Name: ______Date: ______

8th grade Writing/ Ms. Robinson

A Grammar Battle with Ursula, the appositive phrase witch.

Directions: Stop Ursula, the appositive phrase witch, by underlining the appositve phrases in the battle and punctuating them correctly. Double check your work!

“It’s done,” Ursula cried. She picked up King Triton’s trident the key to the sea’s power and placed his crown on her head. A wave of power washed over her as her tentacles lively and deadly swished about the water. She let out a laugh evil and triumphant as the trident began to glow in her grasp.

“Now to deal with you loverboy,” Ursula said as she took aim at Eric the prince. Seeing this, Ariel swam with all her might to grab the trident from Ursula. Fortunately for her, just as Ursula was about to incinerate Eric, Ariel’s struggle caused Ursula to hit Flotsam and Jetsam Ursula’s henchmen.

Her poopsies a pet name given to her henchmen were reduced to dust as they slowly drifted to the bottom of the ocean. “You’ll pay for that,” Ursula now infuriated bellowed.

The dark blue waters of the ocean rapidly changed to an inky black. Eric and Ariel swam to the surface. Their breath of relief was short lived, when the tip of Ursula’s crown once belonging to King Triton shot up between the two of them. Realizing they were ontop of Ursula now of monstrous size they jumped into the water.

Ursula rose out of the sea, causing massive tidal waves and lightning as she waved about her trident. “The seas belong to me. The waves obey my every whim,” she howled.

Taking the trident now the lenghth of five ships Ursula drew a circle in the water around her. This created a tidal pool, forcing ships previously sunken to resurface. Ship after rotted ship encircled the large giant, giving Eric the soon-to-be-hero of our story an idea.

Eric grabbed onto one of the sunken ship’s ladders and climbed up the the bow. He raced to the helm a nautical term for steering wheel and took hold of the wheel. Timing it just right, Eric spun the wheel so that the ship was on a collision course for Ursula.

While this was going on, un-beknownst to Ursula, Ursula was trying to fry Ariel the little mermaid who’d proven to be more trouble than she was worth. “You poor, pitiful fool. Thinking you could defeat me.” She brought the trident overhead, took aim at the memaid, and felt a puncture in her stomach just as she was about to fire.

Eric who’d comandeered a vessle had steered the ship into Ursula, causing her to scream, explode, and dissapear in the water. The last that was seen of Ursula was her tetacles, wrestling to stay above the surface.