Developing a CAUTI Coaching Call Agenda: Templates to Help Org Leads Get Started

To help Org Leads initiate CAUTI coaching calls, a generic template is included below, that may be used as a starting point for developing a CAUTI coaching call agenda


1 / Welcome/Ground Rules-Attendance Expectations/Introductions / Org Lead / 2 minutes
2 / Roll Call/ Attendance / Org Lead / 3 minutes
3 / Data Update:
·  Q&A about data collection and CDS entry
·  Data submission rate for the group, plans for follow-up
·  Outcome Data – pull reports from
a.  Daily # Residents with Catheter
b.  Daily # Residents
c.  Weekly # Residents with CAUTIs
·  Process Data
a.  Skills Questionnaire (completed at each of the three in-person meetings)
b.  Facility training module compliance
·  Culture Data
a.  Facility Demographics
b.  Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture
·  Feedback from Project Evaluations
Note to Org Leads: For Process/Culture/and Evaluations, go to your individual dashboard on the ltc website, and discuss with facility lead. Facility leads do not have access to the dashboards / Org Lead / 10 minutes
4 / Team Progress Update:
A.  Q&A about team formation and responsibilities
B.  Team formation/dynamics, Senior Executive and Physician Champion and frontline staff identified and how involved
C.  Resident Safety Culture changes (T.E.A.M.S. Bundle)
D.  CAUTI Reduction Activities (C.A.U.T.I. Bundle) / Org Lead
(invite teams to share progress or barriers to date; consider identifying team members prior to call and asking them to present) / 20 minutes
5 / Questions from Teams / Org Lead/Faculty on ad hoc basis / 20 minutes
6 / “Homework”/Upcoming Data Entry Deadlines/Announcements / Org Lead / 5 minutes

On the next three pages, this sample agenda is expanded with content suggestions for the first three monthly coaching calls. The content is tailored to be “just-in-time” teaching/reminders to coincide with where teams are expected to be, month- by- month, for the first three months of their project implementation.

These samples are only intended to be a starting place for Org Leads, and should be modified as the Org Lead sees fit, to reflect local wisdom, experience and expertise of facility teams, and any local issues.

CAUTI Coaching Call Agenda: Sample Agenda, Coaching Call Month #1

1 / Welcome/Ground Rules/Introductions
·  Welcome and thank teams for joining the call
·  Explain purpose of coaching call
·  Remind teams that the call is being recorded, to mute themselves, and un-mute phones to speak
·  Introduce any speakers or faculty on call / Org Lead / 2 minutes
2 / Roll Call/ Attendance
·  Most efficient method: read expected list of teams and ask if they are present on the call
·  Ask the team to share something brief during attendance example – Share your role in this work / Org Lead / 3 minutes
3 / Data Update:
·  Q&A about data collection and CDS entry
·  Data submission rate for the group, plans for follow-up
a.  Review outcome and process measures, discuss data collection schedule; Does everyone have a process in place to collect all three data measures?
·  Outcome Data – pull reports from
a.  Daily # Residents with Catheter
b.  Daily # Residents
c.  Weekly # Residents with CAUTIs
·  Process Data
a.  Skills Questionnaire (completed at each of the three in-person meetings)
b.  Facility training module compliance
·  Culture Data
a.  Facility Demographics - Briefly mention the Facility Demographics and that it should have been completed. High level results from this assessment will be presented on the next call.
b.  Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture - Review where they are in the process; during the first call they should have just taken the Nursing Home Safety Culture Survey for the first time
·  Discuss feedback from Content Webinar Evaluations
a.  pull reports from ltcsafety starting after Coaching Call #3
·  Note: If you need a refresher on data information, please access webinar #3, Data collection schedule questions, NHSN Issues, etc.. should be referred to or . Questions about CDS, please refer to ) / Org Lead / 10 minutes
4 / Team Progress Update:
A.  Team formation/dynamics
Have teams formed? Do they have at least three people? Is the team meeting monthly?
B.  Resident Safety Activities (T.E.A.M.S. Bundle)
Did they attend or watch Onboarding Webinar #5 “Enhancing Your Resident Safety”? Have they done the Staff Safety Assessment Exercise? If not, download the assessment, have them complete it, and bring it to the next Coaching Call. Ask what safety issues were identified from reviewing the completed forms? What safety issues do they need to work on? What are the next steps? / Org Lead
(invite teams to share progress/barriers to date) / 20 minutes
5 / Questions from State Teams/Content Issues
·  Invite questions from teams about Resident Safety and CAUTI;
·  Ask for suggestions for content to be discussed on next month’s calls / Org Lead/Faculty on ad hoc basis / 20 minutes
6 / “Homework”/Upcoming Deadlines/Announcements
·  Review data submission deadlines
o  Weekly outcomes submission
NH safety culture survey due June 30th
Facility Demographics and Skills Questionnaire due (May 30th for Cohort 1)
·  Review dates for upcoming national calls, if any
Cohort 1, the 3rd Thursday of every 1 month, 11:00 am CT
·  “Homework” for next call:
A.  Set a monthly team meeting time
B.  Invite Administrative Champion and Physician Champion to start rounding
C.  Identify one potential safety concern at next team meeting
D.  Start or continue CAUTI education/outreach to staff / Org Lead / 5 minutes

CAUTI Coaching Call Agenda: Sample Agenda, Coaching Call Month #2

1 / Welcome/Ground Rules/Introductions
·  Welcome and thank teams for joining the call
·  Explain purpose of call
·  Remind teams that the call is being recorded, to mute themselves, and un-mute phones to speak
·  Introduce any speakers or faculty on call / Org Lead / 2 minutes
2 / Roll Call/ Attendance
·  Most efficient method: read expected list of teams and ask if they are present on the call
·  Ask the team to share something brief during attendance; example – One barrier to success so far in the project / Org Lead / 3 minutes
3 / Data Update:
·  Q&A about data collection and CDS entry
·  Data submission rate for the group, plans for follow-up
a.  Review submission rates for data that is due so far
·  Outcome Data – pull reports from
a.  Review current prevalence and CAUTI rates trends; ask teams for comments/reaction to trends
·  Process Data
a.  Review indicator appropriateness data and prevalence
Ask teams for comments/discussion;
·  Culture Data
a.  Facility Demographics - Briefly discuss general trends from Facility Demographics data
·  Other?
Ask about any data entry or CAUTI identification issues / Org Lead / 10 minutes
4 / Team Progress Update:
A.  Team formation/dynamics
Any team issues? Is the team meeting monthly?
B.  Resident Safety Activities (T.E.A.M.S. Bundle)
What problems did the Staff Safety Assessment uncover? Have they prioritized a Safety Issue? Introduce the Learn from Defects form.
C.  CAUTI Reduction Activities (C.A.U.T.I. Bundle)
Has staff been educated about the project/NHSN definition?
Has team developed a daily process to evaluate catheter indication and prompt removal? / Org Lead
(invite teams to share progress/barriers to date) / 20 minutes
5 / Questions from State Teams/Content Issues
·  Invite questions from teams about Resident Safety , CAUTI and/or that month’s national call
·  Technical questions can be directed to your faculty coach, and HRET advisors
·  Ask for suggestions for content to be discussed on next month’s call / Org Lead/Faculty on ad hoc basis / 20 minutes
6 / “Homework”/Upcoming Deadlines/Announcements
·  Review data collection/submission deadlines
·  Review dates for upcoming national calls, if any
·  “Homework” for next call:
A.  Review your data with your team and Senior Executive
B.  Continue education about HICPAC guidelines catheter indications
C.  Do the “Learning from Defects Exercise”
D.  Review your data with your leadership before sharing with the team
E.  Share and analyze trends with the entire team, and make an action plan for next steps / Org Lead / 5 minutes

CAUTI Coaching Call Agenda: Sample Agenda, Coaching Call Month #3

1 / Welcome/Ground Rules/Introductions
·  Welcome and thank teams for joining the call
·  Explain purpose of the call
·  Remind teams not to put their phones on hold, and un-mute phones to speak
·  Introduce any speakers or faculty on call / Org Lead / 2 minutes
2 / Roll Call/ Attendance
·  Most efficient method: read expected list of teams and ask if they are present on the call
·  Ask the team to share something brief during attendance; example – Share a success you have had recently / Org Lead / 3 minutes
3 / Data Update:
·  Q&A about data collection and CDS entry
·  Data submission rate for the group
a.  Review submission rates for data
·  Outcome Data – pull reports from
a.  Review current prevalence and CAUTI rates trends; ask teams for comments/reaction to trends;
·  Process Data
a.  Review indicator appropriateness data and prevalence; ask teams for comments/discussion;
·  Culture Data
a.  Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture
·  Feedback from Project Evaluations
a.  Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety – Baseline Results
Briefly discuss that teams should have received their baseline results of their Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety in July; encourage participation on August 21st Content Webinar on how to interpret and use those results.
·  Other?
a.  Ask about any data entry or CAUTI identification issues / Org Lead / 10 minutes
4 / Team Progress Update:
A.  Team formation/dynamics
Any team issues? Is the team meeting regularly?
B.  Resident Safety Activities (T.E.A.M.S. Bundle)
How did the Learn from Defects Exercise go? Did they share results with staff/leadership?
C.  CAUTI Reduction Activities (C.A.U.T.I. Bundle)
How is daily rounding for catheter prevalence and appropriateness going?
Can they describe their process/results for contacting physicians regarding / Org Lead
(invite teams to share progress/barriers to date) / 20 minutes
5 / Questions from State Teams/Content Issues
·  Invite questions from teams about Resident Safety, CAUTI and/or that month’s national call
·  Ask for suggestions for content to be discussed on next month’s calls / Org Lead/Faculty on ad hoc basis / 20 minutes
6 / “Homework”/Upcoming Deadlines/Announcements
·  Review data collection and submission deadlines
·  Review dates for upcoming national calls, if any
·  “Homework” for next call:
A.  Continue to review your data with your team/ Sr. Exec
B.  Continue education about NHSN definition for CAUTI
C.  Revisit your Facility Action Plan and check your progress
D.  Share project success with all staff and leadership / Org Lead / 5 minutes

AHRQ Safety Program for Long-Term Care: CAUTI June. 2014