7th Grade Pre-Algebra
David Blake
Audience: 7th grade math students of a heterogeneous intellectual variety. These students learned about whole numbers and have been introduced to integers but have not used integers with the four functions.
Instructional Goals: The students will be able to add and subtract integers.
Timeline: This will take a few days. Here is what the students need to be through on each day
Day 1: Introduction to Integers
Adding Integers
Day 2: Subtracting Integers
Multiplying Integers
Day 3: Opposites Assessment
Student Feedback Questionnaire
Review all section to insure understanding
Pre instruction: Log on to
Under “School” have the students find Adele C. Young Intermediate
Click on “Blake – Integer Arithmetic”
Have the students find their name and create a password.
Then Click on “Introduction to Integers”
Walk the students through this section.
Show where the next button is and how to submit answers.
Show how to read direction on the right hand side of the screen and how to submit answers.
This is a very teacher hands-off lesson the students will be self directed through the lesson. On the board write the following so the students can be directed in their understanding:
1. What is an integer?
2. How are adding and subtracting integers the same and different?
3. What rules are different with multiplying integers compared to adding?
I used this website NLVM created by a great institution. As I set up this unit on through the website I adjusted it to fit my need to teach the students through self-paced exploration. I set it up with enough time for the students to be able to have time to really explore and understand about integers. I like the website because then if I am at a workshop I can see the results of the students to ready myself for the time I come back and use it as a review not a let’s see what happened. I could see this having a few great uses. First if a student is going to gone for an extended period of time he can use this to learn. Second if I am going to be gone I don’t have to have it as a “Dead” day where the teacher can’t teach so the students don’t learn. This will be a great tool I will use in my classroom often.