NET 481 Project Management


Due Date Week 12

1.  The total length of the report should be between MINIMUM 1000 words (4 pages) – MAXIMUM 1500 words (6 pages).

2.  Use Times New Roman font, size 12

3.  Use single space format, 1 inch margin all around, your names and ids in the footer, topic name in the header

4.  References in APA style you should include minimum 5 references vary between (Books, eBooks, articles and website) NOTE: the only allowed website is PMI.

5.  You need to submit one hard copy of the report and a soft copy

The report must have:

1)  A cover page with your details and the title for your project -0.5 mark

2)  Correct format of the report -1 mark

3)  An Abstract (not more than 1 page) 2 marks

4)  Contents -0.5 mark

5)  Introduction + the topic, its importance, structure of the rest of the report 2 marks

6)  Detailed description of the topic, with full citations and referencing 4 marks

7)  Conclusions 1 mark

8)  References in APA style 1 mark

9)  Appendices as necessary (incl. Presentation slides) (no separate marks)

Total 10 marks

Note carefully the negative marks for the cover page, the correct format and Contents. They will be applied for non-observance, i.e. there will be no additional marks for the correctly laid out title page, correct format and contents. On the other hand, if these items are not properly presented, marks will be deducted.

In marking your report, I'll give attention to the following points.

·  The contents are relevant, scholarly, properly cited and argued.

·  The report is professionally prepared and presented.

·  The report adheres to the guidelines above faithfully.

·  Language is appropriate and grammatical.

Be sure to submit:

1.  Assignment report (5 marks)

2.  Presentation (3 marks)

3.  Communication plan (2 marks)

Afnan Albahli