KVCC 2020 - Strategic Planning Committee

Aide-Mémoire September 14, 2015

The Strategic Planning Web Site is now live:

WHO: Attendees were: Kathy Englehart, Karen Normandin,Kevin Casey, Michelle Webb, Flora Stack, Lisa Black, Steve Knight, Dr. Hopper, Karen Glew, Christy Johnson, Jon Connolly, Susanna Liller

MEETING PURPOSE: Planning for the Action Planning Phase of Strategic Planning


  • Debrief of September 2 Visioning Process
  • Coordination of an October 20th Vision Process for KVCC Community Partners
  • Scheduling an Introduction / Review of System Strategic Plan with Derek Langhauser
  • A Process for Creating Action Plans


The overall feeling of the SPC was that people were pleased with the process. (No negatives were heard.) People were engaged; had an opportunity to be heard; and all comments had equal weight. They are interested now to see actions as a result of the idea sharing on September 2nd.


Dr. Hopper is working with Derek Langhauser to schedule a time for him to come to the college and share the MCCS Strategic Plan. The Strategic Planning Committee will need to ensure the KVCC Plan and the System Plan are in sync.


It was agreed that an event should be held for the KVCC Community Partners, including the Board, Chamber, Local and State Representatives, the Mayor, High School Guidance Counselors and Principles, the Academic Advisory Committee and Alumni. The purpose of the event is to provide an update on the state of the college (perhaps clearing up some misperceptions); elicit their ideas for KVCC’s future and, in general, to use it as an opportunity for community and college engagement.

Michelle Webb agreed to take the lead for the event. Tasks assigned:

  • Michelle will send out invitations with R.S.V.P.s
  • Karen N. will book the lecture hall and classrooms
  • Monica and Michelle will order dinner (estimate - 20-60 people)
  • Karen N. and Kathy E. will gather supplies: black pens, stickies, dots, category titles
  • Susanna will bring white paper for the groups
  • Susanna will facilitate
  • Susanna will develop an agenda. The session will run from 4:30-7:00 and include an Update from President Hopper; a SWOT Analysis and the Visioning Exercise.
  • SPC members will facilitate as they did on Sept. 2


The group is ready to beginning developing action plans for the top priority categories identified in the September 2 session:

  • Academic Programs
  • Campus Life
  • Human Resources
  • Plus the B & I category (still to be documented)

Karen Glew provided the group with the documentation of the ideas(stickies) in the first three categories. She will work to document all the categories by September 28th. Karen has also identified sub-categories in the top three categories and has cross-referenced related ideas that were placed in other categories.

Karen noted that all the data, including the upcoming October 2 student and the October 20 community events will be complete by October 31. All the data is needed to make the final decision on what categories will be in the plan and therefore have action plans. However, the SPC felt they could begin with the categories from September 2, as noted above, and add any categories if they surface fromthe other two visioning events.

Members of the SPC chose which category action plan they wanted to work on. (People who were absent were also assigned.):

  • Academic Programs: Marge, Kathy, Steve and Marcia
  • Campus Life: Lisa, Karen, Christy and Flora
  • Human Resources: Diane and Betsy
  • B & I: Flora, Marge and Elizabeth

Susanna will provide a template for the action plans which can be edited as needed by the SPC. Chairs will be selected and will meet to coordinate how the action planning process will work.

Dr. Hopper discussed the need to have indicators and measures to be able to gauge success when implementing the plan.Objectives within each category will need to be developed with consideration to the agreed-upon indicators. Dr. Hopper will have lunchtime forums at each campus to share his views on the indicators that need to be part of developing the action plans. (Note: I’ve included an article with these minutes from PennsylvaniaStateUniversity on Developing Strategic Performance Indicators. It also discusses SMART Goals. My template uses the word Objective instead of Goal).

Dr. Hopper will also ask people to volunteer to be on the Action Planning Committees during the lunchtime forums.


  • There will be a community partner visioning event on October 20th, 4:30-7:00.
  • Action Planning Committees will begin work this month.


The SPC will meet again with Susanna to assess how the plan is coming along on December 17th from 3-5:00. Monica has already scheduled this meeting in the Frye Conference Room.