328 April 2002

Center for Imaging Science

College of Science


Students will have the opportunity for additional study in Imaging Science, in order to build a secondary area of expertise in support of their program or other areas of interest.


A student must be matriculated in a baccalaureate program and must have successfully completed (or be enrolled in) the following courses to be eligible to begin coursework toward an Imaging Science Minor:

1017-311/2/3University Physics I/II/III

1016-251/2/3Calculus I/II/III

4002-208Intro to Programming (or equivalent)


Many Imaging Science courses have additional prerequisites (see below), and students should consult the course catalog and the CIS Undergraduate Coordinator for further information.


A student must successfully complete a minimum of 20 quarter credit hours from the listings below, maintaining a minimum GPA of 2.0 among these courses. At least 12 of the quarter credit hours must be for courses not required by the students home program and must be completed in residency at RIT. These 12 quarter credit hours must be selected from the "Imaging Science Components" list below. At least two of these courses must be 400 level or above. The remaining 8 quarter credit hours can come either from the "Imaging Science Components" list or from thematically related "Non-Imaging Science Components" (see examples, below).

It is recommended (but not required) that students in pursuit of a minor in Imaging Science take the Introduction to Imaging Science (202/203) sequence as part of the 20 quarter credit hour requirement.

Non-Imaging Science Components (up to 8 credits)

CourseTitle (credit hrs)Prerequisites

1017-314Modern Physics (4)1016-305,1017-313

1016-331Matrix Algebra (4)1016-305/6

1016-351/352Prob & Stats I/II (4/4)1016-351

3010-440Software Architecture (4)4010-362

(other courses may be accepted based on the mutual consent of student's home department and Imaging Science)

Imaging Science Components (at least 12 credits)

CourseTitle (credit hrs)PrerequisitesQtr

1051-202/203Intro Imaging Science I, II (3/3+1)noneW/S

1051-231/232Imaging Systems Lab I, II (2/2)1051-203,1016-253W/S

1051-303Optics for Imaging (4)1051-231S

1051-313Interaction Between Light & Matter (4)1017-314,1011-213W

1051-400Vision & Psychophysics (3)1051-303W

1051-401Radiometry (4)1016-306,1017-313S

1051-402/3Colorimetry/Tone & Color (3/4)1051-400/1F/W

1051-461/2Digital Image Processing I/II (4/4)1016-305F/W

1051-528Design & Fabrication of CCD Camera (4)senior statusW

(other 400+ level courses in Imaging Science may be selected for inclusion in a minor with the consent of the CIS Undergraduate Coordinator and the course instructor)

The following are sample Imaging Science Minor sequences (credits in parentheses). Courses in brackets are recommended but not required.

“Standard” Minor I

Year / Fall / Winter / Spring
2nd / [202 (4)] / [203 (4)]
3rd / 313 (4)
4th / 461 (4) / 401 (4)

Total eligible Imaging Science credits: 12 [20]

“Standard” Minor II

Year / Fall / Winter / Spring
2nd / [202 (4)] / [203 (4)]
3rd / 231 (2) / 232 (2), 303 (4)
4th / 461 (4) / 401 (4)

Total eligible Imaging Science credits: 16 [24]

Minor w/ Digital Image Processing emphasis

Year / Fall / Winter / Spring
2nd / [202 (4)] / [203 (4)]
3rd / 231 (2) / 232 (2), 303 (4)
4th / 461 (4) / 462 (4)

Total eligible Imaging Science credits: 16 [24] (NOTE: 313 in W could be substituted for 303 in S)

Minor w/ Vision & Color emphasis

Year / Fall / Winter / Spring
1st / [202 (4)] / [203 (4)]
2nd / 231 (2) / 232(2), 303 (4)
3rd / 400 (3) / 401 (4)
4th / 402 (3) / [403 (4)]

Total eligible Imaging Science credits: 18 [30]

Minor w/ Electrooptics emphasis

Year / Fall / Winter / Spring
2nd / [202 (4)] / [203 (4)]
3rd / 231 (2) / 232(2), 303 (4)
4th / 528 (4) / 401 (4)

Total eligible Imaging Science credits: 16 [24]