Minutes Annual General Meeting held at Gloucestershire CCC 4th January 2012
Chairman’s Comments: Representatives were welcomed to the meeting particularly new members to WEPL. The chairman thank all officers and Board members for their efforts over the year
Minutes: Taken as read
Matters arising: None
Constitution: The tabled amendments to the Constitution were passed
Dinner: Thanks were expressed to Peter Mathias for all his hard work. 2012 dinner had already been booked at BAWA Club.
Finance: The treasurer took representatives through the audited accounts which were tabled. No change in subscription was proposed. Finances were in a healthy state. Acceptance of accounts was formally made
Chairman expressed thanks to John Davey for all his efforts.
Discipline Regulations: The new regulations on discipline have been sent out to all clubs. It was pointed out these very strict regulations were set out by ECB for Premier Leagues to adopt. They were introduced following concerns at increasingly poor discipline in the recreational game. Chris Pannell outlined the salient points and reminded clubs that repeated offences could involve the whole club in having action taken against it.
Cricket Committee: Neil Shardlow presented his report presented his report.
I was asked to take on the role of WEPL Cricket Committee chairman in November 2011 and for the first 2 months have been getting to grips with the role and what is required.
I think at this point I should be saying that I am honored to take on this role!! :)
Aims and Objectives
Firstly I was tasked with setting up a new cricket committee of representatives from around the clubs. These reps would act as the eyes and ears of the committee and generally monitor things like the new rules and disciplinary code. The team would also focus on feeding back things like points scoring etc.
With that in mind, I am pleased to announce the following people who will be the reps. As you can see I have tried to balance them uniformly between the leagues and areas.
WEPL Cricket Committee Reps
Chairman Neil Shardlow – Corsham CC
Vice Chairman Paul Redwood – Bristol CC
Administrator Nicola Cannon – Weston Super Mare CC
Premier 1 Rep Rob Maggs – Bath CC
Neil Pollard – Bristol CC
Premier 2 Rep Jason Searle – Goatacre CC
Richard Trotman – Thornbury CC
Glos/Wilts Jamie Rendell – Chipping Sodbury CC
Phil Jordan – Malmesbury CC
(Will Simmonds Cheltenham asked, but no response- still looking for Glos rep)
Bristol/Somerset Dan Bingham – Wembdon CC
Mike Donaldson – Frenchay CC
Dan Chard - Stapleton CC
Ex Officio Reps Chris Norton – Weston Super Mare CC
Pete Mathias – Marlborough CC
Officials’ rep - Bob Hampshire?
Post season meetings indicated a wish at all levels to move in on a common format for matches, that would help players and officials easily understand the rules. In consultation these news rules were drafted and have now been circulated to clubs.
Due to the success of the new P1/P2 format in 2011 all other levels decided to go for 50 overs (1sts) 45 overs (2nds) with restrictions on bowlers of 10 and 9 respectively.
There will be a staged implementation of power plays initially in P1/P2 for 2012 and we will review this for levels 3/4 to go that way in 2013. However if a disaster we could abandon entirely. Personally, I am not convinced PP's are the right way forward in grass roots cricket, instead this should be used to bring in crowds and for TV entertainment at higher levels, so it remains to be seen whether this is a success.
The independent pyramid for 2nds may throw up some excessive travelling but the committee would keep its eyes on problems like these.
The new league rules have been circulated to all clubs, I don’t want to field questions now, but if there are concerns please speak to me afterwards, or email me so that I can discuss through the cricket committee.
The Cricket Committee has recently discussed a concern on the points scoring on abandoned/cancelled games which were originally raised at the captains meeting. We hope to have reached a decision on this shortly and advise the clubs through the issue of the rules in the handbook or independently.
Moving forward, it is important that clubs are consulted in the normal way at pre/post season meetings, we will ensure this happens.
As mentioned I will be looking to the cricket committee reps to feedback any points on the new rules and discipline procedures, the plan is to obtain comments back one third and two thirds of the way through the season.
Finally, I am open to suggestions regarding cricket matters and would welcome any thoughts to further improve cricket across WEPL.
Development Comm.: Allan Taylor’s report was presented.
· The arrangements for marking of pitches and facilities by the appointed umpires first introduced in 2008, and similar to that used widely across other Premier Leagues, although perhaps inevitably throwing up some anomalies, did show overall which clubs are preparing the best and worst pitches across the pyramid – results that showed a close correlation with the rankings provided by a survey of all captains at the end of the season. The results for marks awarded for pitches are on the website. If you haven’t looked at how you compare with the rest of the clubs in your division and with the best in the pyramid, I suggest you do so, as you might be surprised. The arrangements for marking by the umpires will be the same again next season although the criteria are still the subject of debate with the ECB as are the arrangement for penalties through points deductions where appropriate.
· A programme of Pitch Inspections has been carried out during the close season at those Premier Division 1 & 2 clubs with below average marks last season by members of the Development Committee together with ECB and County Board Pitch Advisors. The effects of autumn renovation work was observed and advice given where appropriate. In addition to follow up visits immediately pre-season, the Development Committee will be happy to bring along an ECB or County Pitch Inspector to any club who feel that they could benefit from some expert advice.
· I make no apologies for reminding all clubs of the need to comply with the mandatory elements of the Facilities Criteria - these all form part of our accreditation as a Premier League – I just have the job of trying on behalf of all of us to see that we maintain those standards. Whilst I realise some are more important than others, they are what they are and if clubs want to compete at the highest level, then the highest standards have to apply. They are all detailed in the handbook as they will be again for next season, so no excuses. The key criteria are already reported on by umpires and again next season, clubs at Premier 1 & 2 level who fail to comply with the mandatory elements will have points deducted for these criteria including: pitches not being remarked between innings, boundaries not properly defined, sightscreens intruding and not roped or boarded, failure to provide an adequate supply of suitable spare balls or inadequate umpires changing facilities – we are after all, almost ten years on. The first failure to comply will be noted and communicated to the club concerned by email, as will the second which will act as a final warning. A third and any subsequent non-compliance will each result in a deduction of two points. Clubs eligible for promotion to Premier 2 will need to have demonstrated compliance over the preceding season if promotion is to be approved.
· An area where there is still an urgent need for clubs to take action is that of the recruitment of umpires and the provision of adequate facilities for them. Firstly by encouraging players, ex-players and anyone else they consider appropriate to enrol for one of the many available Umpiring Courses and secondly by providing an appropriate standard of changing facilities for Umpires and Scorers. It is increasingly difficult to attract people into both these roles, neither of which we can do without so if you don’t have anywhere safe and secure for the umpires to change and somewhere decent for the scorers to work, you need to find somewhere as soon as possible. If you do have somewhere but it is used for storage of just about anything and everything, then clear it out or, at Premier 1 & 2 level, you risk losing points.
· Once again last season, the Board used some of the sponsorship money available to us, to make available loans of £2,000 to three clubs, these being repayable over a maximum of three years. Currently a total of just under £9,000 is being used by clubs to help with cash flow for approved projects. As these loans are repaid, further loans will be available for appropriate projects on a first come first served basis.
· Since the end of the 2009 season, valuable sponsorship money has also been used to fund the training of umpires and scorers. However, despite much chasing over the last year only some 50% of WEPL clubs have so far claimed for reimbursement - perhaps that tells its own story.
· Current and up to date Clubmark Accreditation is of course now mandatory for clubs in Premier 1 & 2 as it is for clubs to be eligible for promotion to Premier 2. However, all WEPL clubs should be accredited or at the very least, registered and actively working towards accreditation as it is a necessary requirement for any ECB funding, either directly or via WEPL - it is pleasing to note that all but a handful of clubs across the pyramid are currently either accredited or working towards it.
· Can I again remind you that all WEPL clubs are required to submit to me via Sally Donaldson, details of their Youth Programmes using the pro forma on the website. This is an ECB requirement, as is the submission, to me, of copies of the latest Club Accounts for all Premier 1 & 2 clubs. A reminder will be sent out pre-season and points will be deducted from clubs who fail to respond by the deadline set.
· Finally, my thanks to Sally Donaldson, Tony Shardlow and Phil Mortimer for their help, hard work and support and to Martin Ford of the ECB and Gordon Gill of the Wiltshire County Board for their valuable input.
Elections: These were carried out in accordance with the rules and listed below
/ David Allen / ChairmanCricket Comm. Chair / Neil Shardlow / Keynsham / W-s-M
Dev. Comm. Chair / Allan Taylor / Thornbury / Corsham
Registration Sec. / Nicola Cannon
Premier 1 & 2 / Prem 1 / Nicola Cannon / WsM / Bridgwater
Prem 1 / Tony Shardlow / Corsham / W-s-M
Prem 2
Glos/Wilts Div Comm. / Chairman / Len Attard
Secretary / Peter Matthias
Bris/Som Div Comm. / Chairman / Philip Mortimer
Secretary / Dan Bingham
A.O.B Closing the meeting the Chairman thanked all for their attendance and wished them well for 2012