February 18, 2011

The Honorable Jan Brewer
Governor of Arizona
1700 West Washington
Phoenix, Arizona85007

Greetings, We the People of the Republic of Arizona, with great honor and humility are pleased to present you The Deo ju Vante Trust, a sub trust of The Durham Intl. Ltd; a Holding Trust, TIAS 12087. Founded on the principles set forth by President James Monroe “"...that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power.” It is with this most virtuous and patriotic decree that we are able to come to you today bearing the burden of proof of our Country’s greatest and most promising legacy.

Enclosed are documentation and evidence of the genuine authentic ownership by this trust. The duly constituted, lawful and legitimate source of this collateral is owned by V.K. Durham, CEO Durham Intl. Ltd; Trust a Holding Trust, TIAS 12087. The ownership established certified chain of title can be viewed at The most recent calculation by the Los Angeles Federal Reserve Banking Trust determined the amount of accrued interest from May 1, 1875 up to May 1, 1990 at $206,858,465,280,000,000.00 due and payable per CONTRACT: AMERICAN GOLD DOLLARS, GOLD COIN, GOLD BULLION.

The purpose of the before mentioned trust shall be to guarantee that no free American go homeless, hungry or without healthcare again due to lack of jobs, loss of pension funds or loss of state social security, to promote economic development of regional and national developing of the member states of the Union of Republics of the united states of America, by encouraging the establishment of industry, manufacturing, production, repairing flood devastation, encouraging water ways rehabilitation, rebuilding of infra-structure, education, improve health care facilities, improving the national healthcare for the poor, aged, homeless, disabled, veterans, and lesser advantaged persons, rebuilding the national export by improving the national production of the gross domestic product, by expansion and modernization of private enterprise, to create research and development for new sustainable energy resources and new medicines, preferably those that are small to medium scale, in such a way as to create jobs and shore up the economic equity base of the Union of Republics and their enterprises.

The collateral shall be securitized then monetized by the Republic of Arizona providing immediate full financial independence from the noose of the Federal Government and will most certainly allow the timely and much needed delivery of credit when the Federal Reserve System collapses this year. Working with other Republics within the Union of the united States of America our country can be brought back from the brink of financial catastrophe. Considering that this current global banking and financial crisis was brought about by those individuals that deceptively and maliciously led others to believe that they owned the Durham instruments when they did not, it’s time that we put our country back together again.

Best Regards,

Abraham Michael Considine

5874 N. Desert Tree Dr.

Tucson, AZ85704
