Civics and Economics Course Syllabus
Teacher: Ms. Chatos
Room: 328
E-mail Address:
Welcome to 8th grade Social Studies! I hope you had a great summer and are excited about your last year at HHMS. This course will lay the foundation for a study of civics and government in the high school as well as create young people who are knowledgeable about the work of government going on around them. This class is project oriented, so prepare to be active and creative in class!! I’m looking forward to a productive year as we work together. Parent contact and involvement is very important to me. If at any time you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me. I check my email several times a day. Parents are encouraged to monitor student progress. Progress reports will be issued at the midpoint of each nine weeks and will be required to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned. All graded assignments will be kept in your child’s Civics binder. Please review the binder frequently with your child.
- Be Courteous/Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Always be Prepared. Bring all materials to class each day (pencils, agenda, 3-ring binder, black/blue pen, textbook, workbook, AR book, index cards, and homework).
- Put forth good effort
I do not believe in giving students zeros. I will do everything in my power to make sure that does not happen. I will keep students after school for detention, or students may lose time during lunch if they do not turn in homework or classwork. In other words: MAKE SURE YOU DO YOUR WORKANDHAND IT IN ON TIME! Your child should be studying every night. There will be a quiz every Friday.
I will assign a civics textbook and workbook to the students. However, it is important that students keep an organized binder of notes that will serve as their study guides for all tests including the SOL test given in May. Students are to cover their textbook. It can be covered with a paper bag or a book sock.
Each student is issued an agenda. This agenda needs to be brought to class every day. The students are expected to record their homework and project due dates. The agenda also serves as their hall pass.
The Civics’ Moodle site will be extremely important to you throughout this course. You will find all the information about the SOL and what we are studying. You should know day-to-day what your child is working on. The Moodle is accessed through
Civics and Economics Course Syllabus
I want to thank you ahead of time for taking an active role in your child’s education.
Please read this syllabus carefully with your child and sign below to indicate that you have read it. Please return this to Ms. Chatos by Friday, September 7, 2012.
Student Signature ______
Parent Signature ______
Parent Email: ______