Advanced Placement (AP) Government and Politics: United States
Instructor: Mr. Mingee E-mail:
Welcome to AP US Government! The primary goal of this class is to develop your ability to think like a political scientist. As such, the first two assignments of the year will begin pointing you in that direction. These are not “summer assignments”; rather, they will be officially assigned the first day of class and by getting them in advance, you have the opportunity to work on them over the next few months instead of rushing through them while also working on other assignments for APUSG and your other classes.
Assignment #1: Define each of the terms on the attached sheet per the directions above the list. If you want to borrow a textbook to use to work on this assignment over the summer, you can check one out from me before school June 4, 5, 6, or 9. No textbooks will be issued/loaned out between June 10 and August 25!
Assignment #2: Complete the essay for the John F. Kennedy Profiles in Courage contest. This contest awards a scholarship and/or other prizes to the winners. You do not have to submit the essay to the contest, but you do have to complete the essay for class. For all of the guidelines and information about this essay contest, visit In addition to the contest rules, you may not choose a current or former United States president as your topic.
Both assignments are due no later than Wednesday, September 24at 8:20 AM. For this class, assignments are always accepted early, but no late work will be accepted! For the essay you are reminded to cite, both in-text and in a works cited page, all ideas – not just quotations – that are not your own, original thoughts. Failure to cite will result in appropriate disciplinary action per the Hampton City Schools’ Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.
A few other items of note as you prepare for this class:
-E-mail me ASAP to receive the password for the class website and some additional information about the class. This website will be updated periodically during the summer with information of use to you.
-Each of us brings political viewpoints and opinions to class and those opinions will be continually tested. There will be moments when you will have freedom to be partisan, but much of the time you will be asked to remain apolitical/analytical of information. Expect me to play “Devil’s Advocate” to all political viewpoints.
-In class, you will be expected to keep abreast of current events. Begin taking a regular look at the national news, especially in terms of the impact of decisions made by the government.
-During the first nine weeks, you will be assigned a political race in a state outside of Virginia to follow and report on to the class. It is strongly recommended that as part of following current events, you begin to familiarize yourself with major political figures throughout the United States.
-During the third nine weeks, you will read Larry Sabato’sA More Perfect Constitution: Why The Constitution Must Be Revised – Ideas to Inspire a New Generation. It is advisable to find the book early. You may want to check with students about to graduate to look for a deal!
-If you have any questions on this sheet or any class assignments, ask questions, but remember to ask them in advance of deadlines.