Materials & Processes
Course Syllabus
Mrs. Williams
Classroom 111
Production Lab 112
Welcome to Class! I look forward to working with you.
Students focus on physical materials and processes as they fabricate usable products and conduct experiments. Learning experiences include career analysis as well as the use of tools and equipment related to analysis, testing, and processing of metals, plastics, woods, ceramics, and composite materials. This single-period laboratory course is recommended for students interested in technical careers and others wishing to improve their consumer knowledge and technological literacy.
To provide a SAFE atmosphere that will make it possible for all students to succeed, the following will be in effect in the classroom:
- Come to classroom 111 on time prepared for class work with a pencil.
- No food to be eaten in class. Bottled water welcome. Keep water bottles off computer area.
- Passing a Safety Test on each power tool is required before using any machine.
- Safety glasses and closed toed shoes must be worn when students are working in the Production Lab Room 112.
- Obtain instructor’s permission before using any equipment.
- Report ALL accidents and safety hazards to the teacher immediately.
- Tools are not to be removed from the Production Lab.
- Obey ALL school rules.
1st OffenseWarning
2nd OffenseParent Contact
3rd OffenseReferral to Administrator
The class production lab fee is $20.00. This coversall themultiple projects students will be required to complete in class. Students will make a tool box and be issued safety glasses to be used in class. Students will take the safety glasses and tool box home at the end of the year. Other projects can be taken home after completion and graded by teacher.
Note: The student will be required to pay for school tools broken through misuse.
Classroom Procedures:
- Enter class quietly.
- Listen to Instructions/Directions from the teacher.
- Use only tools assigned by teacher.
- Every student will be responsible for cleaning the production lab.
- The Teacher will dismiss the classNOT the bell
Grading Policy:
Student grade is based on written assignments, quizzes, tests, individual projects and group projects. A grading rubric will be given to students as a guideline for grading projects.
- Students earn full credit if work is complete and turned in early or on time.
- Completing assignments on time is essential to maintaining high academic achievement.
- School grading scale will be used.
Contact Information:
I can be reached either by phone or email. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. You may also view my school webpage on the LVHS website under faculty.
LVHS Telephone Number: (540) 751-2400
SY 2016-2017