Delegates Meeting June 30, 2015 at Gander Mountain, Geneva, IL
Members present: Greg Warwick, Andy Vella, Adam Kuhn, Roland Nice, John Rems, Bob Van Overmeiren, Dave Braden, Ken Eckerele, Bruce Vogrinc, Jose Elizalde
Meeting called to order at 7:10pm by Greg Warwick. Greg stated that we need to discuss and develop a young bird schedule due to avian influenza. Iowa and Missouri will not allow birds to be transported or released within their state boundaries. We need to work together to make decisions that will be for the good of the organization. Since this is an unusual situation, we need to make sure that our members understand why this is happening. We will only fly in Illinois.
The Morris club presented a young bird schedule that started with Decatur, IL (100); Vandalia, IL (150); Mt. Vernon, IL (200); Marion,IL (250) and Cario, IL (300). The discussion involved the impact with 20th Century, Elgin and NIX. The impact would be great in the first few races. Decatur (100) for NIX would be 179 miles; Vandalia (150) would be 237 miles. Similar issues with 20th Century.
Adam Kuhn brought up a motion to fly north through Wisconsin. After some discussion, there was no second, and the motion died.
Andy Vella brought in a YB race schedule that Harry Stewart wanted presented at the meeting. The schedule included 11 races. The order of these races is: 100, 150, 150, 200, 150, 300 LOLF, 150, 300,200, 150, 350 Classic. Roland Nice seconded this motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
Delegates then proceeded to identify the race stations with maps and GPS readings. After much discussion, the following stations were identified. 100 - Geneseo; 150 -Monmouth, IL; 200 -Hull, IL; 300 - Marion, IL; and 350 - Anna, IL. Motion was made by John Rems and seconded by Don Hajek to accept these race stations. All in favor. Motion passed.
The young bird weather committee was selected. These members are Greg Warwick, Harry Stewart and John Rems.
Motion by Dave Braden to send a sympathy card together with $50 to Chuck Mazio who lost his wife in June. Andy Kuhn seconded this motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
Dave Braden brought the issue on the three missing Kenosha club baskets. Please check your clubs and get back to Dave if you find these baskets.
Next delegate meeting to finalize the young bird schedule and other outstanding issues, will be held at Gander Mountain, 7:00pm on July 21st.
Motion to close the meeting by John Rems and seconded by Adam Kuhn. All in favor. Meeting closed at 8:25pm.