

Opened at 2:45 PM

Opened with introductions

·  Rev.LeKisha Reed – Worship

·  “Oh,. The places You’ll go! “ was the book based for worship

·  Pictures of the World Methodist meeting Durbin South Africa

·  Over view of the The purpose for having this meeting is a reviewed by Chair from the bylaws and the meeting agenda.

·  Special highlights

·  Bylaws

·  How to re-structure the meetings

·  Review of 2011 minutes – on hold

Business Session - Michelle Whittaker presiding

Treasurer’s report

·  Prior year 11,716.73

·  Total funds $13, 280.53

·  Pending liability of 4300.00 liabilities for this year

·  Thanks to Laurentte for her work

·  Laurenette gave the report the first page was what was collected for the this meeting. Two people paid today.

·  $100.00 still outstanding from two years ago. Action item Should it should be paid?

Decision: Jerri McKie moved that we not send a new check. Passed. Chair will send another thank you

·  $324.10 to BMCR with out proper action Item

Decision: Discussion around the future possible billing.

o  Royya James made a motion not to pay the outstanding amount. Kenneth Nelson second

o  Jerri McKie move that we pay them but our chair would have a discussion with their chair on the issue.

·  Motion: We will not pay but will send a letter to the chair Passed

o  11 for

o  6 opposed

·  Additional decision: Executive committee is empowered however to pay if BMCR can provide sufficient documentation. Passed.

Executive committee to act.

Suggestion by Dianne that we should meet at a church next time

Nominations report Antonietta Wilson

·  Point of importance

·  Voting Procedures a new

·  Vice-President duties discussion - today or tommorrow

·  Report accepted.


·  Not every announcement is sent out, Diane reviews submissions and uses discretion to determine which items to post

·  Creation of a database, currently managed by Michelle Whittaker.

·  Report accepted

BYLAWS REPORT – Michelle Whittaker

·  Distributed proposed bylaw changes (copy available online)

·  New language for positions that have no descriptions

o  Chaplain and Assistant Chaplain

o  Assistant treasurer

·  Discussion for non exempt employees. In Article II: PURPOSE

·  Suggested language should included that travel

·  William Meekins and Jerri will work on language around exempt staff (deferred to Wednesday)

·  Executive committee will consult Frances Roberts and Helen Allen on how exempt employees are affected by membership in

Suggestion to add a number 7


Section 2: Full-Members (“Members”)

·  change language in first line

·  People of color – African Descendant

·  Accept language member

·  Section 3: Associate members (“Associate”)

·  Definition change from Jeri (received)

Article VI:

Section 3: new language accepted with the addition of the sentence: The chairperson of the finance committee will chose its members.

Kenneth Nelson will write the position of Bylaws chairperson.

Add an errata sheet the voting



·  Video clip from the soul train awards 2011 – Clip from the

·  Together we are strong - Scripture 1 cor 12-4

Business Session - Kenneth Nelson presiding

Agenda setting

·  Discussion on how to conduct future meeting

·  -Reviewed the language on the bylaws

·  -Rationale: concerns that we would change attendance to be with the BMCR rather before. This is would be more of a benefit for membership who can’t

·  One suggestion – Tuesday and end Wednesday. Bobby

·  Second would meet through BMCR and end after BMCR as needed

·  Agenda could be changed

·  DECISION: Executive Committee will take the topic back and will discuss the issues and come up with proposal.



·  MEMBERSHIP DUES AND MEMBERSHIP – Question: Is there different dues from full members and Associate members? Do we wish to change that that?

·  Question: Primary different between the two membership categories Associate membership cannot vote during . Suggested that it be re-visited

·  Motion: Associate members should be allowed to vote if they are in good standing withdrawn

·  Move to consolidate membership categories to.one

·  William will write up the language for the accepted motion. Voted

·  Parliamentarian: this officer will assist the presiding office with procedural motions; he or she will facilitate the work of the body by using Robert’s Rules of Order to navigate procedural motions. This person will serve as consultant to the chairperson of nominating committee to ensure that proper voting procedures

·  The Executive committee will function as the bylaws committee. The committee will review the by-laws annually and present any revision to the body for the action of the body. The bylaws may only be amended by a 2/3 vote of the body. The Chair of the Nominating committee will serve as the chair of the committee.

·  Dr. Carl Arrington’s will no longer be working at Lake Junaluska as of June 2012


·  President – Michelle Whittaker

·  Vice President – Sally Vonner

·  Treasurer – Bobby Lee Smith

·  Assistant Treasurer – Laurenette Ford

·  Secretary – Marva Usher-Kerr

·  Assistant Secretary - Brenda Carr

·  Chairperson for Program committee – Mark Harrison

·  Communications Chairperson – Rori Blakney

·  Nominations Chairperson – Antonietta Wilson

·  Chaplain LeKishea Reed

·  Assistant Chaplain Ron Bell

·  Motion to suspend the rule for delay the voting of the of slate 24 hours. Seconded Passed

·  Motion to accept entire slate

·  Dinner at Buffet



Opening worship

·  President emphasis that we had no more business

·  Rev. Kenneth Nelson led closing worship and installation

·  Communion service by Kwasi Kenna and Safiyah Fosua

·  Commitment Service by Kenneth Nelson

·  Closing remarks by the President and recognition of outgoing team and executive committee