Chapters 1-4

1.  beckon tr.v./ intr

summon with a wave, nod, or some other gesture

2.  beseech: tr.v.

ask for or request earnestly

3.  careen: intr.v.

pitching dangerously to one side

4.  Compel: tr.v./ intr to behave in a certain way

5.  defiance

6.  a hostile challenge

7.  enforce:tr.v.Tocompelobservanceoforobedience

8.  lofty: adj. Elevatedincharacter;exalted. Affectinggrandness;

9.  proper: adj. Characterizedbyappropriatenessor


10.  shrugged: Toraise(theshoulders),especiallyasagestureofdoubt,disdain,or indifference.


11.  combines: Tobringintoastateofunity;makeunited

12.  Resolutely: adv. Showingfirmdeterminationorpurpose



fromaknownplace oraplaceof

storage; to get or find back; recover the use of

14. inleavingit,oftenoutofreluctance: remain present although waning or gradually dying

15.  rage: n.

a feeling of intense anger

16.  complain: v. intr.

express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness

17.  cautious: adj. showing careful forethought

Chapters 5-8

1.  botch; v/ tr /intr. make a mess of, destroy or ruin

2.  bribe: v/ tr /intr.make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence

3.  clout: n. special advantage or influence

4.  congeal v/ /intr. become gelatinous

5.  conscious: adj.(followed by `of') showing realization or recognition of something

6.  flippant v/ tr /intr. showing inappropriate levity

7.  incompetent: adj. showing lack of skill or aptitude

8.  infiltrate v/ tr.enter a group or organization in order to spy on the members

9.  priority: n. Precedence,especiallyestablishedbyorderofimportanceorurgency

10.  status established in order of importance or urgency

11.  sarcastic: adj. expressing or expressive of ridicule that wounds

12.  habitation: n. Anaturalenvironmentorlocality.

13.  offal: n. Wasteparts,especiallyofabutchered


14.  reciprocity: n. Amutualorcooperativeinterchangeoffavorsorprivileges,especiallytheexchangeof



15.  tentatively: adj. Notfullyworkedout,concluded,oragreedon;provisional:

Chapters 9-12

1.  incredulously: adv. Being skeptical;disbelieving:

2.  taunted:tr.v.Toreproachinamocking,


3.  sporadically: adj.



4.  theoretically: adv. Restrictedtotheory;notpractical.

Chapters 13-16

1.  apparatus: n pl. equipment designed to serve a specific function

2.  boundary

3.  the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something

4.  competent

5.  properly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient

6.  expose: tr.v.

to show, make visible or apparent

7.  harvest: n. the gathering of a ripened crop

8.  intend: v/ tr. have in mind as a purpose

9.  pristine: adj. immaculately clean and unused

10.  solitary: adj. being the only one; single and isolated from others

11.  telepathy: n. apparent communication from one mind to another without using sensory perceptions

12.  trudge: : v. intr. walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud

13.  sanctuary: n . Asacredplace,suchasachurch,temple,ormosque.

14.  awe: n. Afeelingofrespectorreverencemixedwithdreadandwonder,ofteninspiredby

something majesticorpowerful

15.  harboring: v. tr. Toprovideaplace,home,orhabitatfor

16.  infiltrator: n. One who penetrateswithhostileintent

17.  congealed: v. tr. To form into a solid. Tocometogethersoastoformawholeorproducearesult:

Chapters 17-20

1.  flippantly: adv. To remark withdisrespectfullevityorcasualness;

2.  ominous: adj. Menacing;threatening:

3.  industrialized: v. tr /int. Toorganize(theproductionofsomething)


4.  famine: n . Adrastic,wide-reachingfoodshortage.

(More from Chapters 17-20)

1.  annihilation: n. Theterminationofsomethingbycausingsomuchdamagetoitthatitcannotberepairedornolongerexists

2.  genocide: n. Thesystematicandwidespread

exterminationorattemptedexterminationofanational, racial,religious,or ethnicgroup.

3.  astronomical: adj. Ofenormousmagnitude;immense

4.  notion: n. Abelieforopinion:

5.  grimace: n. Asharpcontortionofthefaceexpressiveofpain,contempt,ordisgust.

Chapters 21-24

6.  germination: n . Tocausetosproutorgrow.

7.  cultivation: n. theplanting,tending,improving,or

harvestingofcropsorplant; the


preponderance: n. thequalityofbeinggreaterinweight,force,influence,etc

8.  daunting: adj. Tolessenthecourageorresolutionof;


9.  domesticity: n. Thequalityorconditionofbeingdomestic.

10.  Earnestness: n. Showingorexpressingsincerityorseriousness:

11.  Agonized: expressingpainoragony

Chapters 25-28

12.  fervently: adv. Havingorshowinggreatemotionorzeal;ardent:

13.  obsessively;adv.Of,relatingto,characteristicoforcausinganobsession,excessiveindegreeor


14.  intently adv. Somethingthatisintended;anaimorpurpose.

15.  audibly: adv. Thatisheardorthatcanbeheard.

16.  sabotage: n /v. tr. Todamage,destroy,orhinder(something)

17.  totalitarian: adj.



18.  cynicism: n. Anattitudeofscornfulorjadednegativity,especiallyageneraldistrustoftheintegrityorprofessedmotivesofothers

19.  manipulated: v. tr. Tomove,arrange,operate,orcontrolbythehandsoranotherbodypartorbymechanicalmeans,especiallyinaskillfulmanner:

20.  exempt: v. tr. freefromanobligation,duty,orliabilitytowhichothersaresubject

Chapters 29-30

1.  guerrilla: n /adj. Amemberofanirregular,usually




2.  Indifference: n. thefactorstateofbeingindifferent;lackofcareorconcern

3.  lackey: n. Aliveriedmaleservant;afootman.

4.  persona non grata: n. Apersonwhoisunacceptableorunwelcomeespeciallytoaforeigngovernment:

5.  ramshackle: /adj. Sopoorlyconstructedorkeptupthatdisintegrationislikely;rickety