Curriculum Vitae

Dr.Haitham Kurbaj

Personal Informations : /

Qualifications & certificates : / ·  Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Sciences (Aquaculture), from Hungarian Academy Of Sciences (May 1991) .
·  M.Sc. degree in Agricultural Sciences (Fish breeding), from Dept. tropical and subtropical Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Godollo university, Hungary (August,1988) .
·  P.G. Diploma degree with very good average in Animal Production, from Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University, Damascus, SYRIA (1981).
·  B.Sc. degree with good average in Agricultural Engineering, from Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University, SYRIA (1980) .
Foreign Languages : / Arabic : Excellent .
English : Very Good .
Hungarian : Excellent .
Spanish : Very good .
Experience : / ·  Lecturer ( Associate Prof.) of Aquaculture at Animal Production Dept., Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University, Syria (Since May 1991 till now).
Courses teaching and Supervision: / 1)  Fish breeding for fourth year students .
2)  Fish breeding and aquaculture for fifth year students .
3)  Embryology for fourth year students .
4)  Animal breeding for third year students .
5)  Fundamental of Animal Production for second year students.
6)  Fish & Crustaceans (Advanced course for postgraduate MSc. students (in English) .
7)  Supervision on some graduating projects .
8)  Supervision on some postgraduate diploma researches .
9)  Supervision on M.Sc. Dissertation PhD .
Supervision on M.Sc. Dissertation & Ph.D. : / ·  Specific and quantitative composition study and Biogeographical distribution of fish in Khabour river drainage basin . M.Sc. Dissertation, Tishreen University 2003 .
·  A study of Natural Food and Food Selectivity of Common Carp ( Cyprinus carpio.L. ) and Grass Carp ( Ctenopharyngodonidella ) in Al-Rouj Fish Farm , M.Sc. Dissertation , Aleppo University 2004 .
·  A Study of specific and quantitative composition And natural feeding of fish in Al-hamrat lake . M.Sc. Dissertation , Aleppo University 2008 .
·  Water and soil dynamics related with biodiversity fish of Sabkhat Al Jabboul" M.Sc. Dissertation , Aleppo University 2008.
·  The influence of feeding methods on productivity of Chinese carp fingerlings, M.Sc. Dissertation Aleppo University,2008.
·  A Study of specific and quantitative composition And reproduction prosperities of Efrin basin . M.Sc. Dissertation , Aleppo University 2009.
·  Biology of reproductive feeding of Cartilaginous species Rhinobatose cemiculus & Mustelus mustelus In the Syrian marine water , PhD. Dissertation Tishreen University,2009.
·  Zooplankton communities and dynamic in Tishreen lake( Euophrates basin), M.Sc. Dissertation , Aleppo University 2009.
·  The Impact of Environmental Contaminates and A biotic factors in water and fish of Sabkhat Al Jabboul" PhD. Dissertation Aleppo University 2009 .
·  The influence of overwintering period on some production characters of common carp Cyprinus carpio.L. in cages. M.Sc. Dissertation , Aleppo University 2010.
·  The influence of pollution on productive and hygiene characteristic of common carp Cyprinus carpio.L in ponds receiving drainage water. M.Sc. Dissertation , Aleppo University 2010.
·  A genetical study of Euphrates fishes by using biotechnology to draw a DNA map. PhD.. Dissertation , Aleppo University 2010.
Published Researches: / ·  Biological and chemical structure of cyprinids fry rearing ponds under different conditions. Ph.D. dessertation. Budapest, Hungary (236 p.p) .
·  Kurbaj , H . and Rutkay,A . (1990) : A ponty eloneveles hidrobiologiai es technologiai tapasz-talatai.XIV . Halaszati Tudomanyos Tanacskozas, Szarvas. P.40 .
·  Kurbaj , H (1990) : Ponty es amur ivadek nevelesenek nehany tapasz-talatai.XIV . Halaszati Tudomanyos Tanacskozas, Szarvas. P.41-42.
·  Kurbaj , H (1990) : Biological investigation of wate water pond system . Revista.Unimar Margina Parma. Brasil.P.(49 – 62) .
·  Kurbaj , H (1990) : Comparison of the zooplankton of two fish ponds. Bull. Univ. Agri. Sci. Godollo.P.(33-39).
·  Kurbaj , H (1990) : A sziriai halaszat helyzete. Halaszat.P.(101-113) .
·  Kurbaj , H (1990) : the examination of plankton structure in mono and biculture fish ponds. Bull. Univ. Agri. Sci. Godollo.P.(40-49) .
·  Kurbaj , H (1990) : A halaszzat fejlesztesenek lehetosegei az arid teruleteken . Mezogazdasagi Tudomanyos Napok. 1990 nov. 15.CATE. Godollo (lecture) .
·  Kurbaj , H (1990) : Termeszetes vagy mesterseges teplalek ? Magyar Mezogagazdasag.45(38) P.(15-19).
·  Kurbaj , H (1989) : Possibilities of integrated agro-aquaculture farming in the African countries . Afican Conf.27.Aug-2.Szep.1989 CATE . Godollo P.(28-38).
·  Kurbaj , H (1988) : Hidrobiologiai modszerek halastavakban. Mezogazdasagi Tudomanyos Napok. 1988 dec.1.CATE. Godollo (poster).
·  Kurbaj , H (1988) : : Termeszetes taplalek hatasa a ponty ivadek nevelesere. Mezogazdasagi Tudomanyos Napok. 1988 dec.1.CATE. Godollo.P.(21-27).
·  Natural feeding of Shabut Barbus grypus(Heckel,1843) , from al-Assad lake, Research Journal of Alepoo University.vol 51,2004.
·  Chemical and physical properties of water in the Khabour River and its fitness for fish resources development in Syria, albassel Research Journal of Engineering Sciences.vol 22,2005.
·  Quantitive and qualitive study of zooplankton Rotifera in common carp Cyprinus carpio L. and grass carop Ctenopharyngodon idella Valencies fingerlings rearing pond, Research Journal of Alepoo University.vol 61,2007.
·  A taxonomical contribution in the study of fish fauna from al-hamrat lake( Sabkhat aljabul) Aleppo-Syria, Research Journal of Alepoo University.vol 63,2007.
·  A classification study of zooplankton Cladocera Calmn in Common carp(Cyprinus carpio L.) and Grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idella Valnies) Fingerlings rearing ponds. Research Journal of Al-Bath University.vol 22,2008.
·  The feeding habits of fish fauna in Al Hamrat lake ( Sabkhat aljabul, Research Journal of Alepoo University.vol 67,2008.
·  Bioaccumulation of heavy metals of Silurus triostegus (Heckel,1843) in Sabkhat Aljabul, Research Journal of Alepoo University.vol 69,2009.
·  Bioaccumulation of heavy metals of Liza abu(Heckel,1843) in Sabkhat Aljabul, Research Journal of Alepoo University.vol 70,2010.
·  The influence of abiofactors on fishes of Sabkhat Aljabul, Research Journal of Alepoo University.vol 71,2010.
·  A study of microbial densities of Sabkhat Aljabul receiving waste water. Research Journal of Alepoo University.vol 72,2010.
Symposiums and Conferences : / ·  Participated in Symposium of “The Computer and Agricultural Sciences “with research titled (Utilization of programming Bio-Statistic in Fish production researches). Which held at Aleppo University, Faculty of Agriculture during the period from 23 – 25 September 2002, under sponsor of Minister of Agriculture and cooperating with Syrian Scientific computer society.
·  Participated in Sciences Conference 2002, with research titled “ Natural production in fish small ponds ” which held in Taez City, Yemen Republic, during October (11 – 13) /2002.
·  Participated in The first Egyptian – Syrian Conference of Agriculture and food in Arab world (the difficulties and future horizontal), at El-Minya university – Egypt, during the period from 8 – 11 December 2003, with research titled “A new resources of feed staff for fisheries”.
·  Participated in Symposium of “The First Symposium of Animal Production ”with research titled (The bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fish tissues on salt lakes ecosystem). Which held at Aleppo University, Faculty of Agriculture during the period from 21 – 23 November 2004.
·  Participated in Symposium of GEAR (German & Syrian Symposium) “with research titled (Effect of Pb on white-headed duck bird reproduction, on sabbkhat al-jabbul). Which held at Homs city (University Of Albaath), Faculty of Agriculture during the period from 11-16 September; 2005.
·  Participated in Symposium of salt lakes ecosystem with research titled (Biodivirsity& pollution on sabbkhat al- jabbul ) February 2007.
Computer skills : / ·  Dos & Windows : Excellent .
·  Office Programs : Excellent .
·  SAS software for data analysis : Very Good .
·  SAS program for data analysis : Very Good .
·  ADOBE PHOTOSHOP : Very Good .
·  Browsing the Internet : Excellent .
·  Printing And Scanning : Good .