Roxanne Grobbel, JD, LCSW, RPT-S
EMDR Basic Training – Complete course (Parts 1 & 2)
· This EMDR Basic Training Course and curriculum is approved by EMDRIA and is designed for licensed mental health practitioners who treat adults and children in a clinical setting (See Qualifications below). This course will develop clinical competence in using EMDR through didactic presentations, demonstrations, and supervised practicum. The goal of this workshop is to help clinicians feel competent in using of EMDR, both in their case conceptualization and in their treatment implementation.
· This is the complete course, which consists of 20 hours of didactic and 20 hours of supervised practicum. It also includes the required 10 hours of consultation after completion of the course.
· EMDR is a comprehensive psychotherapy that accelerates the treatment of a wide range of pathologies and self-esteem issues related to disturbing events and present life conditions. It has been tested in over 20 randomized controlled studies with trauma patients, and hundreds of published case reports evaluating a considerable range of presenting complaints; including PTSD, depression, anxiety, phobias, excessive grief, somatic conditions and addictions. The Adaptive Information Processing model guides the process. EMDR focuses on adaptively processing memories, which are the basis for the symptoms and dysfunction.
· The required text is Shapiro, F. (2001). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: Basic Principles, Protocols and Procedures. Guilford Press, NY, 2nd Edition and a suggested test is EMDR Scripted Protocols - Basic and Special Situations by Marilyn Luber.
· This course will have a small group size and supervised practice sections will have a ratio of 1 EMDR Consultant to 10 Participants and is taught by Roxanne Grobbel, JD, LCSW, (EC Provider Number 15005).
· The cost of the 40-hour course (including 10 hours of consultation) is 2017 courses: $1395.00 early registration (45 days prior to start of course), $1495 regular
EMDR Basic Course fee includes:
• An EMDR Training Manual with handouts and protocols
• 20 hours of lecture
• 20 hours of practice
• 10 hours of group consultation – conducted via phone/skype (not all instructors include consultation in the price)
· Attendance: You must attend all of the days of the course. Participants must sign in and out to verify attendance. After the course, participants must also complete 10 hours of consultation and will have 15 weeks to complete it at no cost. Certificates are sent after the 10 hours of consultation are completed.
· Required reading: You must purchase and read Shapiro, F. (2001). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Basic Principles, Protocols and Procedures (2nd ed.). New York: The Guilford Press and purchase EMDR Scripted Protocols - Basic and Special Situations by Marilyn Luber
· Timing – Personal and Professional: Understand that during the supervised practice sessions you will be using your personal experiences. If you are not willing or are not able to share your experiences due to medical or emotional stability, you should not take the course at this time. If you are not currently working with clients or will not have the opportunity in the very near future, you should consider taking this course at a later time. The skills learned require practice and you will be required to discuss cases during the consultation upon completion of the course.
· Cancellation and Refunds: Full amount may be refunded up until 30 days prior to commencement of the training. Due to the small size of the training and the time commitment, no refunds, credits or accommodations will be made after that time.
Registration: EMDR BASIC COURSE - Florida CEUs: 40
Print this form and fax with credit card information to: 727-289-7860
Scan with credit card info and email to
Mail check payable to Roxanne Grobbel and mail to:
Nadya Sterghos, 1520 Jungle Ave N, St Petersburg, FL 33710
You will receive your confirmation by email
For more information contact Nadya Sterghos, Admin. Asst., 727-258-8445
I will be attending the EMDR Basic course on:
September14-18, 2017 in Boca Raton, FL- Cost $1395.00 early registration must be paid by 7/31/17, $1495 regular
Ten hours of group consultation must be completed by January 13, 2018
October 5-9, 2017 in Anchorage, Alaska- Cost $1595.00 only
Ten hours of group consultation must be completed by February 3, 2018
October 11-15, 2017 in Spokane, WA- Cost $1395.00 early registration must be paid by 9/1/17, $1495 regular
Ten hours of group consultation must be completed by February 7, 2018
October 26-30, 2017 in West Palm Bch, Florida, $1395.00 early registration must be paid by 9/11/17, $1495 regular
Ten hours of group consultation must be completed by February 24, 2018
November 2-6, 2017in St. Pete Beach, FL - Cost $1395.00 early registration must be paid by 9/18/17, $1495 regular
Ten hours of group consultation must be completed by March 3, 2018
December 7-11, 2017 inPittsburgh, Penn, $1395.00 early registration must be paid by 9/14/17, $1495 regular
Ten hours of group consultation must be completed by April 6, 2018
Email: ______Phone:______
Address: ______
______Zip Code ______License Number ______
Method of payment: Check
Visa/MC - Card Number______
Expiration date: ______Security code ______
Signature: ______
Please read Shapiro, F. (2001). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: Basic Principles, Protocols and Procedures. Guilford Press, NY, 2nd Edition prior to class.
This program is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please email us if special accommodations are required Roxanne Grobbel, JD, LCSW is an EC Provider #15005. Roxanne Grobbel is approved by Florida Board of Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists and Licensed Mental Health Counselors Provider #50-15073. The provider maintains responsibility for the program.
Cancellation and Refunds: Full amount may be refunded up until 30 days prior to commencement of the training. Due to the small size of the training and the time commitment, no refunds, credits or accommodations will be made after that time.
Eligibility Requirements for EMDR Training
Licensed Mental Health Professionals
• Qualifying Medical Doctors must have a medical specialty in Psychiatry and must also be licensed to practice in their state or province.
• Qualifying Nurses must have a Master of Science in Nursing (or higher) with a specialization in psychiatric nursing and must also be licensed to practice in their state or province.
• Qualifying Mental Health Clinicians must have a Master's or Doctoral degree in the mental health field (Counseling, Marriage Family Therapy, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, Social Work) or related mental health discipline considered appropriate by EMDRIA and must also be licensed to practice in their state or province.
• Mental Health Clinicians who have a Master's degree in one of the following fields must submit their graduate transcript to EMDRIA to determine their eligibility: Art Therapy, Christian/Pastoral Counseling, Drug/Alcohol Counseling, and Music Therapy. These clinicians will also need to submit a copy of their license to practice in their state or province in order to determine their eligibility.
Interns & Students
• Qualifying graduate students must be enrolled in a Master's or Doctoral program in the mental health field (Counseling, Marriage Family Therapy, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, Psychiatric Nursing, Social Work) or related mental health discipline considered appropriate by EMDRIA. Students must have completed their core graduate academic coursework and must be in the practicum/internship portion of their graduate program. First year graduate students are not eligible. Graduate students must be on a licensing track and working under the supervision of a fully licensed mental health clinician.
• Graduate students who are enrolled in a Master's program in one of the following fields must submit their graduate course transcript to EMDRIA to determine their eligibility: Art Therapy, Christian/Pastoral Counseling, Drug/Alcohol Counseling, and Music Therapy.
• Students who would like to take the basic training will need to submit the following documentation to determine eligibility for registering for an EMDRIA Approved Basic EMDR Training: graduate transcript, practicum or internship hours, curriculum vita, and a letter from their current supervisor which includes the supervisor's degree information, licensure information and license number.
R Grobbel, #15005