you may volunteer in, to explain the volunteer role and to assess whether the role is suitable for you, the applicant.

For each role and program area the level of screening may differ, including whether a medical clearance or Police criminal check is required. Your consent will be required to check this information as part of the application process. This information remains confidential.

In determining a suitable placement for volunteers, Council will look at skills, experience and interests of the volunteer as well as the requirements of Council and the role(s). Contact will be made with your referees to ascertain your suitability for the position.

Successful applicants will be formally notified with a letter of commencement.

An induction will be undertaken to assist you in understanding your responsibilities and those of Council. Additional information will be provided to you during this time such as confidentiality, Work Health and Safety, etc.

If you have any enquiries please telephone the Human Resources and Risk Manager on 8582 1922.

We endeavor to provide a volunteering opportunity that is an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for you.

Personal Information
Full Name
Preferred Name / Date Of Birth
Street Address
Suburb / State / Post Code
Postal Address
Suburb / State / Post Code
Home Phone No. / Mobile Phone No.
Email Address
Preferred Contact Method / Post Email Phone
Referring Agency/Organisation
e.g Centrelink, Mutual Obligation, Work for the Dole
Have you previously volunteered with Berri Barmera Council? / Yes No
What type of volunteer work are you interested in?
Other skills or training e.g. education, computer skills, certificates
Work Experience (brief details or previous employment/volunteer work and duties?
Medical Information
Please list any illnesses/medical conditions or medications that you believe we should be aware of in the event that you require medical attention or that may impact on your ability to perform certain types of activities? Yes No
If yes, please describe
The following persons should be from another organisation that you have volunteered with or a current/former employer
Referee One / Name
Contact Details
Referee Two / Name
Contact Details
I understand that I will be required to attend an induction, and attend ongoing training applicable to the role
I give permission for my name and/or photograph to be used in any Council publication
I give permission for a referee check to be undertaken
I understand that I will be required to provide a current National Police security check
If under 18 years of age, we require parental/guardian permission.
Full Name / Relationship
Signature / Contact Number
By submitting and signing this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. I understand that is I am accepted as a volunteer, any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made by me on this application may result in my immediate dismissal. I understand I have obligations under Council’s WHS Policy and Volunteer Policy and will endeavour to:
  • Take reasonably care of my own safety and that of others at work;
  • Use personal protective equipment in accordance with the established safe work practices of Council;
  • Ensure that I am not, by consumption of alcohol or drugs in such a state as to endanger myself or others;
  • Raise any matter, which gives cause for concern with the supervisor or volunteer coordinator;
  • Notify any hazard and report any injury to myself or to others as soon as practicable to the supervisor or volunteer coordinator.

Signature / Date
Full Name