PLAC Agenda
Rhonda Robbins
Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / HandoutsWelcome
Registering for Courses / Please ask your Principals to check registrations on our website prior to each course and ensure that the people they are sending are registered (including themselves).
There have been a number of people (teachers and school & system admin) who have come to workshops and were not registered. This can be problematic for the presenter in terms of preparation for class as well as having enough materials run/ready for the training.
Also, please ask Principals to make sure they are approving (or disapproving) their teachers’ registrations.
CCRPI Dates with Bobby Smith / February 23:
8:00 – 10:00 W. Heights
10:15 – 12:15 Ruskin
1:00 – 3:00 Memorial Drive
March 7:
8:00 – 10:00 Clinch ES
10:15 – 12:15 Clinch MS
1:00 – 3:00 Clinch HS
March 8:
8:00 – 10:00 Willacoochee
10:15 – 12:15 Atkinson MS
1:00 – 3:00 Atkinson HS
March 20:
8:00 – 10:00 Midway ES
10:15 – 12:15 Patterson ES
1:00 – 3:00 Bacon ES
Please make sure that your school team is on time for their session. They should bring laptops and their CCRPI scores.
Cost for each school is $250.
Who should we bill for training system/school?
Coffee - System / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals / Registration Links:
W. Heights
M. Drive
Clinch ES
Clinch MS
Clinch HS
Atkinson MS
Atkinson HS
Bacon ES
PLCs with Jasmine Kullar / February 22 at the City Auditorium
8:30 – 3:30
Please do not park in the bank parking lot. / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, SpEd Directors, Principals / Registration deadline: 2/15 / Registration Link: Click HERE
Science GSE Implementation / MS & HS teachers (sending an Assistant Principal and/or Instructional Coach would be beneficial)
2/27 8:30 - 4:00
Participants should bring a copy of the GPS standards AND the GSE standards
If you have any middle and high school teachers that would like to attend. We still have openings. Click on the registration link to register. / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals / Registration deadline: 2/21 / Registration Link: Click HERE
Teacher Learning Academy / Standard 8: Academically Challenging Environment
2/28 1:00 – 6:00
Standard 9: Professionalism
3/14 1:00 – 6:00
We have openings available. If you have teachers needing Standard 8 or Standard 9 please have them register. / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals / Class on 2/28 – Registration Deadline: 2/21
Class on 3/14 – Registration deadline: 3/7
Gifted Endorsement /
We are planning on offering a cohort beginning in June. There will not be a Governor’s Honors trip this year. The course will be 6 days rather than 5. Thinking it will run on a Monday – Thursday and then Monday & Tuesday.
Application Packets now available.
Complete Application Packet includes: Candidate Application, Recommendation Form (signed by Principal & System Gifted Coordinator), and Copy of Candidate’s certificate
Please make sure the Principal and System Gifted Coordinator sign the recommendation form.
Dates are June 5-8, and June 12th & 13th. / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Gifted Coordinators / FY 18 Candidate Application
FY 18 Recommendation Form
New Employee Induction / Tentative dates
July 25 & 26
One day will be Classroom Management; one day with be Introduction to TAPS Standards (1/2 day); Overview of the GA Code of Ethics and Ethical Decision Making (1/2 day)
PAGE and GAE will be coming to speak and provide breakfast. / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, HR Directors
GaTAPP / Applications for FY 18 will be available soon.
New Cohort will begin in July.
Essentials dates: July 10 – 24, 2017
8:30 – 4:30 / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, HR Directors, Principals / GaTAPP Admissions Requirements
TLE Platform Updates / 2/24 9:00 – 12:00
Tanya Ogletree, GaDOE will present updates on the TLE Platform including new reporting features to enable districts to analyze data.
Please make sure your district SuperUser(s) attend. / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, District SuperUsers, Principals / Registration Deadline: 2/17 / Registration Link:
Click HERE
Teacher Leader Professional Learning / March 22 8:30 – 3:30
If you have not sent your participant list to me, please send them to me by March 1.
Reminder: you may bring 3 teacher leaders (Recommended one ES, MS, and HS) and your District Professional Learning Coordinator.
We will be bringing in lunch - $10/person. / Professional Learning Coordinators, Teacher Leaders
GaPSC Outreach Training Sessions / The GaPSC outreach training session and the Day with PSC are two separate sessions. The content discussed during the outreach session will differ from the information delivered during A Day with PSC.
April 11 (Coffee County)
at the BOE
April 20 (Houston County)
*Also dates in downtown Atlanta
9:00 – 2:00 (30 minute lunch)
- Certification Forms
- Steps to submitting a complete certification package
- ExpressLane
- Reciprocity
- Educational Leadership
- Transition fields (Curriculum & Instruction, Instructional Technology and Teacher Leadership)
- IN4 verses Permit
- Lead/Advanced Professional certificates
- Panel discussion to include certification updates, upgrades, Induction certificates, Unsats, and general questions
Click HERE
CKES / They hope to hand off to the GaDOE. We hope to have more information by May.
P-20 Collaborative / Please send your people.
March 6th 9:00 – 12:00. Registration has been posted by the PSC. Please click here to register.
Elizabeth Oliver
Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / HandoutsCCRPI, FESR, Climate Rating / All have been updated; I will forward.
“Beat the Odds” schools have been identified. Make sure to check your waiver.
I will send out data next week after BOC meeting. / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, and Principals
GOSA Data and School Grades Website / All data has been updated on the gosa site.
This is a great site. I highly recommend for you to look at. / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, and Teachers /
Student Growth Percentile Website / Easily track trends over a 3 year period. / Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, and Teachers 4 - HS /
Foundations of Algebra / State Board and GOSA recommendations (IKAN and GLOSS no longer a requirement).
Superintendents should have received January 10thmemo from Caitlin Dooley. / High School Principals, Counselors, Math Teachers: Middle School Principals, Counselors, and Math Teachers / Attached
Technical College Math and English / Read the FAQ document closely!!
Hall County Information / High School Principals, Counselors, Math and ELA Teachers / Attached
PARCC Released Items / For the second year in a row, the PARCC consortium has released a new batch of authentic test items from the 2015-16 assessments for grades 3 through 8. The test items, which are actual questions and subject-matter examples from last year’s assessments and can be found on thePartnership Resource Center(PRC), are designed to provide students, teachers, and parents with unparalleled transparency about the tests and to serve as a resource to prepare for the upcoming spring assessments. / Math and ELA teachers grades 3 - HS
CCRPI 2017 Achievement Scoring Details / Attached
Cathy McGee
Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / HandoutsPBIS / Updates on Trainings:
Brantley County
PBIS team training
Nahunta Primary, Waynesville Primary, Brantley County High School
February 16 and 17, 2017
OKRESA 8:30-4:30
Coffee County
PBIS team training
February 23 and 24, 2017
Coffee County Middle School
Pierce County
PBIS team training
Blackshear Elementary, Midway Elementary, Patterson Elementary, Pierce Middle, Pierce High
February 16 and 17, 2017
OKRESA 8:30-4:30 / Superintendent
Curriculum Director
District PBIS Coordinators
School Administrators
PBIS / Spring Walkthroughs –February, March and April
Bacon -4 schools
Brantley- Cohort 1-3 schools
Charlton-4 schools
Ware-10 schools / Superintendent
Curriculum Director
District PBIS Coordinators
School Administrators
PBIS / GADOE Trainings:
For New-PBIS District Coordinators/ School Climate Specialists
Macon Marriott City Center
March 23, 2017
May 4, 2017
RESA PBIS District Coordinators Consortia Okefenokee RESA
April 13, 2017
Quarterly Webinars with DOE
10:00 am
District Coordinators
School PBIS Coaches
March 20, 2017
May 15, 2017
Classroom PBIS-
Emergent/Operational schools
February 6, 2017 / Superintendent
Curriculum Director
District PBIS Coordinators
(Brantley, Pierce and Coffee)
School Administrators
PBIS Summit / Will be held in May. School Climate Specialist invited only.
Cindy Hitt
Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / HandoutsHistorical Inquiry and the GSE / One day workshop 5/9 by GaDOE will cover:
*brief crosswalk from GPS to GSE
*overview of the shift to inquiry/what it looks like
*modeling an inquiry lesson grades 3-5
*address questions and concerns
For: school/district leaders and teachers K-12
Limit: 75 / CD
SS Teachers / Registration posted
Deadline: May 2
College of Coastal Georgia Literacy Forum / Free one day forum at CCGA in Brunswick 9:30-3:00, March 3
Register via email to Dr. Ron Reigner, or 912-279-5987 / CD
ELA teachers / CCGA Literacy Forum
Building a Culture of Writing Webinar Series by GaDOE ELA Dept. / Writing Across the Curriculum Session by Dr. Megan Adams, Kennesaw State University, & Ms. Carrie Tuttle, Osborne HS, Cobb Co.
K-5 link to watch recorded session
6-12 link to watch recorded session
Upcoming Sessions:
Disciplinary Literacy:
K-5, Feb. 21
6-12, Feb. 23
Digital Literacy:
K-5, March 14
6-12, March 16 / CD
Instructional Coaches
ELA teachers
Young Georgia Authors / Submissions to OK RESA by 3/17/17. Please include an electronic copy of all submissions to OK RESA. The electronic copy must be in Word format.
RESA reception scheduled for May 1, 5:00 PM. Email invitations will be sent to system YGA coordinators. / System YGA Coordinators / 3/17/17
Medal of Honor Workshop / The Medal of Honor Character Development Program rescheduled for 3/8/17 Outstanding training for middle, high, and upper elementary counselors, coaches, administrators, teachers. All curriculum materials (including DVD with oral histories of MOH recipients) provided, substitute reimbursement, breakfast and lunch provided.
Endorsed by GaDOE and supports PBIS initiatives / CD
Coaches / Registration deadline: 3/1/17
Currently: 8 registered / Medal of Honor Flyer
Georgia Historical Society / Opening America’s Archives: Using Primary Sources in the Classroom will be taught by a representative from the Georgia Historical Society on March 1. Applicable to 6-12 ELA and SS teachers, this workshop will provide teachers with resources and strategies for incorporating primary documents of all kinds into their lessons as required by the ELAGSE and the soon to be implemented SSGSE. / CD
6-12 ELA teachers
6-12 SS teachers / Class scheduled for 3/1/17
Registration ends 2/22/17
Currently: 11
2017 Georgia Econ Games / Team-based competition for 4th and 5th graders sponsored by GCEE. Inaugural even will take place in Tifton at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center 3/30/17 / CD
Elementary Admin
4th/5th Teachers / 2017 Economics Games
Media Specialists
Counselors / 2017-2018 Meeting dates:
Sept. 19 (Pierce)
Nov. 7 (Brantley)
Feb. 6 (Ware)
Counselors: Sept. 7 (RESA)
Nov. 2 (Ware)
Feb. 8 (Pierce) / Principals
Media Specialists
Career-Related Capstone Project / An opportunity for students to complete an in-depth exploration of a chosen career following a pathway completion. Students would conduct research, prepare a portfolio, and work with a mentor. A final presentation would be given on the student’s experience. / CD
CTAE Directors /
Growing Readers / Growing Readers grant will continue next year. We do not know yet what the grant process will be like. We will keep you posted on the information as we find out.
Jim Farmer
Topic / Specifics / Information to / Deadlines / HandoutsProfessional Learning / Modern Learners / All / PDF
Student Technology Fair / ●Region competition held Jan. 21st.
●308 Participants!
●Recap Slideshow
●We sent 42 last year. 53 teams are going to state this year. / All /
Technology Integration PD Needs / ●Professional learning & planning support. Moving to personalizing PD and instructional technology support.
●New Technology Site / PLAC, Principals, Curriculum Directors / PL FORM
New Site
Okefenokee Innovative Classrooms initiative / This year (6-12 teachers)
●Session 4 - May 5th
Planning for Next Year (PK-5)
●1 teacher from each K-5 site
●4 full day PL sessions at RESA in 2017-18
●Initial overview meeting with Elementary Principals to plan and start process for next years participants:
○Ware - 2/16
○Coffee - 3/2
○Atkinson -
○Bacon -
○Brantley -2/14
○Clinch -
○Charlton -
○Pierce - / PLAC, Superintendents, Elementary Principals / Meetings with Elementary Principals will start in Feb - March. Please email with admin meeting info
Jann James
SSIP / Student Success: Imagine the Possibilities.Will not be a standalone Sp.Ed process beyond this year. It will be integrated with all other District and School Improvement initiatives through consolidated needs assessment and consolidated local improvement plans.