This invitation is to all students K-5 to become a part of the best of DuVall by entering the 4th Annual Science Challenge Night on March 4th
It’s Fun! It’s Educational! It’s Easy to Win!
You see everyone who enters is a winner! Over and above winning as a learner you will also receive a ribbon for your project. To help you be successful there will be after school sessions to assist you in brainstorming topics to investigate and to help you work on your projects. On the back of this note are fun questions to consider and a list of wonderful websites with ideas for all grade levels.
Science Challenge Night is not about judging entries it is about the application of learning by using the Science and Engineering Practices which is the scientific method of investigation. It’s also about showing off your science skills and having fun.
What are the 8 Science and Engineering Practices? They are the steps and process used to investigate and explore the world and things around us. It is how we find the answers to all our questions. As scientist we need to first have a topic that we are curiosity about, research the topic and form a question to investigate. Research and define your problem to gain knowledge. Then make a hypothesis or prediction of what you think you will prove or find out. The fun really begins when you develop, plan and carry out your experiment/investigation. During planning write a set of directions, the step by step procedure you followed. Then do the experiments and record your data (findings) using various tools. The data is usually recorded in charts or graphs you create. Then the next step is to review (analyze) your findings and write your results based on the evidence you collected. Think about the other various real life applications of your investigation and how changing some of the variables might change results. This curiosity of the scientist (you) leads to other questions to investigate and the process begins all over again.
To help budding scientist we will have after school sessions to guide students in the process, parents are welcome. The first sessions will be to look at questions to ask and problems to investigate. We will meet in Room 110 from 3:40 to approximately 4:10 on February 3rd and 4th. The second session will be on Wednesday, February 11th at 3:40 for answering any project questions and the last sessions if students need help setting up display boards is Wednesday, February 24th.
We would like all students to participate and hope that parents will encourage their children to take up the ‘Challenge’ to become part of this wonderful event. Packets with additional information and the entry form are available in the office. Remember Science Challenge Night is Wednesday, March 4th
Thank you ~ PTA & Science Challenge Committee
Possible Questions: Science is everywhere and in everything you do and use. To pick a topic you should think of things you like or that interest you. There are thousands of possibilities. The following are some questions to consider:
Which brand of cereal tastes the best? Can you tell what an item is by feeling? Can you identify the smell?
Can you taste the difference between cola brands? (Potato chips brands?)
Which soap cleans best? What soap will remove oil the best?
Which bag is stronger plastic or paper? Which paper towel is best?
Does wheat or white bread stay fresh the longest? (Mold faster?)
What will spoil faster chocolate or white milk? (Whole milk or 2%?)
What items will sink? Does fresh water or salt water float items best?
What items will float? How much salt will dissolve in water?
What liquids are heavier then water? (lighter) Can a potato light a blub?
Does a pebble-filled can roll the same distance as an empty can? (roll at the same speed) What effects the distance a toy car will go? (Try: incline, surfaces and other variables) What material absorbs sound best? (light) Will the height a ball bounces be affected by the surface?
What filters water best? What type of grass seed grows fastest?
Can grass grow in salt water? Does the length of a straw change the sound? Does the length of a rubber band effect the sound it makes?
What items are attracted to magnets? Can magnets find items in sand?
What mixtures make the best crystals brown sugar or cane sugar?
Will artificial sweeteners make crystals? What material makes the best parachute? How does weight effect parachute?
To help you find grade and age specific projects type in Free Science Fair Projects for ____ graders or try these free sites:
Display Board Set Up
Below is an example of how to set up your Tri-Fold Board for Science Challenge Night displaying your investigation/experiment.
Side 1 * Defining problem and research on topic should be 1 paragraph ~ Hypothesis is a prediction statement ~ Material List – items you used ~ Directions for carrying out investigation should be step-by-step.
Center * Question you investigated in big letters across the top ~ Data – what you observed may be pictures or graph or chart ~ on table place items from your investigation for others to see * NO GLASS!
Side 2 * Result is what you found out should be written in sentences or a paragraph ~ this is where you analyze and interpret what you found out. Your name and grade should be printed clearly and large enough to see.
Science Challenge Night
This packet is for students who are doing a project for Science Challenge Night. Help sessions will be offer afterschool to assist students in selecting projects, board construction and other assistance as needed. This page contains General Information to help the student be successful. The other sheets in the packet are Board Construction format ideas and the Entry Form to fill out and turn in.
Please make sure you read each sheet Carefully!
Students need to complete the ENTRY FORM and turn it into the office. All entries must be in by Feb. 24th so a space will be available for your project. If your project needs electricity make sure that you check the appropriate area on the entry form so we can try to provide space by an outlet.
The projects need to be brought to school on Wednesday, March 4th. Please make sure that extra items are in a bag with your name. Only bring in non-breakable containers and be careful with your projects. Project boards are available at office supply stores, Targets, Dollar stores and various other places or you may fold heavy cardboard. You need to let your teacher know you will be bringing in a project so a space in your classroom will be available to place your board until you are called to set up in the Gym.
1. Students who have an ENTRY FORM filled out will be called down from their classes to set up projects on Wednesday, March 4th. We will call one class at a time. All projects should be set-up by 3:30. No projects will be allowed to be set up late!
2. All projects must have your name(s) and grade displayed on the front.
3. All projects need to be safe
4. All projects should be your best work, neat and everything labeled.
5. Students will set up their own project – we will have helpers
6. All students are responsible for their own projects.
1. All students should arrive by 6:00 p.m., please do not come early.
2. All students should stay by their projects so they can explain their project and answer any questions that quests and parents may have.
3. All students will SMILE and have a great night.
4. At about 6:45 p.m. you may start to pack up your wonderful project and take it home.
5. Keep your display boards as you can reuse them year after year.
Science Challenge Entry Form
NAME(S): ______
GRADE: ______
Please fill this entry out as completely as possible. If you have any questions please come to a work session – parents are welcome!
What is the problem you will be investigating for your project?
Do you need access to an electric outlet? ______
Please sign and date this form and return it by Tuesday, February 24th
Student signature Date
Parent signature Date