General Meeting
Wednesday September 10, 2008
Greely Community Centre
1448 Meadow Dr – 821-1010
Gill TollBarry Duchene
Shelagh HeatlieLori Erling
Bruce Braymore
Chick Bidgood
- Gill Toll welcomed all. Gill is the new president of the GCA. Shelagh Heatlie remains as secretary and Wayne Ragoobir remains as Treasurer.
- City of Ottawa volunteer awards: Will Ney, Micheline Ney, Barry Duchene. Congratulations and thank you for your work on behalf of the GCA.
- Gill Toll introduced her Directions and projects for the year.
- The GCA agreed to solicit speakers to present for 20 – 30 minutes at each general meeting on topics of importance to the community such as by-laws, fire, policing etc.
- Barry will continue to try and obtain funding for the well at the Greely Community Centre. In addition to the well, Barry will contact the City (Lynne) about electrical hook up and a surface pump with which to flood the ice surfaces. Another bunker should be installed to protect the well head, pump and hoses. We have received the bunker for storage of the snow blower and other equipment for the ice surfaces.
- Gill will contact Brooke Denis about marketing the GCA (increase membership and community involvement) and completing the map of Greely.
- Gill Toll reported that Will Ney has volunteered, ina personalcapacity, to be on the Transit Tunnel Consultations for the FCA (Federation of Citizens' Associations of Ottawa-Carleton). Will had also suggested that he could be the Greely Community Association representative at those meetings. This would require GCA to join the FCA. It was decided to defer that decision until a later date. It appears that the GCA will need to join and pay a members fee. The Federation of Community Association also works with the Development of Ottawa Tourism (DOT). The GCA will discuss our involvement with the DOT at the next meeting.
- Web site-the web site needs to be updated for Canada Day to thank the sponsors. Gill will request that Will Ney provide information on the costs and allowance for the web site maintenance and seek a volunteer who will manage the site on behalf of the GCA.
- The GCA will seek out additional volunteers to work with Micheline Ney for Canada Day and Will Ney for Winter Carnival to assist and learn how to organize these events. The steps need to be documented and put on file with the GCA.
- Shelagh Heatlie as secretary will send out an email the week before the meeting to remind everyone of the next meeting. Shelagh will also send out the agenda the Monday before the meeting to everyone on the email list, and to Florence Moffatt/Doug Thompson.
- The President of the GCA will email Florence Moffatt(Doug Thompson’s assistant) the week before the meeting to ask her to put our meeting in Doug’s newsletter and invite her and or Doug to attend the meeting.
- The next meeting will be October 8, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at the Greely Community Centre.
Suggested speakers at the meetings:
Fire fighters – what we should have in our homes, stuff to look out for what their role in the community is (other than putting out fires). What is a volunteer Fire Fighting designation as opposed to City officer? Meeting at their hall – as per Barry’s suggestions.
By-law officer – by-laws of significant interest to us.
By-laws – new ones that we might not be aware of. Amalgamation is bringing by-laws into line – what could be the impact on residents?
Also, some that may be of interest:
- hunting
- fencing/boundary issues
- ATVs/snowmobiling/dirt bikes
- burn permits.
Emergency Plan person – we don’t have an emergency plan for Greely.
Community Police Issues
Constable Jennifer Finniss.
Cheryl McWilliams – what’s on the plans in Greely (Doug’s suggestion from June Meeting.
Septic maintenance
Well water issues
Water availability
Preservation of streams, run off, clearing/riparian.
Public Health – how to use it, access to its service
Barbara O’Brien-Litten