Name:Robert Mitts / Woodland Hills High School / Content Area:
Life Skills - Reading
Date:10/7/13-10/11/13 / Lesson Plans
Edline was updated this week:
My class website was updated this week:
/ Length of Lesson:45 Minutes Periods 3
Stage I – Desired Results
Lesson Topic (Standard/Anchor):
R11.A.1&2.2 Identify and apply word recignition
R11.AA.1&2.2 Identify and apply word recognition
skills, including: scanning, matching, demonstrating
phonemic awareness, naming, reading.
R11.AA.1&2.2a (LA) Scans materials
R11.AA.1&2.2b (LA) Matches identical pictures
or photographs
R11.AA.1&2.2a (LB) Selects word names
R11.AA.1&2.2b (LB) Reads words in isolation
R11.AA.1&2.2c (LB) Reads word in context
R11.AA.1&2.2 (LC) Reads 30-50 words aloud
R11.A.1&2.4 Identify and explain main ideas and
relevant details.
R11.AA.1&2.4 Identify and explain the main ideas
and relevant details, inclusing: answering literal
comprehension questions, sequencing events.
R11.AA.1&2.4 (LA) Answers literal questions:
what, who, where
R11.AA.1&2.4a (LB) Answers literal questions:
what, who, where, when, why questions -- open-
ended response
R11.AA.1&2.4a (LC) Answers literal "when"
question - reading comprehension
R11.AA.1&2.4b (LC) Answers literal "why"
question - reading comprehension
R11.AA.1&2.4c (LC) Answers literal "how"
question - reading comprehension
R11.AA.1&2.5a (LC) Describes 4 events from
narrative text
R11.AA.1&2.5b (LC) Name 4 facts from
expository text / Big Ideas:
-Reading for Comprehension
- Reading fluency
- Editing
- Writing / Understanding Goals (Concepts):
-Reading for Understanding/Comprehension
- Increase the amount of words identified (Fluency)
- Punctuating a sentence correctly, capital letters, spelling, quotation marks
Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes):
Students will be able to:
  • read for comprehension
  • read to increase fluency
/ Essential Questions:
-Why do people read? / Vocabulary:sight words, comprehension, fluency, punctuation, capitalize, quotation
Stage II – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task:
-use context clues to comprehend and correctly answer comprehension questions
-read for fluency / Other Evidence:
-student work samples
-verbal responses
Stage III – Learning Plan
Materials & Resources:reading sheets, leveled readings
CONTENT AREA READING: Throughout lessons / Formative Assessment(s):
#1. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersExit TicketsSummarizing Main IdeasPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsThink-Pair-ShareThumbs UpResponse CardsBrief in Class Writing PrompPortfolios
#2. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersExit TicketsSummarizing Main IdeasPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsThink-Pair-ShareThumbs UpResponse CardsBrief in Class Writing PrompPortfolios
#3. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersExit TicketsSummarizing Main IdeasPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsThink-Pair-ShareThumbs UpResponse CardsBrief in Class Writing PrompPortfolios
Instructional Procedures*: (includes mini-lessons)-active engagement, explicit instruction, modeling, scaffolding
Active Engagements used:
#1. Choose Active EngagementsNote-TakingGraphic OrganizersSummarizingHigher Level Thinking SkillsCooperative EducationPartneringWhole Class ResponseThink-Pair-ShareCompare & ContrastRandom Reporter
#2. Choose Active EngagementsNote-TakingGraphic OrganizersSummarizingHigher Level Thinking SkillsCooperative EducationPartneringWhole Class ResponseThink-Pair-ShareCompare & ContrastRandom Reporter
Describe usage:
-at beginning, during, and after lessons / Scaffolding used:
#1. Choose Technique:Graphic OrganizersGuided NotesBuild VocabularyBuild on Prior KnowledgeChunkingProvide Visual SupportTeacher PrompingK-W-L
#2 . Choose Technique:Graphic OrganizersGuided NotesBuild VocabularyBuild on Prior KnowledgeChunkingProvide Visual SupportTeacher PrompingK-W-L
Describe usage:
-throughout lessons
Procedures / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
10/7/13 / DayA / 10/8/13 / DayB / 10/9/12 / DayA / 10/10/13 / DayB / 10/11/13 / DayA
  • Small Group Readings & Then asnwer questions at end of the chapter for "Money Hungry"
  • If time, Discuss Vocabulary *Word: caustic *Write a sentence using the word correctly in journal.
  • Finish reading small group story/answering questions from previous day
  • Proofreading Practice - Bottom of Page 13
  • Discuss Vocabulary *Word:adoration *Write a sentence using the word correctly in journal.
  • Small Group Readings & Then answer questions at end of the chapter for "Money Hungry
  • Individual/Independent Work
  • If finished before others, free read
  • Discuss Vocabulary *Word:apathetic *Write a sentence using the word correctly in journal.
  • Adapted P.E. until 8:15 am
  • Talk Through Your Pencil Writing in Journal and then share writing with class
  • Discuss Vocabulary *Word:defiant *Write a sentence using the word correctly in journal.
  • Small Group Readings & Then asnwer questions at end of the chapter for "Money Hungry"
  • Discuss Vocabulary *Word: Antiquated *Write a sentence using the word correctly in journal.

Assignments /
  • See Above
  • See Above
  • See Above
  • See Above
  • See Above

* Include Active Engagement, Explicit Instruction, Metacognition, Modeling, & Scaffolding